Is it just me or the Singularity feels awful to play?

I've tried a few round with the killer.
Basically half of my experience is that my power is being denied by survivor's counter measures.
The other half wasn't much more interesting : I don't really enjoy using the pods.
I think I dislike it more than The Twins and The Artist. (Because it's power can be denied so easily.)
Feels terrible until you learn how to play him, just like the other high skill floor killers
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Yeah but devs seems to be monitoring.I told it trillions of times to make the emp to be on the person who uses it not in the others.
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He has to be difficult because his power would be really oppressive and annoying if it was easy to use.
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I doubt any amount of training will fix the EMP issue.
I'll monitor their monitoring. Until something is done, that killer will be yet-another-perk-source.
Difficult? I don't know. It feels clumsy and mostly useless (given I never had the opportunity to even go on overdrive thanks to the omnipresent EMP)
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I think they can change that speed malus when you TP on someone and break a pallet it seems huge, it's not much better than kicking the pallet so what's the point ? If surv hold w he can reach anything safely
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Yeah, beyond any skill issue the EMPs are gonna have to get looked at again.
Also, Hux's power is somewhat limited on most indoor maps, and Overclock opportunities can be rare, and its short duration makes it kind of a non factor most of the time.
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he just need some simple changes to make him better and smoother.
- Emp crates stop passively printing at 95 seconds. Survivors have to manually print the last 5 seconds to get the emp.
- when you grab a emp it will not spawn another until that exact emp is used.
- auras of emp crates are not shown until your infected by slipstream
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Definitely not just you. Imo on console, Meatball is one of the most uniquely frustrating killers to play, regardless of how strong he might be. I gave him 6 or 7 rounds on release and now I hate him enough that I'm just skipping all his tome challenges
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I was even less patient than you. I've given up on the tome challenges and any potential daily involving him.
I'd rather play Trapper against a SWAT SWF.
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It's just not worth it using the Power. You get a faster down by just going M1.
It's you need to set the Pods up, aim, try to hit them with the Pod, wait for the cooldown and then you need to hit them again with a Pod or your arm. And all of that just to get one Teleport. And with a Teleport you not guaranteed to get a Hit. And all of that just for one Health State. And then there are the EMPs that cancel your whole Power and you basically have to do everything again.
Also it's hard to aim, even on PC and if you aim, the Survivors even get notified.
The Power sadly is Trash. The whole thing that you need to get a Survivor infected by hitting them with a Pod is not great. The Pods should act like a Turret that shoots automatically for the infection. And you should also be able to just get a Survivor infected by simply shot them with your Arm.
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Yeah, this is probably one of the killers I enjoy the least. He feels extremely clunky, getting out of power feels really bad and the camera detection is ghost face reveal tier of bad. I also don't get the people that say that he is a really well designed and fun killer, if his power doesn't work in half of the maps in the game, he just isn't well designed.
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Maybe EMPs could use another slight nerf, but I think people just need to practice more. He's like Nurse in that it takes a good amount of games to get good. I've watched several people play him on Twitch and they seem to have decent success overall.
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It's all in where you put the biodpods. I find that if you use them to moniter gens survs will emp them regularly.
What I've started doing is sticking mine up high to moniter open/high traffic areas and escape routes. Those ones get noticed and EMPd less. Like, chase a survivor off a gen and mark them as they run. They self emp and you can just switch ahead and remark then. Then keep teleporting and overclocking.
Singularity is very tough to get right but when you do? He scary and a lot of fun to play.
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Singularity END GAME builds are amazing. Not sure what you're on about.
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You have to harass survivors constantly with pods and pressure with teleports, they will be hard-pressed to find time to EMP regularly. While that can be a demanding multi-task, you can try doing it around a 3-gen to make things easier on yourself.
But once you do get the hang of it, it can be a blast, as both the map control and pressure on the survivors as well as the mechanics of Overclock can feel oppressively powerful, which is obviously fun for the killer player.
Good Singularity players perform perfectly well (meaning they almost never do not 4k, and while the same thing can be said for basically any killer in the hands of a good player, Singularity has performed fairly well in the comp setting as well).
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He feels very tedious and terrible to play as, especially when you're first learning him. Unless you're very good with him, this killer is not fun to play as.
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Singularity needs to be played as a half setup, half reaction killer. Place pods at critical places to monitor gens or places where survivors will often go by, but don't just stick to that. Otherwise, your power will get 100% countered. Don't hesitate to use its power mid-chase, especially when the survivor is about to get to a strong pallet. Shoot a pod in front of the survivor, infect them, then quickly switch back and teleport. It doesn't matter if they have a EMP in hand, they won't have time to use it to prevent a teleport from happening. And if they use the EMP mid chase, they will get hit.
It's a shame that people have not bothered learning how it plays because they'd realize his power is incredibly oppressive in the right hands. But hey, the people playing this game love to find excuses and point hands at everything instead of actually playing...
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He feels terrible to play in Lery's, Disturbed Ward and Garden of Joy.
