who else feels bad for the killers?
am i the only one who feels bad when the killer loses the match and my teammate or two just start spamming "ez" "noob" in the post-chat? the person that we're going against is a player too, doesn't mean you gotta treat him like trash immediately. or even better, just because we've lost they all automatically assume that the killer's "cheating", and when i do say that it all was fair and might be because of the addons/perks, they all start bashing on me too and i become their main victim, no wonder everyone calls the survivor side toxic. i just try to keep the calm atmosphere by saying "ggwp" even when it's a loss but some people want the opposite, unfortunately.
sometimes i just hate my teammates more than our own opponent, who agrees?
that means i awarded the killer for at least trying & that they still did good, even without getting any kills.
to add, this isn't about killers being toxic/offended? this is about the teammates
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If the killer just got their ass handed to them during the game, I'll let them hook me. Many of them won't take the "pity hook" but I feel bad. As a killer, I've had those kind of games and they suck.
I'm on console so thankfully I don't have to deal with the EGC
Post edited by EQWashu on4 -
I often feel bad if a killer loses a 4K and has few hooks; ill normally give them a hook. Unless it's blight, wraith or Legion.
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I won't give pity hooks but I will defend the killer post game if my teammates are being awful and the killer wasn't like hard tunneling/camping or anything which usually just results in me getting flamed too lmao but it annoys me when people who already won rub it in.
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as a survivor i hate it when my teammates taunt like that. the only acceptable exceptions are if the killer has clearly been playing super-toxic (example: the killer was trying to bleed out a 4 slug but an unbreakable play turned it into a 4 out), or if it's super clear that it's sarcastic (example: the hatch randomly spawns on the last slug after the killer gets a 3k with 5 gens left)
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No one should be an a-hole to anyone regardless of what side they play or how bad/well someone played.
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Sadly this isolated to DbD, its a problem in gaming culture in general.
In some ways it's a good thing. Teaches you to have thick skin... it helps when you know you can be 10 times more toxic back if you were to sink to that level 😏
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chat? this game has no chat! (ps4)
but on games that have chat, I change my usual "ggs" or "gg wp" to "good game. that one play at X when Y was really good".
you know, something specific that I would normally congratulate them on if we were face to face, but saying "ggs" and pressing next is just simpler online.
got this habit from my lol days...
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I only feel bad if the killer has like 2 perks and he's obviously new. It's really stupid to dunk on a a new player or a player who's playing with fewer than 4 perks.
I wouldn't care if they'd played Blight with the most broken add-ons and perks though, ngl. It would feel good if they somehow managed to lose the game.
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100%. Everyone is playing to have fun; there's no reason to be rude and BM.
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I stopped getting twisted over survivors trying to get under my skin a long time ago. I play about as friendly as you can get while still getting hooks. Occasionally you'll get the survivor that is too dumb to realize they were let go or will see it as a sign of weakness or something. Then I'll see some legit booty-bouncing in the gates. For real though, it's been months since I've had anyone be a jerk in endgame chat.
Every few games of being generous I'll get survivors that try to offer themselves up as a sacrifice at the end of the game as thanks or as pity thinking I couldn't get a kill. I always decline because I made a choice for them to leave and I stick by that choice. Same goes when it happens after I legitimately had my butt handed to me. They played well and deserve the out. Losing means nothing to me.
The only time they get to me is when they screw themselves over. Leaving someone on hook to die for two full hook stages even though I'm in the complete opposite corner of the map.
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What you described is basic human empathy. I can promise you that you're not the only one who possesses it.
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I know what you mean. The amount of times I've rescued someone in end game and regretted it as soon as they reached the gate isn't exactly low.
Last year I encountered a Hillbilly in a game and it was obvious that this guy was struggling and didn't have a lot of experience with the killer. They tried their best and got someone (I think it was a Meg) down in end game and hooked them but didn't resort to camping. I came for the rescue (because I find it kind of dick-ish to not even try, if you get a chance) and when we reached the exit gates, the Meg started spamming her macros at the killer. That felt awful to watch and I wished I could put her right back on that hook. The end game chat wasn't much better. A lot of "ez"s and random insults.
