Playing Nice is Painful

If a killer plays nice and doesn't tunnel or camp they get rewarded survivors tea bagging and flashlighting in the gates.
Post game messages are very cruel calling them garbage or worse and saying things like easy and free. This feels awful.
So they stop playing nice and play competitively. Then survivors are angry at them.
So my question to survivors is why? If you want killers to not tunnel or camp why do treat the ones who don't tunnel or camp so cruelly.
Survivors actively discourage killers from playing nice or chill.
Just saying, if you want nice killers maybe just leave when the gates are open without the mockery and don't berate a nice killer for losing.
I don't know why either. But it seems that survivors and killers create their own worst enemies. You play nice as killer and the survivors will try to make you feel bad until you are done with playing nice and start playing mean. If you play survivor and don't teabag, use the strongest items and bm in whatever way, then the killer will try to make you feel bad by slugging you for 4 minutes, hitting you on the hook or whatever they can think off.
This is not every match. There are friendly players out there. But it is common to see this behavior. The best any of us can do is to try and stay positive but I know that this is easier said than done.
I used to play without addons and with pretty nice perks and go for as many hooks as possible in my killer matches. But I have a breaking point too. These past few days a majority of my matches have ended in me getting harrassed in end game chat, messages under my steam profile and a lot of bming in game. Maybe it's time to put on Insidious and play a round of basement Bubba. If I'm going to get insulted anyway, then I can at least give them a reason to do so.
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For you maybe, i play nice and have a great time.
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I still don't understand why the devs haven't done something about lingering in the exit gate area. It could be as simple as if they stay in the area beyond the gate for 5 secs a blood warden activates.
I understand standing outside the gate waiting for teammates to make sure they make it, but when all the remaining alive survivors linger there, a blood warden would be amazing.
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I think an option to force all remaining living survivors to escape without having to go to the gates would be better. That way it wouldn't affect regular gameplay.
Same could be done to prevent bleedouts, if you're on the floor for too long you can press a button to die.
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This is why as a killer you shouldn't care what survivors think. The killer is not there to facilitate the survivors fun. They are there to be an obstacle in their goal of escaping alive.
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As someone that plays SoloQ I would absolutely be overjoyed to see someone with a semblance of empathy playing on the other side. Couple of weeks ago I went up against a Clown that didn't tunnel me off the hook in the endgame, even though he could have very easily secured himself a 1K. Expressed my gratitude in endgame chat, but he said nothing. Wish the best for the person!
I regularly play nice as Killer and even when I deliberately avoid going for the death hook survivor where I could easily get them out, they'll still teabag at the gate. Really frustrating. The only time I ever get nice survivors is if I give them hatch or if someone DCs early on and I hit the gens letting them know that they can leave after getting 2 hooked.
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What is the point of this thread besides more Us vs Them?
Do you only play nice to get validation from others? Its funny how playing nice is only a problem when the survivors do something you dislike.
I play nice all the time on killer and get nothing but kind survivors, does that make my experience universal? Of course not, so there's zero point in acting like every survivor player does the same thing.
Moreover you shouldn't be nice just to please other people, you should be nice because it pleases yourself, and further than that you should continue to be nice even if the other side doesn't appreciate it occasionally because there will always be a lot of people that do and being nice is... a good thing to do?
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I play both sides equally, and I play they way I would appreciate if I were on the other side. Not babied or anything, just with some degree of consideration.
MMR is a joke and the game isn't fairly balanced for either side, and that should be taken into account.
But that's just me, I don't find being absolutely merciless to be fun. The game isn't fine tuned enough for me to just go balls out all the time and not feel a little bad about it sometimes.
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I'm with you, I like to play Dredge when I'm on killer side. Plenty of times I've popped out of a locker and ran into the guy who I just hooked and will shoot past him to go find the person who had been healing him.
Now, if I run into him again... well that's on him/her but there is really never a reason to tunnel.
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Yeah many survivors are literal douches. Once, I even got teabagged by the person I gave hatch to. I don't have any explanation, I think some just have such a low IQ that they don't even realize that you played nice.
However, most of my survivors are not like this, they behave cute in-game or in chat, sometimes give me their item. Which leads me to often give hatch.
From my experience killer players are A LOT more toxic than survivors, and I'd say the killer role also has a lot more potential to be toxic with things like slugging/3-gen merchants etc. It doesn't excuse the toxicity on either side, though.
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Be a dick or get dicked. I've had plenty.of games where I've shown mercy (not tunnelled out) gave them value for money and then have it all thrown in my face at the end.
You have to merciless and do what you have to do .....
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It maaaaybe painful when you're losing, but much more satisfying when you 4k-ing without using such tactics.=)
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No mercy :)
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I do a slow t bag which is saying thank you when given hatch. It's hard to communicate in this game apart from end game chat.
Yeah t bag isn't always a bad thing. Given that most of the time it's toxic though.
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Until it's rewarded for spreading hooks. Do whats the best idea to win! I'm not one for facecamping before end game though. It's too boring.
Unless a team is not doing gens and is terrible at looping playing nice can sometimes be a bad idea unfortunately.
I do find that my empathy can sometime bite me back though.
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The point is hoping that other players see this and stop the game endgame toxicity when they get a killer that plays clean and fair.
Nothing to do with us vs them
Judging by your reaction though I'm assuming you are the same player that complains about the tunneling and camping then when you get a killer that doesn't camp or tunnel you teabag at the he gate and gg ez them in chat after.
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My favorite solution would be a general perk called "Just Leave!" - lingering inside the exit area for longer then 10s will shut Blood Warden the exit gate and expose the survivor, till they move 36m away from the exit gates.
