many vets are still out there?



  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I started playing right before leatherface released so i guess i count

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Just 9 days to reach rank one as a killer? SICK

    I took from 10.12.2017 (First kill) to 10.09.2018 (Iri 1 killer) for that xD

    Iri Survivor I got 12.02.2017, so seven months earlier :o

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    I play game the game since fall 2017, approx. two weeks before Freddy came out.

    Oh, Freddy was so busted against us newbies, so we were all-in for his heavy nerfs.

    It took quite some time until I got Freddy myself as a gift from a friend (Even for original killers, you had to buy every char via steam DLC, there were no iri shards or in game shop yet), and realized how weak he really was.

    The next new killer was Pig, and oh boy, I was so scared the first weeks she was out ^^. Bc. of her crouch, she could pop out ANYWHERE. The only other stealth killers at that time were Wraith (but still could be seen in cloak from any distance), and Shape (only sneaky in Tier 1), so she had the best stealth at that time.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I started playing in late 2016. Put in 3000 hours until a year ago after MMR, when I uninstalled. I reinstalled about a week ago and am having some fun but am considering uninstalling again.

    I'm a killer main and I quit because MMR turned my favorite party game into an unbalanced comp game. I'm considering uninstalling again because I'm playing a lot of M1 killer with no meta perks and I keep getting matched with comp teams that predrop, rush gens, and then t-bag me at the exit gates. I just wanna goof off and have fun and this isn't that game anymore.

  • Necrobot
    Necrobot Member Posts: 52

    Don't know if it's veteran or not, but i began to play DBD after it was free on ps+, during the legion chapter. A friend of mine wanted to test the game so we did and i was hooked. ^^

    From that time, i really miss the old map vibes (but not the infinites ^^).

    I used to play both sides, but I don't play killer anymore since SBMM. Now i solo queue only for the rift and I wonder if it's time for me to quit which is a hard move when you spent so much time in a game. The game has become way too competitive for my taste.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,307

    June 2017 player. Still playing 🥹

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 288

    Started in August 2016. First on PC and when the game got out on PS4, I switched mostly to console to play with my friend.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i played my first match in late 2017 i think on a free weekend, however, the game didnt run very well on my pc, due to a weak grafics card. I upgraded that card in early 2018 and became a regular player. So i dont know if i qualify for a 2017 player.

  • BassGuitarRox
    BassGuitarRox Member Posts: 57

    I’m a console player - I started December 2017 (PS4) but I was a couple months late after the port as I was still finishing F13 ha!

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 902

    Cool to see a lot still around! I only said this basically cause of the BBQ event haha. I still love the game despite how infuriating it can be sometimes....

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    i got the late 2016, played for a few weeks, then rage quit due to how insanely braindead broken nurse was. Came back right before pyramid due to friends wanting to play it again and it stuck this time.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 642

    2017. Basically dropped the game due to how toxic people are and how bad some decisions are made. I planned on coming back around November but at the rate BHVR seems to be going I may come back sooner. Still think they only truly care about the survivor side due to not just thinking about basic issues like HUXs EMP issues making his power useless on over half the maps, but hopefully it gets better. I miss the 2K or 3K days without the super sweats running around, but then I remember the insta heal Claudette’s and feel myself wonder when I actually liked DBD. Found out it was 2019-2020. After that it has been much more of a “I love the game but hate the other side (I’m a killer main)” feeling. Probably due to the lack luster changes to killer perks that I would actually like while constantly getting face smashed by survivor sided updates like the increase in pallets or perks. Not that I don’t think survivors don’t deserve new or good perks, just feels like they get sets of three that can be picked apart into separate builds while killers get 2 decent or good ones and one very bad perk.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I lurked on DBD for a long time, loved the theme but not a big fan of online multiplayer, pulled the trigger in 2017.

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    Agreed. Old Freddy was weaker overall but just felt more in character and unique. I'm not even gonna mention that I still miss his aura reading. He was my first 4K and I even got the Adept Nightmare before they reworked him, something everyone I knew said was impossible. Honestly I don't see why not give us both. Make an add on that turns him into the old Freddy or something, instead of dream pallets. He wasn't problematic, just kinda weak

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Man, even Monto stopped playing. I would be surprised if there are more than a handful of old-schoolers stil

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 902

    Looks like there is still plenty according to everyone in the comment section haha. It's normal to get bored though :) I have taken a handful of breaks overtime.

  • ThatRedPyramidThing
    ThatRedPyramidThing Member Posts: 91

    I've been around off and on since 2017 started playing on Xbox day one of console launch

    But I've have taken extended breaks of 3 to 6 months because of rage this game can induce.