Apparently I'm not the only one having an absolute miserable time on survivor
This game is currently insufferable and has been pretty much since the Knight came out when playing survivor. And the issue isn't really any particular killer or the game itself, but it's the community and I will stand behind that statement 100%
it's the "i don't care about your fun, I want my 4k, I'm going to play in the most "efficient" way possible attitude that the community has that makes this game ABSOLUTELY miserable to play. You can't just hop on and have fun anymore. everyone's "playing to win" and slugging for 4ks and tunneling people out of games for "efficiency" instead of just coming in with the mindset of "This is a game and I'm just going to go in for some good chases and what happens, happens."
Instead we get a nurse who kills 2 people, slugs the 3rd and then spends 3 minutes looking for the last survivor to get their 4k with 4 gens left instead of just letting the game in. And we get a singularity with iron grasp who carries your teammate to the basement, put pods around and inside shack, and then just goes into "sleep mode" in the basement and waits. Why? Just play the damn game and chase people instead of insisting on being boring. And if it was like 1 game a day, whatever. It was 2 hrs straight of boring game after boring game
“Im just gonna go in for some good chases, and what happens, happens”??? What?
what does that even mean? What are good chases for you? The survivor loops the killer endlessly? The killer end the chase in 2 seconds? Im not getting what’s a good chase to you.
7 -
I literally got ######### multiple times because i played a hit and run playstyle with Dredge. So i think your first guess is correct.
3 -
My literally build is " Saboteur, Plot Twist, Any Means Necessary, Well Make It" (Diversion before Plot Twist came out) I certainly don't play meta or worry about "standard" survivor builds. Players in the game just make the game boring by playing in the most unfun ways possible, that's it
4 -
What I said was pretty self explanatory. The chase should be the fun and focus of the game, not "how many kills can I get and what's the easiest and most boring way I can possibly get them"
What happens, happens means we need to stop worry about "win/lose". That's why this game is becoming so boring and sweaty.
7 -
So your main complaint is killers trying to kill is that correct?
15 -
You can thank the survivor mains for the current state of the game. They cried and cried to get gen regression gutted, and this is what you get. Killers have to play optimally to win. It doesn’t matter if chasing is the most fun part for you; winning is fun for the killer.
9 -
My complaint is the community's overall mindset that getting kills should be prioritized above all else. Yall focusing on one portion of what I said. It's the community mindset I have an issue with
11 -
thank you for literally backing up what I'm saying about the mindset of the community.
16 -
It is literally the objective of the killer, I don't think that's a weird thing to prioritize.
12 -
No problem. Thanks for proving how entitled survivors are. “Play for my fun!!” 😭
11 -
Oh no! How entitled of a non-meta build using survivor to ask others to not hardcore sweat every game and try out new and fun builds! How dare they ask for more fun and variety!
Who is supposed to be the entitled one here?
Also how nice of you to make it an "Us vs them" argument. They complained about the community mindset, meaning everyone, killers AND survivors. They just happen to notice it more when playing survivor.
17 -
For the record, I also play killer and am not a "survivor only" player
7 -
If it makes you feel any better, killer plays run into survivors with the same way of thinking. A lot of survivors idea of "fun" is bullying killers LOL
That said, I've had some fun games lately and I've had some miserable games lately on both sides. The fun ones usually make up for it.
5 -
I agree with your sentiment, but this type of thing is a cycle:
1.) Killer main plays a goofy build and gets destroyed; survivors have a fun or at least easy game.
2.) Killer main plays nurse or blight next game because they're irritated with how the last game went; survivors do not fun
Same thing applies the other way around. Why would I run 4 chest-searching perks when it's a very high probability that I'll get a Blight with alchemist ring and the 4 strongest perks on him?
It's gonna repeat like this endlessly unless the devs bring all kills and perks up to around the same par, which is basically an impossible feat.
7 -
Well if you werent so focused on escaping you might enjoy the chases you admire so much.
10 -
"Our focus on winning is bad, esprcially when killers do. Why cant zhey chill and not kill me? ( let me escape)"
Its quite zhe hypocrisy and "us vs them" isnt a valid concern when the thread starts with it....
4 -
Sadly, I have to agree with you there.
What I am still unsure about is what the developers want this game to be. Do they want it to be a competitive game or a fun game you play on the side?
Cause on the one hand we have SBMM and Community cups that would make it seem like they want it to be competitive.
On the other hand these community cups have their own set of rules not found in public games and SBMM is VERY lenient with it's soft cap and nothing stops you de-ranking on purpose to have easy matches and still get to Iri 1 grade.
I wish we could have a statement, cause as of right now, we have this 50/50 split of people sweating and people playing for fun and it's causing frustration for both of them.
3 -
And when someone finds winning fun what then
1 -
Where does the thread start with it? They gave an example on how people are sweating in their games against non-sweating players. If it would have been the other way round (survivors sweating against a non-sweating killer) it would have made no difference. Once again, they happen to notice it mainly on the survivor side.
They kept addressing that it is a COMMUNITY issue. Not once did they say that this is a killer issue...