Neither side should try to make their opponent feel bad but because there are 4 survivors and 1 killer in each game it seems like it comes from the survivor side more often. Though, statistically it's probably about the same, so take that with a grain of salt.
It just makes me kind of sad to see that we can't accept when someone plays good or maybe even better than ourselves. I am not free of fault by any means (sometimes you just get salty) but I don't go as far as writing death threats or try to make someone feel bad about themself.
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This is why it's so hard to balance the experience of DBD, because a giant part of the fan base always turns everything into an "us" vs "them".. (Survivor/Killer) Have to eventually come together if we want the game to shine as bright as it can... Well that and DBD hasn't had a solid competitor for years...xD
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I always feel bad for killers who really try their best to win and not be toxic and end up getting no one. I know it sucks to see 4 survivors escape so I will give them my item. I will only t-bag if they were toxic the entire game.
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You shouldn't mock a killer for ineficient gameplay. It is boring enough when unskilled killers walk up and down the first survivor with still all gens intact.
But what do you expect from a game company that invests a lot of energy in "punishments", has a game design that is so utterly bad that they even require to establish a possibility to hide profiles from other players etc and is unable to make small adjustments to fine tune the game but have to drop the atomic bomb on the game every 3-6 months ?
I experienced enough narcolepsy attack games where the killer just camps and tunnels that I rarely play the game anymore.
If you are not the first guy to get hooked you just hold M1 and hit space. Yawn.
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I've noticed that alot of killers don't take pity hooks i feel like its a sense of pride. I find it kind of weird because I almost never see a survivor refuse hatch I does happen bit it's rare.
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I do when i play survivor but i am killer biased and have been in the same situation many times so i know what it's like.
It just makes me really angry tbh. It feels like this playerbase only has horrible things to say to each other and it makes the overall experience feel really negative for me.
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I would do those sarcastic "taunts" alot, mostly if I just escaped out of pity. Killer carries me to hate at 5 gens... They KNOW I'm just playing with a GGEZ
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Usually if a teammate is toxic like that I call them out on it. Especially if the killer was chill.
They either apologise for it or they get so annoyed they just look ridiculous and you can’t take it seriously anymore.
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I feel like often times people will attack the killer more because they have people behind them. Some stuff people do, they WOULDNT do if they were alone.
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That is definitely possible. Strength in numbers can go a long way.
However, I'd argue that playing killer is more stressful. And when you are stressed, you are more likely to act or react irrational and blow up as a consequence.
It doesn't really matter who does it more though. What matters is that we all try to stay positive.
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For me it all varies how the killer acts throughout the game. If they are purposely being spiteful and toxic then I'll give them the booty dance at the gate but if they played fine and the teammates are the ones egging it on then I'll happily take my free escape and the rest of them can suffer the consequences of their toxicity
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I wasn't necessarily saying it's killer vs survivor. It's not exactly uncommon for SWFs to terrorize their solo Q teammates.
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I feel the same way after saving certain teammates. I play very altruistically (not in the sense that I unhook people right in the killer's face, but I don't care about a personal escape if there's someone I can potentially save.) There are times that playstyle obviously ends in my death, and I'm just watching the person I saved gyrate their butt for the full two minutes at the edge of an opened exit gate. I'm just like, "THIS is what I died for?"
And then the post game comments are an absolute delight. I feel bad when it's two or three of my teammates just trashing the poor killer. I'm generally too nonconfrontational to call them out outright, but there have certainly been times when I made it very clear that I was not of their opinion.
It's worse, in my opinion, when the killer's running a very chill build. Perks you barely ever see, maybe a meme addon, usually zero generator defense. People shouldn't be aggressive towards another player for any reason, but it just feels so much more agitating when people target those who are clearly just trying to have fun. I can understand feeling frustration when playing against a killer where all of your progress is just being undone right in front of you, but that frustration shouldn't manifest against that player in the form of aggression, much less some guy who has no similarities beyond playing the killer role.
