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Can someone tell me why survivors get all these timers and indicators and killers don’t get any?

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

Survivors get information on who is being chased who’s doing healing, who’s doing generators, and what percentage that generator is on, and what percentage the recovery person in the dying state is plus they get an aura. Survivors get all of this information told to them through the base game.

There is no indication for whether or not a survivor is being affected by the killers, perks or add-ons. For example, the nemesis parasite, purple add on, doesn’t give a timer to the nemesis on how long the oblivious last for, or if I survivor is infected with the effects of the perks across all killers in the game. Survivors get all these bells and whistles however, a killer it’s just meant to organize and keep track of all of this information? And just remember how a survivor is supposed to be affected by an a perk? There should be some type of indication to the killer that a survivor is under the effects of an add-ons or perks perhaps maybe only in Chase as for example, they glow a bright purple for 5 seconds, when they are under effect of certain perks, or even in a chase the timer for purple add on (obliviousness) is in effect for?

just seems a little unfair that survivors get all these indicators for how a survivor is being affected by the killer. The killer gets no feedback. Perhaps some perks may benefit from an indication with the killer knowing that the perk is being useful.

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Best Answers

  • Member Posts: 1,006
    Answer ✓

    Both sides don't need the exact same tools. The roles are completely different.


  • Member Posts: 91

    This is completely your opinion. I could say the same thing about killers.

  • Member Posts: 91

    This is very true. I have seen an abundance of toxic killers recently and they would use the indicators to be more toxic not to be used for regular gameplay. 8/10 times I run into a toxic killer. I haven’t played with that many toxic survivors though.

  • Member Posts: 5,877

    My point is, how often does THAT happen where someone wants to tunnel but forgets or lost track or can't figure it out? Probably less than someone who is trying to be nice TBH.

  • Member Posts: 1,097
  • Member Posts: 552
    edited August 2023

    reason 1. So that the killer does not tunnel, for example, let's take a new sadako and a pig, if they see the doom indicator or the trap timer, then with a high probability, they will tunnel the survivors who have the least time to remove the trap and so on(I'm already silent about Wesker with his slowdown)

    Reason 2. Why, if you don't do anything about it? in fact, this is a dubious reason, because the same plague could safely see the indicator of infection (for survivors, it is more detailed?), but this the will not do much to the killer, besides, the non-detailed scale that she has now is quite enough

    Addition: Have you forgotten the fact that the survivors do not see the indicator of the ghostface and dredge, and do you all know why? Yes, because they can't do anything about it

    Addition two: Not only the survivors see the sm and knight indicators

    And it seems that there is an animation of perks recharging for indication (sometimes they count down how much time is left before the end of the effect) there are quite a few exceptions among the perks, I can only remember the fanaticism, but even there the action of the perk = half of the recharge, that is, you can roughly say how it stops working.

    And what about the additions....often this will not prevent you from benefiting from them, the same obliviousness, why do you need to know his indicator if you already approach the survivor from behind on a closed map?(in general, this is a useless effect in itself) and the vulnerability of this knowledge, too, would not give addition, it seems that the only really good addon for this (which trickster has) can be tracked...and in the case of Wesker and often the moment of the exposed is clear. And in other addons, this is an injury and bleeding that only take place during treatment and in fact everything, it would probably be nice, but useless...I suppose

    Well, I think so.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Again the game should not be designed around players choosing not to tunnel someone. There is a reason they do not give you that information, and it's because most killers are rats.

  • Member Posts: 10,908

    HEAVILY disagree as someone who plays both sides equally.

  • Member Posts: 6,081
    edited August 2023

    BHVR added that info to bring solo a bit closer to swf level. All that info (and more) is readily available to swf teams via comms. As someone who plays solo, it really just shows me that my potato team mates aren't doing anything.

  • Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2023

    but it's very easy to keep track of hooks, endurance after unhooks and other stuff. i played onryo before update and didn't have any trouble keeping track of condemned and visualizing condemn aoe. i still remember all ability names, damage, cooldowns and mana costs for most dota 2 heroes even though i dropped the game years ago. we don't really need a lot of indicators etc. our brain has so much potential, you only need to apply it.

    so it's not an issue at all. with most killers you don't really need to keep track of anything except map awareness and player who you're trying to kill.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    If everyone tunneled and camped, it would get fixed a lot sooner. Beacuse instead of the survivor population slowly dying like it is now, you would see it fall off a cliff. So yes, you should play as dirty as possible, because nothing gets fixed unless the devs see it as an issue.

    I don't think people are just dicks to be dicks, they want to win and that means playing dirty. But it's a competative game, so dirty things should get patched way faster than it is currently getting fixed in DBD.