4 -
OP said nothing about escaping. Plenty of people don't care if they lose, they just want an enjoyable game. You're the one equating enjoyable with escaping.
11 -
Your entire rant was from the perspective of a survivor player disliking the killer playing for a 4k. You told on yourself.
Every game has a meta. When you choose to use off meta builds, you have to accept that you will win less. If you don’t like it, quit.
5 -
Thank you for actually reading and understanding what I'm saying. I genuinely don't care about living when I play survivor and I also don't care about getting 4 kills when I play killer. I want a fun game on both sides that just involves playing the game in a way that doesn't require playing "efficiently" every time I turn the game on.
4 -
I mentioned the survivor perspective because that's the role where the fun you have gets dictated for you by how the killer plays. In the examples I gave that happened today, a person being camped in the basement doesn't get to choose how the remainder of the match plays out. It also forces the remaining players to rush gens (which is boring) or trade on hook (also being unfun).
1 -
I understand exactly where you are coming from. Regardless of playing solo Q or SWF, it seems it all plays out the same boring and uninspired way. 🙃 Quality matches are few and far between these days for me. On either side.
2 -
Op did mention “community” multiple times, however the issue is all there complaints/issues are focused towards killer players. No mention what so ever of how survivors play just as sweaty.
OP tried to sound unbiased unfortunately they did a terrible job doing so. Anyone who’s been on they forums for awhile already know of the bias. Not quite sure why they tried to pretend not to be.
7 -
Do you know what else is unfun? Following survivors around a loop that is totally safe, which is then linked to another safe loop. Or how about endurance bs being used to rob the killer of hooks? You don’t get to claim you meant to address both sides when your OP read like a survivor raging about a game they had today.
5 -
You want chases and yet you complain about a Nurse whose only ability is to chase.
4 -
there is literally no situation in which you CAN'T catch a survivor unless you're bad or you've reached end game using a slow killer and they have multiple perks stacked to increase their speed so the situation you're describing is literally just made up. The situations I described happen daily
3 -
“cried and cried” dont you do the same thing
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I try to play as fair as i can when i play killer or survivor. As survivor if i see the killer is struggling i try to do totems especially since i run inner healing with detectives and counter force. I dont run meta builds on my survivors as change my builds constantly. If i see the survivors struggling i go easier. I always try to play for hooks as killer too. The past couple of games i was getting 1ks with 8 or 9 hooks. I was fine with it. I dont like getting camped or tunneled so i dont do it. I do like playing silent nemesis with the undetectable addon and perks its fun. The point is i dont care about winning i just want to have fun and play the game even if that means losing. Getting camped tunneled or gen rushed you just dont get that
2 -
Translation: you want to 4K every match with 12 hooks, not 4K every match with 6 hooks.
Tunneled out surely not fun for survivors, but they also need their 40% chance to escape, winning is fun for survivor.
2 -
I ran 2 Gen and a half, I decided to "make a mistake", getting down and give Bubba his first hook, this is what I get, straight up camped to death.
I totally could run to shack (on the right of the image) to extend the chase. But I ran back to a gym that I already drop its pallet and get down after.
4 -
Lets face it even if you went down at five gens he would have face camped you
3 -
Disagree. Trapper using purple sack (can't trap pallets unless you want to give up better, more hidden options) against a good looper is a nightmare.
You basically have three options:
A.) Run through every pallet and lose all 5 gens.
B.) Leave chase so another survivor can do the same thing or, better yet, pre-run ten years before you get there so you waste more time *catching up* before you even start the chase or get a hit.
C.) Play like a bot and walk around the gens the whole game without chasing anybody.
Please buff Trapper :(
3 -
thank you for staying alive on the hook and taking one for the team
0 -
You will always catch the survivor, but if they know anything about the game, you won’t catch them in time. That’s why defensive play is strong for killer. It forces survivors off gens
3 -
This problematic mindset effects both sides and is the direct outcome of the mmr system.
People want to win. Nobody goes into a match to lose. You can say you want to have fun chases as survivor but you will still work on gens when you are not chased.
Same as killer. You want to win. You don't want to have the survivors standing in exit gate.
I personally go in the game and adapt my playstyle based on how the other side plays. If the survivors do gens quick, just ore drop pallets, use insta heals in the first chase, bodyblock my first down and generally play very safe (3 gens for one hook) I will have to adapt and play more efficiently as well. As sad as this is. They have shown me their card now I have to play mine.
If they play more chill (first hook before 1 gen is done, 3.hooks before 2 gens are done, team seems to be less good in looping or teamwork and generally play more chaotic) I will go for more fun plays.
Because I main pig that would be, mainly using Stealth, jumps caring survivors, going for the ambush most of the time.
Game goes two ways.
2 -
It doesn´t even have to be the other side.
2 -
This gutted gen regression... Is it currently in the room?
Unless you mean that gutted = Eruption/Call of Brine/Overcharge is not a thing anymore...
4 -
It's not even the playerbase mindset, its the fact that through constant survivor nerfs such as absolutely destroying Decisive Strike and making tunneling a super viable option has allowed even the non Blight/Nurse/Spirit killers to pretty reliably 4k by tunneling the first survivor out with 4 slowdown perks.
