Rift Track - Free or Premium?

Are you strictly Free to play or do you buy the premium pass?
If you do buy the premium track do you grind until the very end or do you unlock everything on day 1?
I buy the pass if I like the cosmetics. I just play like normal and do the challenges, I've always gotten to the end before it closes.
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IF I ever get to the end of the battle pass while playing Free, I'll buy the Premium for 10 bucks, because getting that ensures I'll have 10 Bucks worth of Auric Cells to do it again for the next pass, but only if I complete it. Otherwise it's free pass all the way! Otherwise, I'm holding on to 10 bucks worth of Auric cells, and if I have enough time to complete the free pass, I'll get the Premium knowing that the Cells will be immediately refunded.
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I have yet to not complete a rift, and since I purchased the rift once (and got one for free with prime) I see no reason not to get it.
Also, this rift has Space Birb on the very first level on the premium track, so…
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Last rift I bought was the one with the bill cosmetics
I don’t count the last one because I got the Amazon prime reward
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Yh I only buy the rift if it has cosmetics I want. This one doesn't really do it for me
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I bought the rift once when I started playing in 2020 and have gotten it "free" ever since
I play often enough naturally that I've never had any need to grind to the finish line
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Always buying the rift, it's motivation and goals to work towards and the new chapters on top of that keep me engaged in the game longer
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I bought the premium track with real money once upon a time and I've been using the auric cells from it to buy the next one since then.
I only buy the track once I've reached a tier high enough to reimburse myself in auric cells, that way I'm always ensured to have the next one as well. I think there's only one premium track that I didn't buy because I didn't finish the rift.
Post edited by Annso_x on0 -
I buy the premium every time regardless of if it’s good or not because if you finish it then it pays for itself. So you basically buy it once and you never have to buy future ones again. This of course only works if you play a lot though.
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It depends on if there is a skin I like in it.
It's 10 bucks and most skins are 10 bucks alone so if there is a skin in the rift I like I get the rift. It also gives me a goal to reach and motivation to keep playing.
That said this is the first rift I've bought in over a year and a half. It's the first one with a few skins I like. The most recent rifts have been uninspired honestly. This one has some better art in it.
I like the Nic Cage, Meg Thomas, Artist, and Meatball Skins.
Space Bird is a cool little charm too but I never buy things for the charms they are just cool extras
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I play the free track until I've hit the last set of auric cells, then I buy the premium track as it's just a recycle of the auric cells at that point. I've been recycling the same cells on the Rifts since I started playing.
If it ever gets changed so you can't recycle all of the cells I'll stop going premium. It's rare anything is offered on the premium track for characters I play, and even then it's usually just ok at best. I can't remember the last time it had something that caused a "MUST HAVE" response in me.
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I tend to keep a balance of 1000 AC and buy premium once I reach level 70 for the immediate refund.
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I always buy the premium track, sometimes I will even buy a few levels, if I have the auric cells to do so. Just makes it easier to reach the end.
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I've only ever gotten the rift three times (and one was free cuz of prime) and the only one I really thought was worth it was the one with all the ghost face masks. That was probably the best rift we've ever gotten.
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I didn't start buying the premium track until the one after Trickster's. It keeps me motivated to play the game as I don't wanna miss out on what essentially is $30-$60 worth of cosmetics you can get all with $10 along with essentially free Auric Cells. The Premium track is the only time I basically get skins outside of the occasionally money purchase and/or irid shards. Pus, you never know when BHVR might release them into the store. I've been waiting for Nea's System Smahser and Elodies Afropunk cosmetic for the longest and it still aint here😭
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I buy the rift mostly with the cells form the last. I love the rift and the premium track. It gives me a feeling of progression and therefore helps against dbd becoming stale. Also some of the cosmetics are really awesome.
Im looking forward to the deep rift artist one.
Also. I never bought rift stages. I think its very doable if most of the challenges are done and buying it instantly makes the cosmetics feel less special, because they havent been "worked for."
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Always buy the Battle Pass when you reach enough premium currency to make it back.
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I started the game during Rift 6, and didn't have enough time to finish it (I have like just the shirt of Dwight's "Office Santa" which was on the free track and has NOT been added to the store, so I only have the shirt and it annoys me so much) so I didn't buy it, but I've bought and completed every one since.
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I unlock the Rift via playing. I bought the premium track for the first Rift and have used those same Auric cells to buy every premium Rift track since. I don't purchase the Premium track until after I've reached the point where I get all my Auric cells returned to me.
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I honestly just go along the Free Track until I know for a fact that I have completed most of the Rift, then I just get the Premium Track for the Deep Rift stuff.
Blue and white are my favorite colors, so it would make sense for me to get the Deep Rift stuff.