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General Discussions

How fun would the Alien be if the devs thought outside the box?

Member Posts: 2,697
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

Imagine if the Alien was the first ever killer that doesn't have a terror radius, and instead of a heartbeat survivors pick up motion trackers to keep a bead on where the Alien is at? To counter this the Alien would have to be faster than any other killer, but I would love to see the devs testing radical ideas like this.

If we can't get new game modes, then let's get killers and survivors that spice things up. Nicholas Cage was a great example of a survivor coming with perks that are fun and weird, and I want more of that. Vanilla DBD has gotten very stale and boring, and we need something to spice up the gameplay.

Post edited by SweetTerror on

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  • Member Posts: 3,094

    Would be interesting to say the least, however i can also guarantee that people are gonna complain that the gameplay isn't the same as they're used to and call Xeno for unfun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Exactly! I think that's one of the reasons why everyone decries for old Freddy again. He played in a way unlike any other killer, but instead of adjusting what was there they made him more in line of what is to be expected from every other killer.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Yeah people will find reasons to complain about anything, but after 7 years of playing DBD's one and only game mode, it's like, what do they expect?

  • Member Posts: 74

    I'm all for unique killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,094
    edited August 2023

    Aside from bhvr's confirmation during the latest AMA on reddit about how they're prototyping and testing new game modes as well as trying new gameplay elements through events, we already have killers that plays very differently from most of the other killers and each of their popularity varies, however one thing is clear.

    You'll never have a killer who deviates completely and utterly from the ground rules of the trials as all killers must abide by them in the end one way or another, or at least to a certain extent.

    Also there is the problem that since the Xenomorph is faster than any of the other Killers at their base movement speed, it easily can end up being too fast and then you're going to have the issue that killers are going to quickly find a way to effectively steamroll Survivors as they'll be too slow to loop The Xenomorph at all.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    As much as I'd like it to happen, it's easier said than done.

  • Member Posts: 68

    I am hoping the A-L-I-E-N can crawl on walls and ceilings... it would be SO fitting.

    I doubt it'll happen, but one can hope!

    Also think the motion scanner idea would be great.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    gosh i really like this idea.

    then again alot of perks are tied to terror radius, to maybe the terror radius is still technically there but you can only see with the tracker

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    This seems really cool and the Alien motion tracker is pretty iconic. That said, knowing where the xenomorph is at all times wouldn't really fit it thematically.

    Unless you had it so the tracker would only pick it up when it was close. This would still be powerful info, so as you say, they'd have to make xeno really quick. The downside to that would be that people would probably just hold W every time the tracker went off.

    I really like the idea of the wall/ceiling climbing xeno, but not sure how the game's physics would deal with that.

    Whatever they have done, I'd be shocked if it isn't stealth based.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    I would love if they just flat out replaced the Xeno's terror radius sound effects. Instead of survivors hering their heartbeat, they hear the motion tracker ping noise from the movie speed up as it gets closer.

    The Xeno's unique effect (or maybe a teachable perk) is that the terror radius has a delay before it fades away. Say the Xenomorph (or killer with this perk equipped) patrols near your gen, making the heartbeat/beeping really loud and frequent, but when they leave it stays loud and frequent for another 4/6/8 seconds. Unless the survivor has line-of-sight, they won't know if the killer actually left.

    Maybe Overwhelming Presence could be reworked and do this.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Has been tons of suggestions about this stuff in the past, i wouldn't hold your breathe.

    Every killer does have the problem of feeling the same because of how little depth they have to their gameplay. I think the original Sadako design was supposed to be game-changing but being they couldn't figure out a way to make it work, they scrapped it and made her into another boring wraith.

    Really wish this game had developers willing to take risks. Like a grey alien that can mind control survivors and lead to funny situations would be amazing.

  • Member Posts: 685

    The problem is everytime they try something different for either side, you have people coming out of the woodwork screaming "This is outrageous!" like they're Ben from VLDL.