    I think tunneling should be a gamble like it use to be with old DS. The killer shouldn't always feel compelled to tunnel like they do right now. There is no reason not to tunnel someone right now, so why would you expect them not to? There should be mechanics in the game that severely punishes tunneling if the killer plays poorly or the survivor plays well.

    I think camping should be taken out back and shot however, it takes no skill and no one enjoys it. It's literally just bad game design.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    To add, killers were camping and tunneling during the height of EruptOverBrine, when it took ages to complete the gens. It’s been said ad nauseam but there’s just no way to disincentivize those playstyles. They probably won’t stop unless they’re punishing, in some way.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Idk DS did a pretty fantastic job at punishing tunneling without needing to do much else. They could easily introduce a perk that lets you stun the killer for 3-5 seconds if you are hit near a hooked survivor. And buff DS back to 5 as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    DS did jack all to killers running that combo. I know because I ran it too. 😅

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Tunneling during DS was way more rare than it is right now. I remember back when haddonfield was all the rage, you would see tunnelers every once in awhile. You could go a whole day without seeing one. Now it's every other game.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    You were believable until you said you haven't played with many toxic survivors. Survivors are even toxic to each other.

  • Member Posts: 685

    I get what you are saying and in a few ways I agree. Hard tunneling and face camping at 5 gens is quite frankly boring as hell for me which is the biggest reason i don't. I do like having a game where both I and the survivors are having fun, but mostly playing like that just isn't fun. I like the macro play (which is why Plague is one of my favorites).

    I'm against removing options so I don't like the idea of just making it impossible to tunnel or camp, and I think that they are fine in small tactical usage, but when it's your only strat, it's the most effective strat, and it's in play from the first second, that's a problem. I prefer an approach where they both nerf it and buff spreading hooks - to the point where it's more effective to spread hooks than it is to tunnel someone out straight away, but the option is still available for when it would make sense over spreading hooks (and those moments should be rare).

    As far as tunneling and camping to push changes through, no thank you. I'd rather switch to survivor full time and face it than do it myself. That's not going to happen though because while I do like playing survivor occasionally, I'm not particularly hip on people relying on me or vice versa.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    Well get ready because they are currently working on a counter to camping and they are still brainstorming ways to reduce tunneling. The developers have at least awknowledge that they see the two tactics as troublesome.

    I am not advocating to remove them entirely. I want it to be a gamble like I said before. I want it to be a risk for a killer to take, and think twice before doing it every game. It should be a last ditch effort move, not an all case effort move like it is now.

    All they have to do is buff DS back to 5 seconds and add a similar perk for when a survivor is hit near a hook.

  • Member Posts: 685
    edited August 2023

    I'd be fine with a basekit 5 sec DS (still deactivating in EGC). Answers shouldn't be perks. Doesn't impact 95% of my gameplay. Something similar for hitting near a hook though, no thanks. Maybe after 30 seconds has elapsed from the time the survivor was hooked, but survivors ahouldn't be able to hook bomb for free the second you put a survivor up there.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    If it's not perks then it's going to be baseline changes that completely remove the ability to do those tactics. Which I don't think killers want, going towards perks is the middle ground. I think reassurance was a good idea it just isn't going to stop camping. It just forces a killer and that player to stand around the hook longer. I think the perk should allow for safe unhooking within certain perimeters while preventing free trades.

  • Member Posts: 685

    Basekit DS doesn't remove the ability to tunnel, it just makes it considerably more painful to do so. You yourself said how prevalent tunneling is. You shouldn't have to basically go into matches with three perks just to stop from being tunneled. If it's that bad (and it is), it needs core gameplay changes to address it, not a bandaid perk.

    On the camping thing, it's tough because a survivor shouldn't be able to get free unhooks by bombing the hook, and a Killer shouldn't be able to get free trades just by facecamping...and in the middle of all this is the guy stuck on the hook waiting for everyone to figure all this out.

    Likewise as killer, I shouldn't be penalized because I hooked and went out to find another survivor who leads me back to the hook and now gets rewarded for doing so, even though I'm trying to play in a healthy way that doesn't involve camping and tunneling.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    FINE ALL YALL BABIES. For the record, I was not talking about condemn stacks and the pig timer. Those are mechanics they’re tied to a survivor dying. The killer not being able to see these is fine.

    What I meant was the show off perks value when it’s a mechanic not tied to someone’s death. Like being affected by the clowns, healing perk, or showing a timer for the nemesis 60 second oblivious timer. And status effects received upon interacting with the killer power like stepping on execution trails.

    “well, actually, if you give killers these timers, it just will lead to their death anyway” I just want to know if my add-ons or and my perks are affecting survivors maybe after a chase like with play with your food I get to see the timer for 15 seconds, let’s say.

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