Why do ppl exploit bugs in the PTB?
Like many updates, the PTB has some bugs... One bug in particular makes a certain perk on Xeno completely busted. If you notice it... great. Report the bug, then don't do it anymore. The last thing we need is for ppl to think Xeno is too strong because ppl exploiting a bug resulted in the survivor team to get absolutely steamrolled.
Is it bugged because theres some killers that act similar? (Plague twins and knight?) But i guess since it directly does a certain thing. Makes sense. Glad i havent run into it on the survivor end. On the killer end i havent used it.
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people will always look for an advantage this game was a nightmare before the killswitch was implemented
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It's actually the best place for it. It can be seen by many and reported by many before it hits live.
PTB is the place to find and test this type of thing.
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Do we really need ppl using it REPEATEDLY though? This bug got reported within hours of the PTB going live.
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I'm guessing the tail attack isn't coded correctly. I know when they reworked Nurse so blink attacks no longer counted as basic attacks, they had the same problem. They accidentally made a 3rd type of attack rather than it being a "special attack".
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I assume it's because it will be the only time they get to do it.
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Well yeah that's what the PTB is for.
This one thing happened once is not an effective enough reason for change during testing.
This repeatable problem is leveraged easily and often, its a bug that needs change.
That's how the PTB works, no sense in calling for the PTB to not be used as intended which is to showcase and test the viability of mechanics.
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better doing on PTB so people can experience that , and report those exploits / bugs.
I mean thats the point of PTBs right? testing stuff and report the things that arent intended or broken.
soo i dont get why u would be mad about it ? after all you are manually sending yourself into those games not being forced to play them tho (pretty sure PTBs also had DC penalties off)
PTBs arent for just regulard DBD games , people enjoy testing stuff regarding if the things are healthier or not for the game.
remenber the PTB - nemesis legion ? thank god it didnt went to live. (thanks to people abusing it on PTB)
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At what point is it not "testing" anymore? I'm seeing YouTube videos of people just DECIMATING teams. I'm pretty just they got their testing out of the way BEFORE they did the intro. The PTB is also meant to test balance. Cheating is only going to give a bad idea on where the character needs changes before it hits live. I would hate for inappropriate nerfs to come down as a result of people abusing an exploit.
The last video I saw had the guy going "I don't know if this is a glitch or intended..." over and over. Like who are you fooling?
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So your issue is with the motivation of the players rather than the mechanic itself.
The PTB tests the latter, that's its purpose.
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I would argue that exploiting a bug on PTB is a good thing. It gives players and developers a chance to experience the game in different ways. Maybe, just maybe, the mistake is actually a good thing. (I'm not saying that it is in this particular case)
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People really crying about using funny bugs on a ptb where you can just LEAVE with no DC penalty grow up
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My problem is it obscures data. It's hard to determine how effective the killer is performing when you have ppl spamming a speed glitch. How are you suppose to determine how the ACTUAL new mechanics are performing? The survivors facing this just see a train barreling them down. That's likely to make its way to the feedback section on how the killer ends chases too quickly.
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Unfortunate but I rather see it in the PTB then see it go live where it will be 100x worse.
Also unfortunate, it will probably make it to live regardless.
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I’m against bug exploits, but if there’s any place where it could be done, it should be on the PTB. That way it can get patched before it goes live.
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Can someone explain what it is? I only play customs in PTB cause it can literally take up to 4 hours just for a game as killer in the PTB here, and am curious and want to report it myself.
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Consider the collected data from a situation where one player notices a bug that provides them a benefit, reports it, and no one ever uses it again on the PTB. Sure, the bug might be an unfair advantage but the data says it didn’t actually impact that many matches. Now the fix is moved down the priority list, maybe to a post release patch.
If something is game breaking, the PTB is the place to demonstrate that it’s game breaking. Something that happens once isn’t game breaking. Something that trends towards a 100% win rate over a statistically significant number of matches - that’s game breaking.
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The devs have access to way more data then we do, if they know there is a bug with a certain perk then they know to not take the matches with said perk too seriously when estimating things.
So i'm on the side of doing it. The more people experience it, the more feedback they will get and the more likely something is going to be done about it
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But to obscure the data everyone would have to be applying that in a manner that was undifferentiated from people who weren't applying it.
Id the devs are aware of the bugs/exploits and they get used a lot they'll probably be looking to change them.