Endurance Perks Need to Go

The Endurance status effect is currently being abused to many degrees by the Survivor side who now have just about every type of reason to use it.

Considering that the Incapacitated status effect was just removed from Eruption for being impossible to counter and resulted in Survivors being unable to progress the game for a long amount of time, the same should be done to any perk running Endurance, as it can be impossible to counter and results in Killers being unable to progress the game for a long amount of time.

So, these are the perks that need to start being reworked due to providing degenerative playstyles that ruin the experience of players:

  • Buckle Up
  • Made For This
  • Off the Record
  • Soul Guard
  • We're Gonna Live Forever

And here are my honest suggestions, which actually play into the core themes of each perk:

  • Buckle Up:
    • Buckle Up is reverted to its previous version.
    • Buckle Up now applies the same Haste bonus to the healer as it does to the downed Survivor.
  • Made For This:
    • Made for This no longer applies Endurance.
    • Made For This now applies a 6% vaulting speed increase.
  • Off the Record:
    • Off the Record no longer applies Endurance.
    • Off the Record now suppresses scratch marks and pools of blood when active.
  • Soul Guard:
    • Soul Guard no longer applies Endurance unless Cursed.
    • Soul Guard now grants you the ability to pick yourself back up from the ground after 60 seconds, or if all other Survivors are currently in the Dying State or Hooked.
  • We're Gonna Live Forever:
    • We're Gonna Live Forever no longer applies Endurance.
    • We're Gonna Live Forever now gains a token when stunning a Killer by any means if they're chasing an injured Survivor.
    • We're Gonna Live Forever now consumes 1 Token when taking a Protection Hit for another Survivor while healthy. This grants both you and the other Survivor the post-hit speed boost.

Just saying, these more balanced and thematically appropriate ideas are here on a silver platter.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    there goes another killer that fed up health-states and endurance. shrug

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 762

    they literally removed grabs, and grabs from generators happen once every blue moon

    so I agree to such a deal

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    That soul Guard idea should probably just be basekit tbh (I mean like 30 seconds of all Survivors being downed and not picked up)

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I agree it needs to be removed from MfT, but not most of the others. When are you seriously getting Soul Guard value, that isn't Killer greed punishment? Buckle-Up has been a joke of a perk forever, and at least this also is reliant on picking up slugs. The only possible problem factor of slug pickup endurance is For the People. That could be easily fixed by preventing healing for 3s after downed. This would allow for healing if the Killer slugs, but if they insta-pickup the Survivor doesn't have time to be healed.

    Also adding the Spine Chill boost onto MfT seems a bit stacked. I'd rather a different perk get the old Spine Chill boost, that way you have to equip Resil+MfT+(Spine Chill replacer) if you want the turbo juicer build. This would force them into 3 perk slots rather than only 2.

    The only odd one out remaining is Off the Record. This is the only (albeit garbage) anti-tunnel perk remaining. I'd be fine if it was reverted alongside DS also being reverted to a 5s stun. Alternatively a new anti-tunnel effect to replace it.

  • Clockwork_Enigma
    Clockwork_Enigma Member Posts: 529

    Because of multiple perks, this person (me) reworked everything to actually have a purpose and be either more thematically fitting or a lot more powerful than ever before.

    Oh right, tunneling will be even harder with the new WGLF, for example.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,383

    Off The Record is a necessary defense against tunneling. It already doesn't work in the end game. If you remove that then you'd need to put in a basekit anti tunnel mechanic.

  • shiroo
    shiroo Member Posts: 178
    edited August 2023

    "The Endurance status effect is currently being USED to many degrees by the Survivor side who now have just about every type of reason to use it.

    Considering that the Incapacitated status effect was removed A WHILE AGO from Eruption for being impossible to counter and resulted in Survivors being unable to progress the game for a long amount of time, the same should'NT be done to any perk running Endurance, as it IS STILL POSSIBLE to counter and results in Killers being STILL able to progress the game IF PLAYED CORRECTLY.

    So, these are the perks that DO NOT NEED A REWORK as they exist to prevent degenerative KILLER playstyles that ruin the experience of players:"

    There...fixed it for you, you made some typos.

    • Buckle Up - might be problematic with FTP, though still counter-able while keeping people injured.
    • Made For This - it's not and never was a problem. Technically it's a worse version of Buckle Up/FTP combo.
    • Off The Record - WUT? Removing scratch marks and blood pools only is not gonna stop any Nemmy from tunneling that survivor right off the hook, let's be honest. Endurance needs to stay.
    • Soul Guard - you must be joking...
    • We're Gonna Live Forever - dead perk, rarely uses due to requiring a lot of conditions to actually work.

    This must be a bait or troll post...

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    god speed, but also wear a helmet because the ravening survivor bias in this forum is coming for your soul

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,352

    How can you complain about grabs after hook grabs were removed at windows/pallets you need to be injured and the killer right on you getting grabbed at totems/gens is just skill issue and insanely rare

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    Hits not counting all over the place is getting pretty annoying. What to do about it though, I'm not really sure.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    OTR is garbage? Sometimes, you read some HOT takes on these forums.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited August 2023

    Please tell me how difficult it is as Blight to hit someone within 10s off hook to deny the perk.

    Edit: or to window/pallet grab or to double Bubba Saw or double Huntress hatchet or Legion chain hit or Deathslinger spear with swing hit or etc.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Woah, you mean you can tunnel through the perk? No way. Now play against survivors that only unhook until you're across the map. Good luck finding your tunnel out.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    If you are cross map, then you found someone else or had something to defend and weren't planning on tunneling anyways. The point is OTR is bad at anti-tunnel because of how easy it is to deny it. Waiting for the Surv to tap a CA isn't exactly a herculean task even then.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I think they should stop making new Endurance effect perks. It's getting really overhelming and complicated and just... not really balanced. If they keep adding more, might as well give all Survivors 3 health states by default.

  • Derix
    Derix Member Posts: 19

    A lot of these perks counter slugging… do a lot of you want these removed so you can continue slugging and ruining player experience? Or should we take all these out and get old dead hard back? I swear this community is never satisfied with anything.