Do Bot lives matter?

Not sure if there has been a topic about this, but it got me thinking, when you know someone now is a bot, do you still continue to play as normal? let them die on the hook? not bother going for them at the end game collapse? I very much still play my normal self and ways, I like to kinda run with my team, or with Mr Mushwin, shouting in my head "CHARGE!" like we gonna come and help, doesn't always work but it is fun. So is sort of wondering peoples thoughts on the bots?
I go for them, and I heal them. The person who DC’d may not care about bloodpoints, but I do.
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this is how you deal with bots
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If anything it's an extra body to distract attention from you, so might as well use it.
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Basically how I see it, but when it's endgame... I'm not gonna walk away from the exit gates to try to get a bot out. I'm completely ok with NOT risking everyone else for the sake of a bot.
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They really need to up their release rates of SAO abridged...
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I save them. But today one of the bots got beat to the hook by me and instead of helping me heal the survivor (another bot) they just teabagged us and left, lol.
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No I tunnel bots out quick as possible. Why would I let it fix gens? I don't feel bad for bot it's not human. I only have moral code for human survivors not to camp/tunnel unneccessarily which even then I don't always follow.
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As long as I'm not risking myself, I'll play as if they're a normal survivor. It can generally be beneficial to have another survivor (especially one that's going to mess up a lot) to serve as a distraction later in the game.
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god I wish. it's so good
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Depends on the match. If I think they will be useless I ignore them.
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It might not be a real player but it's better than nothing. It will try and do gens, heal me or others and even distract the killer for a bit. I wouldn't save a bot in end game but otherwise I'd play like it is a somewhat inexperienced player. Plus more BP for unhooking and healing it.
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From what I've seen, survivors are throwing matches by simply refusing to provide altruism to bots. They will leave bots to bleedout or die on hook, completely unwilling to spend time on them. It's the over exaggerated solo experience but 100% reinforced by a sabotaging self-interest.
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If I am honest, it took me a while to even figure out they became a bot, I never seemed to hear the noise and can be hard to look at things when busy etc, so for most of my games I very much just do as I normally do, it's sort of funny seeing bots t-bag. Though my t-bagging days are more of a tea bag for "" and also "thank you" just gernally finding the fun, can't remember last time I actually t-bagged a killer at the exit gates.
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Meanwhile my friend looped killer 10 minutes while bot was afraid to do gens.
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Still better than dead though
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I tunnel them out. If a survivor volunteers, he can safely farm the unhooks for respect points that may come handy at a later stage of the trial.
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Bots or not, your chances of escape are proportional to the number of teammates remaining alive, so I treat them much as I would a live player. And in some cases, the bot is better than the player they replaced.
If you let the bot die just because it's a bot, you're just hurting yourself.
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As a survivor, I find I still rescue/heal/etc. bots as they're still an asset to the team but my level of altruism is definitely lower. I won't take risks I might take if it was an actual player.
As a killer, they're literally the one time I give myself a pass to tunnel if they don't get away fast enough after being unhooked.
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Generally I figure another body for the killer to have to pay attention to is a good thing. I think it's funny how singularly focused they can be. I got stuck in a farming match the other day. One of the players quit early on. I don't particularly like farming matches either, but I figure I will just knock out gens and get out the door. I decided to remain injured because I had resilience equipped. Figured the speed boost would help me finish the gens quicker. The bot in the match followed me around and tried to heal me for a long time every time I paused for half a second. Would not stop. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing. He did help me with gens, but he wasn't giving up on healing me.
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half the teams are already full of bots before someone even dc. i see no reason not to help these bots so might as well
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They don't feel pity or remorse for you, neither should you feel any for them as well when you gut them or play as dirty as possible against them.
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teabagged by a bot?
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I know they're not real but I feel bad not trying to help them lol plus when the machines take over the world it'd be nice for the DBD AI program to be like 'this one looked out for me, she can live' 🤣
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I may have purposefully sandbagged a bot a few days ago... 😳 it wasn't just the killer chasing them but me and the other 2 survivors too! 🤣
I'm sure the bot was in good spirits and didn't report us all though... I hope...
