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General Discussions

What exactly is the point of Overwhelming Presence?

This is a killer perk from the doctor. It says "The depletion rate is increased by 100% when using an item inside the killer's terror radius"

There is probably a once in a blue moon where it somehow becomes useful but what it exactly is remains a mystery to me. Survivors most likely used up their items outside your terror radius before you get to them or they run outside your terror radius before using their item. The realms are also very dependable; big maps is this perks' downfall. I find its depletion rate quite laughable despite being flashlighted in the face numerous times you're better off using Franklin's Demise or Lightborn.

Oblivious and Undetectable nullifies overwhelming presence there is little synergy left for this perk besides Distressing.

So what exactly can the balance team do to make it useful?

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  • Member Posts: 269

    the only thing i can see overwhelming being justifiable for is for medkits, as it wouldn't be a full heal, but that's only without charge addons, and franklins just does the job better especially if you're on a killer that doesn't have a big tr.

  • Member Posts: 74

    Medkits are nerfed too so there is also more of a reason not to use it besides survivors can still heal outside your terror radius unless on special occassions such as doctor or wesker with a big terror radius in jigsaw map or silent hill map.

    That actually sounds really good. This would make this perk useful.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    counters flashlights blinds at pallets. the perk was designed to counter instant-blinds flashlights back when that was a thing. if you have a global terror radius, you can counter toolboxes... but not on any every map.

  • Member Posts: 74

    They still had enough charges to flashlight blind me multiple times despite me using overwhelming presence. I would rather use lightborn to trick them into thinking that I have no lightborn or use franklin's to drop their item.

    facts and still they did buff some weaker perks such as hex crowd control and claustrophobia. There is at least hope for perks like overwhelming presence

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited August 2023

    The 2 killers with the capacity for the largest TR's, Doctor and Wesker, get the most use out of Overwhelming Presence. With Distressing Wesker gets a 50m TR, and Doctor can achieve a 54m TR with his 2 highest Calm add-on's thrown to the mix.

    While you get no visual or audio feedback that OP is working, That fact that you can have a Roaming 50+ meter heavy Power drain for all items Means that the survivors either have to stop using their items within your TR, or only get half of their expected results from them. This means No full heals from medkits, Flashlights don't get as many save chances, Toolboxes save only 5 seconds of repair time instead of 10 etc, and if the Survivors notice OP, they just stop using their items until they can get out of your TR. In other words, no attempts to self heal with a medkit nearby to a downed/hooked survivor, not as many rushing in to flashlight save, and slower gen progress.

    Obviously the killers with the largest TR's can make this a menace on small - medium sized maps, but Wesker in particular makes this nasty even on large maps due to his high mobility. All it takes is for a survivor to attempt healing with a base medkit for 1 second in the TR to ensure they won't get a full heal from it, and the fact that OP starts acting against survivors the moment they enter the edge of your TR means they have to stop using their items immediately or suffer a massive loss to the items useage.

    I actually have OP in one of my saved Wesker and Doc builds specifically because of how it screws with survivors items. In general, survivors bring items in with a plan in mind, and this perk has a tendency to throw a wrench into it. While there is also Franklin's Demise to mess with survivors items, FD requires you to strike the survivor, and can be countered by survivors simply putting their items down before they are chased/struck. Not the case for OP, which only requires they be within your TR, and the only counter is to Stop using the item, which is what the killer wants them to do!

    I've also personally had end game chat hate for this perk because survivors couldn't use their items, Imagine that: Survivors complaining about Overwhelming Presence?

    Overall It's not the best perk, and frankly, it only becomes feasible to use with the 2 aforementioned killers + Distressing as anyone else trying to use it will have a 40m TR at most with Distressing, and not be able to apply as much anti-item pressure, but for those that can, it's gonna be the last thing the survivors expect, and it will make their items almost useless.

  • Member Posts: 1,377

    The answer is that it's an old and outdated perk

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I feel like this would just make the weaker item add ons even weaker while add ons like styptic syringe and bnp won’t be affected at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,298
    edited August 2023

    If you hate flashlights squads and loaded keys overwhelming is unironically better than franklins. Also 0.1 seconds in a tr means a base medkit can't heal you wihtout greats

  • Member Posts: 7,228

    I think it needs a second effect or something. Its current effect is too situational and even when it does do something you don’t really see it as killer a lot of the time so you can’t even tell if it’s doing anything at all.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Sure, but like... what exactly can they do for it?

    I don't like to sh*t on the devs or anything, but it already feels like they're running out of perk ideas. I'm curious to see what the heck they'll do for Xenomorph.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    It could be fun if it also had a second effect, like seeing the auras of items regressing.

  • Member Posts: 3,940

    Doesn't seem like a bad contender for a straight up hex perk...

  • Member Posts: 16,669

    Nah. I get behind the idea, but it would be free value without anything to do for the Killer. With Franklins they at least need to M1 the Survivor.

    I also feel it would be only used during events so that Survivors cannot use their Event Items. (Same like Franklins which I see pop up more during Events)

  • Member Posts: 273

    I feel the perk should light up when an item is being used in your TR so at the very least you can see when you're getting value.

    Maybe it could show the aura of survivors that are using an item in your TR?

  • Member Posts: 98

    That would be interesting! It could be used as a form of aura reading, then. And it wouldn't be too insane, either, since most people are going to stop using their item when in the terror radius of someone with Overwhelming presence. So it would just be a split-second confirmation that someone is there, most likely. They could make it to where any survivor using an item in your terror radius shows their aura to you for the duration on top of its current effect.

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