I think Soma Family Photo should be his basekit.
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Gideon isn't much better. There's a few spots to pod upstairs but downstairs nope nope nope.
He's just slow and awkward to use with a controller, and aiming as always is a nightmare.
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I second that. If I was just playing man-with-machete Trapper, I could still get downs a lot faster (with one quarter the effort) compared to when I'm playing the meatball
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Imo the EMP's are too strong still. Against decent players/SWF teams they shut down your power to the point it's just not worth using because you'll just be wasting time trying to get value from it.
Maybe if the crates didn't show it's aura and survivors have to actively find them like Onryo's TV's. Then maybe it'll be a little more viable.
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I remember Otzdarva recently saying that playing Singularity feels like getting cheated every possible moment you can be cheated.
I don't have the killer yet, but it seems like even the really good players feel like he's weak or, at the very least, difficult to consistently do well with.
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I've mostly put him down atp because he's incredibly frustrating to play and not because of the EMPs although they are strong.
The real issue is you have a power that literally cannot down a survivor. It is literally do all these steps and hope the survivors misuse EMPs and assuming all that happens the reward is you can be a buffed m1 killer for a few seconds at a time. Singularity has low lethality and the power simply creates little to no 4v1 pressure in most scenarios.
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From my point of view, this killer is not suitable for all maps and locations of the generators. Effectively monitoring a generator that can be repaired from three sides limits the location of the required bio-pod to the appropriate line of sight. Then, when it's set close enough, you can watch helplessly from there as everyone has an EMP.
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I find the EMPs way too frustrating. It's frustrating to immediately undo the use of your power, and it's doubly frustrating to know that it's pointless to use to use your power on the person you're chasing.
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Im okay with EMP but it shpuld only quit the slipstream to the person who uses it
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Singularity mains explaining why having to apply Slipstream 3 times on a survivor using the clunky and buggy as hell Biopods so you can destroy pallets and vault faster for less than 5 seconds is worth the stress (just equip chase perks on better Killers lol).
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The issue is mainly clunkiness.
- After tagging with Biopod, ALL Biopods get 2s cool-down. You literally cannot tag someone and then someone else across map. Additionally, due to that, you can charge EMP and get rid of Slipstream on-react making pre-emptive EMP use unnecessary in out-of-chase manner.
- The Biopod shooting is very annoying with basically no lingering so even if you were about to tag a Survivor, a singular tiny branch could stop the tag/teleport process.
- You sometimes get Biopod validation, esepcially on edges of areas where you can/cannot place Biopod and thus it can turn into you basically wasting time. I've had too many moments where I was trying to place Pod on some tree or other less usual surface and the game decided to cancel the placing, even when I saw the spot being green-lit before shooting.
- It takes about 1.7s from NO movement speed in order to get to your regular movement speed after Teleport. Comparison: Hag only has it for 1s after Phantasm Teleport. I personally wish it was slightly smoother. Oh and on a note: Exiting Biopod view has 1s duration which has same thing with starting at 0 m|s movement speed.
So yeah, I get a bit of some things there for balancing purposes but a good chunk of it could be polished.
He's like Hillbilly a bit. Might be rewarding but it takes too many steps and has good chunk of clunkiness to be considered enjoyable to play as by many.
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Shoot biopod>control it>tag survivor>EMP>shoot another biopod>control it>tag survivor again>teleport to survivor>survivor pre-drops a god pallet that you can now break faster
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You forgot the step of tagging a survivor again because a teammate cleaned him with an EMP without any danger since you don't even get to see a Killer instinct or anything.
Not to mention if there are multiple loops or jungle gyms close to each other you might not even get a hit or destroy more than 1 pallet faster.
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I played Singularity for some hours when it was released and after they hotfixed it. I still have no clue what I am supposed to do because even just playing M1 killer and not using the power at all gives me better results (I won exactly 3 games, 2 of which were disconnects).
I had Nurse figured out in less than an hour. Not saying I'm the best Nurse player (not by a long shot) but I got the blinking part down. And that killer is really strong.
Singularity feels like the killer with the highest skill floor in the game with the least pay off for that. If you're going to put all this effort into a killer, why not just play stronger killer that is easier to learn and will give you way better results?
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I've gone against some Singularity gamers that placed their pods so well, and it was just as oppressive as a 3-gening SM. Aside from that they used their power really well in chase as well. So I think there certainly is a way to make him very strong, but perhaps you need more time to get used to him? Maybe play with his add-ons or other perks a bit?
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I don't think he's worth the time.
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he has potential but i personally didn't and don't want to sink my time to learn playing him. placing pods is super inconsistent and switching to a wrong pod is so annoying. he can use massive qol improvements and maybe some buffs, to his overclock duration for example.
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Im main Singularity ( well I were just came back to crow lady) and EMP have so much power when surv plays a a team I thought it was a game to have a chance to survive as team not that if u SWF you gonna bully and make killer experience miserable