Don't get me wrong, Dead Hard absolutely NEEDED to be removed from the game, but it was such an integral part of the system for such a long time that every balancing decision in the past was amplified ten times because the game basically went from 3 health states per survivor to 2. That change alone should have brought with it a complete rebalancing of maps and killer powers.
But no, we just need to make sure that Killers have a 90%+ killrate.
Of course all the toxic survivors that bullied killers who tried to play nice didn't exactly help either.
11 -
Unfortunately it's the negative feedback loop.
I as killer like the chases and mind games... Typically I play serious until I have 2k (while trying not to camp or tunnel), then if people played honourably a lot of the time I give up hatch or let 1 or 2 of the last survivors escape.
However a lot of the time as Killer you are handicapping yourself if you play like this, and you will get slapped by a 4m SWF, or sweaty build survivors, and will have games you barely even hit 2 hooks cause you're so massively outskilled/outplayed/outperked. You get to end game and you have literally nothing, and you dont even get the satisfaction of making it a tense game... It's a very bitter pill. Like a 7 hook 4 man escape is like sure, whatever, at least they worked for it, but games where you're running like a dog none stop and keep getting nothing... it feels really bad.
You cap that off with cocky survivors being a-holes, it's not a difficult path to becoming a merciless sweaty killer.
3 -
Ruin nerfed, pop killed, overcharge killed, Brine destroyed, eruption barely useable on most killers, pain res only benefits the high tier killers. Jolt, the most popular killer perk, does a laughable amount of regression. That should tell you all you need to know about the current state of gen perks.
4 -
PGTW made its comeback with the most recent Buff. How is Pain Res only good on High Tier Killers? Even a Clown can get value out of it. Jolt is decent and the most used Killer-Perk for a reason. Deadlock exists as well. And you have general Slowdown like Sloppy Butcher which is very present in the game.
You can still stack Slowdown as much as you like and it is (sadly) still as good as ever. Saying that it got "gutted" is really wrong, but not unexpected from this community. Only because you cannot win games by default anymore with Eruption etc. does not mean that Slowdown-Perks are gutted.
9 -
My favorite thing is that when things like double locker flashlight got nerfed because people were abusing it, that was actually justifiable. I blame the accusing survivors for that one.
But when things like the CoBruption meta was holding games hostage for an hour, it can't possibly be the abusing killers that got that nerfed, no. It's the survivors fault apparently.
You touch some, not even all regression and it's 'everything got nerfed'. Change healing, chase, gen speeds, anti tunnel, anti camping, and utility for survivors and apparently that's 'nothing'.
6 -
Yall need to stopp complaining about Killer or Survivor Players sweating too much.
As Stated earlier it's a Circle, and it's up to each of us to break out of that circle.
Of course it isn't easy to continue playing a Meme Build after you've just been completely destroyed. But by switching Gears and equipping stronger stuff you just become part of the Problem.
"Be the change you want to see in the World"
The good Way is never easy.
And if you don't want to suffer bad Games just so others have fun then you will understand now why others won't do it either. If none of us are willing to change something and break out of the circle, then nothing will change.
No Perk Overhaul or Basekit Mechanic will ever change a Mindset.
2 -
Yeah. Especially the term "gutted" is used a lot. Basically when a Killer or Killer-Perk gets changed, even if it is only slightly, it is suddenly "gutted".
And how "gutted" things are is visible when you look at Nurse. Every Nerf to her and she was "gutted". But somehow Nurse and Nurse-players did not get the information that she is "gutted", since she is still without any doubt the strongest Killer in the game.
Same with Perks. Like, I see Pain Res in almost every game. And according to Stats Jolt is the most used Killer Perk. Would be strange if those things happen if the Perks would be "gutted".
5 -
Exactly. The COB/Overcharge/Eruption nerf was killers shooting themselves in the foot. They love to say "survivors got their way!" when what actually happened was most of the playerbase *and* the devs were able to see how unhealthy it was for the game to have matches stalled for 40+ minutes until people gave up. But sure, survivors ruined that for killers and apparently destroyed the game in the process.
6 -
You are right about the community, but it's both sides with their crying and bitching for nerfs that made this game un fun and boring.
Take a break and Play something else. There are tons of games online, in stores to purchase and play. DBD is not the only game.
The longer your break the easier it is to come and go as you please. It's a video game it's meant to be fun if you're not having fun PLAY SOMETHING ELSE this goes for both sides.
1 -
I’d argue that this is indeed the developers fault as well as the communities. The devs have created metas in the past year and a half that are not healthy for the game. CoB, overcharge, and eruption meta was super unhealthy, which once nerfed created a meta of 3 genning, tunneling, camping, and or slugging to create gen pressure and the current survivor meta of stackable haste perks only encourages killers to do these even more.
This is on the devs in my eyes. You can’t blame people for playing to win, it’s in our very nature to be naturally competitive. This on the devs for not discouraging these cheap and uninteractive tactics.
3 -
Pain res is awful. It is too rng based. Most of the killers I’ve gone against who were using it lost badly. Regression has been destroyed gradually over the last few years