Anytime I see another ggez from a teammate, I'm probably just going to say, "Dude," and see what their response is. Should be a fascinating study. X3
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You're right. I didn't think about that.
This is something that always rubs me the wrong way. For some reason, the nicer you play the more likely your opponents are to be bad sports. And when you get frustrated and decide to stop playing nice, then it always hits the wrong people.
Sometimes it feels like these people want to play against the worst possible things.
I can understand not calling out everyone who is off line. I am a very outspoken person but not everyone is like that and that's completely fine and nothing to feel bad about.
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Sometimes if survs tbag at the gates for no reason but theres no egc on console so ...
Also I rarely see kindness from killers so not sure why should I care anymore. I embraced us vs them since there is no other way these days.
I actually embraced that mentality for everything.
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I don't play on PC anymore, but I use to. I had the mindset of the game is over when the last survivor dies/leaves. No reason to keep treating ppl as the enemy in EGC. Generally I'd just say GG or if it was a really stressful game and I don't wanna blow up on someone...I'd just leave. I actually use to screenshot especially juicy EGC saltiness and post it on here. If you look at my old threads, you can find em pretty easy.
My PC died and I've just been playing on my switch abit now so...no more chat.
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that's a bad mentality to have
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THANK YOU <3. I hate if my teammates or the survs, that I played against are like this. If they go to far in what they write I m reporting them (like End your life or so). I think I encounterd like 30 Players, that where that extrem and players that just wrote 'ez' I cant count anymore.
As you said problem is, that most of them dont see the killer as a normal guy, that just play the game or they just what to be a .......
I normaly feel bad for the killers, if they lose very hard, but how couldnt I as an killer main, but sometimes the killer is one of those. I resondly played against two killers, where my whole team had so mutch fun in the riund, that we all sacreficed ourselfs and after that the killer was so entitled you wouldnt imagine it.
I think you should feel bad baised on what the killer/survivor write in the endgame chat. Dont give him an extra kill for me this would mean I played even worse, than I thought.
But again thank you for your care.
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I tell my kids that it costs nothing to be kind. It's sad when i see adults behaving this way.
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I've gotten to the point where if a killer clearly had a bad game, 0k, I'll usually try and offer myself and my item up to make it a little better. Unless they're a total asshat in which case Karma.
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I always feel bad for them. There is no need to be rude in the chat and gloat. I always try to tell them they did very well and good luck next, I also leave them my item.
We're all just here to have fun after all. A little kindness can go a long way :)
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That maybe be because when the supposed killer (predator) does it, it's mercy, and when the supposed survivor (prey), it's pity, and both have different positive/negative connotations.
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Exactly, herd mentality play a major role in the toxicity in this game. The masses feeling stronger and individually safer blaming the individual.
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I already lost the counting to how many times I had the survivor who escaped from the hatch spanming 'ez' in the endgame chat. Some people are toxic and you can't change their personalities so move on and don't let them affect your mentality towards the next game is the right mindset imo.
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Already made a thread about it, but this is one thing I kinda envy about the new TCM game. Neither side is alone, so I don't think anyone is really gonna feel "bullied", and it can instead be a chill party game for BOTH sides.
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I don't feel bad for them because most times killer players are toxic as well.
So simply i don't care anymore. I saw toxic people from both sides so much. I kinda give up with community.
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As a killer main, you learn to ignore most of it, but it can get exhausting and stressful when it feels like you're getting either salt or BM in nearly every match (especially since I'm one of the most chill killers out there).
That's why it's important to just be nice to people. On the rare occasions I get positive feedback - or even just a 'ggwp' - it feels completely revitalizing. That's why I try to pay it forward and try to spread positivity. The toxic players aren't a majority, they're just the most vocal minority. The way to combat them isn't by calling them out, it's by being positive and empathetic.
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I don't feel bad for any killer that doesn't take chase in order to kick a gen, so 90% of killers. Not that I am ever toxic towards them.
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TBH, I feel bad for anyone who spends any time in the post game chat.
Turn that ish off (and never turn it back on), your life will immediately improve.
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true, but most people these days especially in DBD can't even feel it.