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Current Trapper Build, What do we Think?

I just got to Prestige 40 as Trapper on Switch tonight. 60 Prestige levels to go, and despite all the frustrations, I actually do feel accomplished for maining Trapper for this long. I found a build that's worked for me thus far, and I hope it keeps working not for consistent 4ks, but for consistent matches I feel satisfied by.

How do we feel about my Trapper build?

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  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    What is the second perk from the left? I don't recognize that one.

  • Member Posts: 128

    That perk is Terminus, a Wesker perk. When all the gens are completed all injured, dying, or hooked survivors are inflicted with Broken, and stay Broken until the exit gates have been opened for 30 seconds. It pairs nicely with No Way Out for some potential endgame comebacks by making any endgame hook saves much more dangerous in my opinion. Yes, MFT/Hope exists, but I like the Adrenaline counter.

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    Very respectable build and add-ons. I applaud you for sticking to Trapper for so long despite how punishing he can be to play.

    How often do you get value out of silently setting bear traps?

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    I see. That sounds like a bit of a weak choice. Personally I'd replace it with Deadlock, or even Infectious Fright if you want the slugging potential to build pressure early/mid game.

    Otherwise it's a solid build. One of the go-tos for most Trapper enthusiasts.

  • Member Posts: 128

    It's not always, but I've sometimes gotten value out of Bear Oil. Earlier today I had a 4 man on Ironworks and was able to get a lucky trap around a hill hook via Bear Oil (i.e.: the survivor on hook wasn't able to call it out), which secured me a 3k win.

    Another time on Eyrie of Crows, I trapped the shack window mid-chase and snagged a Claudette that was acting a little cocky.

    Whenever I get Bear Oil value, it is satisfying as all get out <3

  • Member Posts: 509

    Trapper is one of my mains and if you can win consistently without trapper sack and the iri's then hats off to u sir.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Looks good. My Trapper-Build is more chase-orientated, but I think the combination of Terminus and No Way Out is a good idea since you (sadly) will reach the point of 5 gens being done many times.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    As Trapper main, I dont like Corrupted, it back fire me more than should. I want survivors to sit on Gen far away while I setup traps around Gens that spawn near me. If they run to you because of a blocked Gen, likely a survivor will follow you to disarm traps.

    I feel Terminus is pointless if not paired with Blood warden.

    No way out, may not always get 4 stacks before all Gens done. I prefer Remember me, easier to get stack and also stronger. Forcing survivors to stay at Gate for half a min is better than them hiding and wait for 1min.

    STBFL is a great perk for itself.

    My build is Rancor, Remember me, Terminus, Blood warden. Each of them supports each other extremely well.

    Rancor has 2 jobs, kill obsession so they cant by pass Remember. Or use them as easy target to down and hook them to bait or activate Blood warden.

    Remember me, nature of Trapper to trap on each Gate, you can use traps as a warning to check an opening Gate, also work well with Iri stone.

    Terminus force survivors to open Gate, easier to active Blood warden.

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