  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited August 2023

    Yeah, there are so many things about the alien that are iconic that I'm legitimately intrigued on how it's going to be implemented in the game. The Alien is known for traversing walls and ceilings, fast movement, acid spit, etc, that I'm worried the Alien will either be overpowered or ridiculously weak.

    Traversing walls sounds great until you realize it removes survivor's resources, plus I don't know how that would necessarily work in outdoor maps. I'm worried that it'll be a cross between plague and demogorgan, which if true would be a huge disappointment.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Sounds interesting but tricky to get right. I'm surprisingly optimistic about the next chapter (it can't get much worse than the last 3 chapters anyway). I just hope the killer will be fun. Because the last 3 weren't. At least to me.

  • Member Posts: 761

    Dont expect to much from BHVR. I not will be surprise if Alien will be similiar to Demogorgon's Power and just it.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Omg, as a first concept this would be brilliant and sooo cool. I don't know how unfair or utterly weak this would be, but it sounds so intriguing.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    My guess is some kind of preinstalled Demogorgon portals all over the map, ie ventilation shafts, and the Alien can move through them, giving us some iconic and scary banging noises that could come from every direction. Survivors can use a Soldering action to weld one entrance shut and the Alien has to find another exit and unlock the welded one with an M1 attack from outside, just like Dredge does with locker locks.

    And its M2 attack might not be the classic pounce, but the pondering head-down Preatorian charge, that would have a big hit box and hurts one survivor if you hit them Head-on, otherwise it tumbles then all over the place, like Wesker, but in all directions.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    That wasn't why people didn't like Old Fredboi's kit.

    It's a misconception that he played differently than any other killer. He did not.

    His power was shoot laser at you to put you to sleep so he could play dbd as an average m1 killer with no active power. It was impossible for him to interact with the game without doing this. His power was completely passive once you were asleep so it was hard to understand and the counterplay was entirely dependent on high level team coordination.

    He was incredibly weak because he literally couldn't do basic actions needed to play the game without using his power. What offset that weakness was also possessing at the time an extremely degenerate playstyle that made the game unbearable to play for those of average skill, impossible to play for new players, and useless against high level players. Old Freboi wasn't outside of the mold so much as he was just crammed into a corner of the mold for the most part with a thin layer spread every where else.

    People have stop mythologizing Old Freddy like his kit was some misunderstood beauty when it was just bad for both the killer and survivor and without grossly overpowered perks and addons of the time available to him he would not have been able to do drag the game to standstill like he did.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    I think you misinterpreted what I was saying. I was saying the reason why people want Freddy's old play style back is because of how different he was to every other killer. Never mind if it was considered strong or weak, the very fact that it was different from everyone else is what made it special.

    So many killers these days feel like a copy and paste version of someone else, and if the Alien is nothing more than an m1 killer, then that is going to be a massive disappointment.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2023

    freddy was really cool. he was nothing spectacular but his gameplay was funny. motion tracker just to go undetectable is a little bit like wraith with an item to counter undetectable. you can imagine how wraith vs 4 flashlights used to feel where you got continuously stunned out of cloak. you might be creating a bully simulator killer with that idea. Of course I am not saying it is bad idea but you know how dev go about creating some killer items to counter the power.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    But he simply wasn't different is my main point.

    Old Fredboi did nothing at all that was different from an average m1 killer template. If you outside the box power is to just be able to play the game at all, you've not created anything new or different you've created effectively nothing at all. He was the very definition of copy and paste, but with less functionality that anyone that came before or after him. I could understand if he actually did anything particularly unique or thematic, but in all my time of playing with and against him that wasn't the experience. His kit such as it was didn't bring anything new to the game nor did it use what already existed in a different way than anyone else was using it.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Considering that he was implemented years ago though, having him play the way he did was quite refreshing at the time.

    Now it is comforting to hear that he has another rework in the pipeline, but as we all know he's not the only one that needs to be brought up to speed with where DBD is in 2023.

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