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You'd be surprised by how the vedicitive little ****s can be. Tbagging and clicky clicks decently often....
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I had the funniest match. Two people DCd against a nurse so we got two bots. One was useless and couldn't last 5 seconds in chase so was taken out of the game asap, but the other one was cracked. She led the nurse on crazy long chases to the point where the nurse would give up. I would heal the bot asap because she was so good, and she'd take off and a short time later was back in chase. It was nuts. She outlasted me and the other guy and had zero hooks 🤣 I'm sure she got hatch too
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They are immune to mindgames due to built in wallhacks and have pixel perfect loop management to go with that wallhack (unless they go on a weird tangent with a flashlight for some reason - then they just completely fall apart), so it's usually not worth the time trying to catch them.
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I tend to farm them for points in any way possible
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Just like the bots blowing up nearly done gens and not picking us up because tr is barely there.
After I witnessed a healthy bot refusing to pick me up while i was tap away from being picked up I said eff em. They can rot like "altruistic" people who left them to me. No wonder they are similar.
And no wonder killers want us to help bots and trade our health states so they have faster matches for that sweet 500th w streak. No thanks. Work for it.
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I had a slugging Twins game earlier, and someone DCd rather than put up with it. Their bot sat on a gen across the map and soon three of us were down, and the bot left the gen after the recent down got hooked. Me and the other person were 99% on the ground, in between the bot and the hooked person, and the bot ran over us both to the hooked person 🤣🤣 they got downed. They're painful sometimes but they're definitely giving me a much needed laugh in some of my games
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100% no my friend would got hatch he run the killer all over the map and used all the pallets. The killer just ignored the bot completely.
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I think more people would rescue them if they got rid of the generic names so that we could see them as individuals:
- Megatron Thomas
- Cyborg Bennet
- Adamantium Francis
- Mechala Reid
- Elodie Roboto
- Vader Wong
- Feng Tin
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maybe it was a matter of which perks those survivors had? I think bots only have code to use about half of the perks, and I doubt that they'll change their entire strategy based on what perks they have equipped (i.e. know that they're the runner rather than knowing that they have a gen build and need to stay hidden).
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i save and heal bots unless it's egc then i leave them to die. because... i ain't risking my life for something that won't give a damn for it
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Iron claud-ette
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OMG! I have to live with you! lol Nerd!
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I went against a survivor who bugged out and DCed at the beginning of the game. Once the bot who replaced them was down and on death hook the other three teammates appeared and tried to take hits, flashlight save and sabo the hook even though they didn't do any of those things for the real players for the entire game, it was really funny and weirdly heartwarming. I would have totally spared the bot if it wasn't for the event tome challenge.
Other than this particular experience, usually survivors treat the bot like a normal (bad) teammate. As survivor I have been lucky enough to not get a bot teammate yet.
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Killers ignore bots because bots tend to ignore gens and lead the killer to the other teammates. If the killer hooks a bot it's usually because that person DC'd while being carried. I just let the bots die on hook, they aren't distracting the killer and they aren't helping me escape so I'm not wasting time off a gen to go save them.
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So far, my bot teammates have outlived us all, so I haven't been placed in the position of having to decide whether to rescue one in EGC. I'm not sure what the right thing to do is. On the one hand, the bot isn't real and it's robbing the killer of a kill for no reason. On the other hand, it's really hard not to anthropomorphize them and think of them as players, especially if they tried to be helpful and good. I'd feel bad walking away.
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Maybe, but there was a massive difference between the two bots. Both DCs were at the start of the game and one bot was hooked three times and gone in like a minute. The other bot was constantly engaged in chase and was the last man standing in the end, without having been hooked a single time. They also came to me for heals, whereas I had a bot in another game that would run away every time I tried to heal them.
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I'm not suggesting trading at the hook for the bot, but ignoring them only aids the killer. Like human players, I'm not expecting any support in return, but just their continued presence can reduce the focus on me.