I would equip this perk on the first slot of every killer and never take it off ever again.
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If we cause enough of a riot can we get this base kit?
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I was playing solo the other day. Had a Pyramid Head that only had 2 hooks total on two different survivors when gens finished. He hooked one player, tried camping, got hook trade before they reached second. Tried camping again, no hook trade this time and all survivors got to the open door. Could tell they switched from wanting end game kill to wanting everyone to leave to drop MMR. We all went back in and two of us gave him a second hook before time ran out, then we all left. Next match? Get a killer that randomly decides to stand over me and bleed me out even though I didn't do anything toxic in game, just played normal and tried not to get killed.
Both sides have players that do their best to just frustrate the other side - survivors that just won't leave for 2 minutes in exit or killers that just slug survivors for 4 minute bleedout timer. Both use the other side frustrating them in previous match for why they then do it themselves in next match.
As for messages just ignore them. Turn off end game chat if you're on PC. If on console make profile private or don't even open messages you receive after a match. More often than not it will be someone being a sore winner/loser so don't waste your time with it.
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More often than not they are. The problem is the negative experiences stick in the memory.
As an example, the last 4 games I played as survivor resulted in me escaping 3 times and 2 of those times were really enjoyable, tough and no BMing. However, the one which sticks in my mind is the one I lost where Nemesis repeatedly beat me amd camped the hook. That stands out way more, but clearly it is not representative of my 4 trials as a whole.
Play the game you want in the way you feel good about. Keep track of trials where survivors were nice and those where they weren't, as well as objectively review how you played. You may surprise yourself.
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How about we just don't discuss anything then, because it's all "us vs them" anyway?
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Would be great if Survivors messed around too long in the exit gate area, the Entity's pull would get stronger and stronger. Survivors would get slowly pulled back into the trial. The inside of the exit gates become a vacuum and if you stay too long, say towards the last 1/4 of the timer, you physically can't escape as the pull is too great. Anything to make it where the Survivors don't feel so safe at the end..
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You can check my post history if you want, I don't care about being tunneled and camping is already being solved.
I legit only type gg wp all in end game chat no matter what happens and even then some killers throw a tantrum and act like I'm bm'ing , I've even been told to off myself after saying ggwp so idk it goes both ways.
The point is, saying that you're being pushed to being a mean killer because of a few bad experiences tells me you weren't really sold on being nice anyways, it should be obvious that its a minority treating that way that's not representative of the whole at all.
The way your post is worded literally just feels like trying to farm "survivor bad" replies which is Us vs Them.
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I think your just unlucky. I play nice as killer and most of the time the survivors are nice to me back. In fact alot of those same survivors ended up becoming my friends afterwards. Some toxic survivors once in a while (this one rebecca player that was very toxic) but its mostly chill ones. They do bring flashlights tho and i hate those
I dont really get a whole lot of nice killers. I do remember when this one Nemesis was playing around not letting me slap its booty which was funny. And there was another instance in one of the events where you had to open an envelope me and a doctor came up to it at the same time and he actually was letting me get it. But i shock my head and pointed at him to get it. He let me live after killing everyone. Maybe you get nicer killers more than nicer survivors
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I really do wish, seriously, that we had a perk that punished survivors for idling in the exit gates. Even if no one ever used it, just the possibility of it being in play should be enough to spook survivors into leaving the game and stop wasting people's time. Ideally, anyway.
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Try to match your opponents in the way that they play, it's a skill, and sometimes you're gonna guess hard and go way too hard/easy but it's seriously improved the enjoyment of my matches.
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Example you play 1 match as survivor and 1 match as killer. Mean you play with/against 7 survivor and only 1 killer. Even if each match has 1 survivor and 1 killer are toxic. You will see 2 toxic survivors and 1 toxic killer.
Which is why killers think survivors are toxic, while killers are not. Especially you are the killer, where you dont play against any killer, and usually people dont reflect themselves if they're toxic or not.
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There is a reason I stopped playing nice as Killer; you get mocked and stomped on by the sweat lord SWF you are probably up against.
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Going against four players means receiving four times the abuse. At least as survivor you only get one killer being a jerk to you.
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Just turn off endgame chat. Why is it even still in the game? All it does is promote toxicity. It literally doesn't exist on console, and most console players I see are actually pretty nice.
Had a rough game as Billy during the Masquerade event where I wanted to get the 4k in one trial challenge done, and two of the survivors even remained to give me free kills and then offered to help me if they get me again.
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Turbo or get turbo'd
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Well, speaking as someone who used to have a lot of rage issues with games when I was younger, I want to offer a little advise to help... this is a classic problem with text based communication. You can't put intination and tone on a text, so your intent is left to the reader to interpret. Thats why emoji's exist.
The reason you get this response is if this person just got absolutely whooped, they are already feeling pretty negative. Nice killers don't want to play dirty tactics, but they also don't want to lose. They want the game to be close and put up a good fight... but after a tanning they're already in the challenging position of taking stock of just getting rinsed.
You say "GG WP" at that point, their mindset at that time is "no it wasn't a good game, I got smashed, it wasn't even close... you must be taking the piss, so screw you".
Though it isn't your job to deal wirh their feelings, if you want a less hostile response, try leading with something a little empathetic to soften it first, like "ul killer, thnx for the game! gg wp all!".
You will still get hostile responses, when tempers flare, they flare, and toxic people will always be toxic, but little gestures like this will mitigate it somewhat for you.
If they continue to be angry, you can follow up with something like "don't sweat it man, I know that game was rough, but try not let it get to you. Good luck on next!". A little gesture like that could make a big difference to someone's day... and if they're still sulking after that, you're subtly pointing out that they are being the #########. So win win.