The entitlement is getting strong



  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2023

    "You wanted a discussion, but you chose to stop reading the moment you read something you don't like. That tells me you aren't interested in a discussion, and you only want an echo chamber."

    Now it's you that misunderstands. I didn't stop reading because I read something I don't like. I stopped reading at the point where you told me how to play my game. See the difference?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    But the concepts of having to apply empathy as if what happens in game actually matters is ridiculous. If you are playing within the confines of the game rules then that's enough. People are free to discuss whether they like those rules or not but trying to add some kind of empathetic grandeur meaning to it is just lot of melodramatic BS.

    Yeah and if you feel the need abuse other players over a game, DM people, actually engage in griefing by body blocking people in corners, cheating etc. then you are probably a jackass in real life.

    But if you facecamp someone at 5 gens that's just gameplay, not the most interactive but still just gameplay.

    Somewhere along the line the elements of real world abuse got confounded with less than popular game mechanics and a bunch of very thin skinned players treat them as if they are the same thing. Then spend their time self-righteously attacking other players over gameplay as if its the equivalent of genuine abuse.

    I'm sorry but trying to "empathize" with a maladjusted point of view like that doesn't help the problem... in fact it offers external validation of it and the cycle of toxicity feeds itself. Validation seeking behaviour is rife on the forums because hey this is where the complainers come to seek validation, rarely is it constructive.

    This is not to say all complaints are unconstructive whining but there is enough of that that teasing out the genuine comments is a task. When did we cross the threshold of all views have to be considered as valid even those so outlandish as to be considered ridiculous.

    If we are going to apply grandeur to it, I think the DBD forums are an interesting small scale mirror for a lot of society these days where people expect validation and empathy for their behaviour no matter how toxic, maladjusted, entitled and narcissistic it may be.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    No one is saying you can't express your frustration but keep it in perspective.

    "I don't like this" is different from saying "no one should be able to do this" or "anyone who does this is a bad person ruining my game" Somehow people seem to think these things are the same. They are very different.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 102

    100% agree. That isn't to say that there aren't styles of play that I dislike.

    I HATE playing against a killer that slugs the third survivor to get the 4k. For me personally it makes for a very boring match. However, I don't recall other players signing a contract when I bought the game saying they would never slug the 3rd survivor for the 4k when they go against me.

    I LOATHE playing with other survivors that aren't playing to escape. Yet, they are under no obligation to change the way they play because I don't like it.

    For me the bottom line is there are 3 styles of play that are not acceptable: Hacking, a killer and survivor working together, or survivors intentionally sabotaging the rest of the team even if they aren't necessarily working directly with the killer. Other than those things everyone gets to play how they want regardless of anyone else's personal feelings about it.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    "All games eventually die, but for some reason there is a group of this playerbase that is trying to kill this game as fast as possible with playstyles."

    I was wondering when the "this game is dying" would come up again.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Never said the game was dying. Said all games die, it happens to the best of them. They do for one of two reasons:

    Better alternative comes along - See the new TCM game.

    Playerbase loss - see the slowly increasing cue times.

    Again, nowhere did I say "This game is dying" but there is certainly a portion of the playerbase that cares about themselves only and truly don't care if they ruin the game and I just don't understand that selfish and childish mindset. That's something you expect from kids in pre-k but adults?

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498
    edited August 2023

    I mean the same people encouraging killers to do whatever they want are the same people who want to remove hook-suicicdes and want harsher dc penalties to force people to be their punching bags.

    You'll never be able to convince them that their behavior is wrong because they have to see that its a problem to begin with, which they won't. I'd say just be glad you'll never get matched against them and that most players on both sides can understand the basic concept of not making people miserable while playing a video game.


    Also no, young children have tons of empathy. Its mostly teenagers and apathetic adults who behave in this way I've found.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 396

    You're kinda right but also kinda wrong for the same reasoning you can't use racial slurs or LGTBphobic comments. You can have fun and make yourself feel bigger than you are by making someone else feel terrible and that doesn't give you the right to do so regardless.

    Yes, I know there's a fair distance between, say, using the most disgusting tactic with the least amounts of counters and calling someone unspeakable things "for fun", but saying this I hope to make it clear you're online, on a community, and it's your duty to make others as comfortable with the interaction as you'd want to be.

    There are some layers to this, of course. This doesn't mean you can't use the best strategy in the game. In fact, were this strategy to be oppressive, the blame wouldn't fall on the players as much as it would fall on the devs for not addressing it. However, it does mean you probably should side with the oppressed side if you suspect something is making the game overall less fun for people involved, and it also means if a strategy involves suppressing the fun aspect of another player, you should probably refrain from using it and you should discourage its use.

    A thing that comes to mind is the facecamping bubba. Oftentimes, this strategy isn't really used to win as much as it is used to anger other players and laugh at their frustration. The game's result often means nothing, as regardless of what happens, you're almost guaranteed one player sacrificed with barely 2k points and most likely raging at the results screen. This is fun for some, but it shouldn't be encouraged. If you enter a community just to cause discord, then you may as well go play a single player and enjoy absolutely obliterating NPCs. You're causing more good than bad around the world that way.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Be nice if they just created two different lobby types. Not the custom one, but a ranked and casual. Casual would be for solo cues and non-streaming but would still allow tome tasks to be completed. No rankings, just a chance to play the game and enjoy.

    Would put all the streamers and SWFs and 4k is the only way I succeed killers in the same area where they can take things seriously and stroke out at the keyboard.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    It definitely feels that way. There is a total lack of consideration and empathy, all because of online anonymity. I would much rather sit in queue for an hour to be guaranteed an enjoyable match than be matched with someone who thinks that only their fun matters.

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    When I'm playing survivor, depending on how the game went sometimes I'll try and motion over a killer toward the end and point at a hook so they get some points too. Especially if there were streamers or event cakes burnt. Or waiting at the gate so they can get some deviousness or brutality score events in by hitting me. I don't t-bag or anything.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123
    edited August 2023

    This is based on the assumption that there are more than enough Killer players at each skill bracket to queue with all the efficient and casual Survivors.

    The loose MMR and BP incentives were implemented because not enough people were playing Killer in the first place. 10 minute Survivor Queues were common back in early 2022.

    If the amount of Killer players is enough to meet the 1:4 ratio, I’m sure devs would also tighten matchmaking as well. However they have yet to do so and have not even commented much on it. That would imply that the loose matchmaking is still needed to ensure everyone gets games fast enough.

    You speak of it being a positive for people to stop playing as Killer because of their playstyles. However devs need to make sure they do not outright discourage people from playing Killer. Why do you think camping and tunneling aren’t bannable offences but instead bandaids are introduced to minimize the impact?

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,726

    Every time this topic comes up, all I want is the ability to self police if this is true. If we're all playing for our own fun, and you hard tunnel, bubba camp, 3 gen skull merchant, etc I want the right to hide in the corner of the map and do the bare minimum to not attract crows. Let's open it up to both sides, as long as its in the game, you can do it. The game version of mutually assured destruction.

  • Ivanynakov
    Ivanynakov Member Posts: 235

    You can do whatever you want in-game and in real life. But be prepared to face the consequences. They always follow.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Nobody slugs all 4 for fun. They do it to be petty. And if Pig is anywhere near a position to do that, that's completely on the survivors, because her current weakness is quite pitiful.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111
  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396

    Exactly lol. People keep saying “it’s a video game bro” but this is literally word for word the definition of selfish behavior.