Returning player - Any secret mechanic I should know about?

Stuff like BT is now base kit. I also heard Otz say that Ruin gets remove if one player is killed lol. Now sure if I misunderstood that but that's hella dumb. Pain resonance is token based and now doesn't have that bonus information :(


    ARTRA Member Posts: 943
    edited August 2023

    I will tell a few random stuff if some helps.

    - Hemorrage now depletes health progress super fast when not healing. Sloopy + nurses works fine.

    - Jolt its awesome, have no CD and now makes people scream if in gens.

    - If you grab someone from a locker you have blind inmmunity during annimation, was cheeseable.

    - Perks like Off the record and desisive stricke turn off when doors are open.

    - You cant grab a survivor if they are unhooking.

    - Yes, ruin commits sudoku if someone its killed.

    - Corrupt intervention goes off if someone is downed.

    - Flashlight no longer counter Wraith by burning, Hags traps(now clean like demo portals),Nurses teleport.

    -Buy wesker, hate skull merchant as killer and survivor.

    There are more things but this is something hope helps.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Guys fastvvault further than girls.

    This is probably a bug but you know... it is a thing

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Spine Chill is now useless.

    Deja Vu is always on throughout the match (this is a temporary buff while the devs work on killers taking games hostage with 3-gens).

    Any Means Necessary no longer has a cooldown; use it as you please.

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    That's pretty helful thanks!

    About time that Wraith light burn was obnoxious. That corrupt intervention turning off as well as ruin is just sad man lmao. the heck happened to this game lmao. Mechanics is just screwing people on both sides lol

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    Vault builds was a favorite build of mine if I'm not sweating. That's a tragedy.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Well considering what news you've said you've heard so far, there's probably ######### a lot of things you should know about

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    Yeah like goddamn NOED appearing to survivors once it's revealed. Jesus Christ this game has gone down hill when it's inconsistently implementing Nerfs to certain hex and not the rest.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,245

    Generators take 10 seconds longer now, killer break actions take 10% less time than they used to, basic attack cooldown was reduced by 10%, and survivors’ speedboost when being hit was reduced by 10%. Kicking a generator also removes 2.5% of its progress instantly.

    Legion gets faster in Frenzy for every hit chained together and if they chain 5 hits together in the same Frenzy they can down you with it.

    Nurse attacks after blinks are special attacks now, so you can’t use Exposed on her anymore; her best addons were also nerfed/reworked (range and recharge addons were removed completely).

    Dead Hard is an Endurance perk now, it no longer has complete i-frames, so you can’t avoid bear traps with it anymore for example. You can’t use it at all if you haven’t been hooked.

    Medkits were significantly nerfed, a medkit self-heal now uses 24 charges and takes 24 seconds to complete. Green medkits are no longer busted.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,453

    If you didnt know about the ruin deactivation, you probably also dont know about the ohter nerf: ruin regress speed is now 100% and not 200%.

    Other things:

    Pop now destroys 30% of the current progress.

    Call of brine is only 125% regression speed.

    DH got nerfed two times.

    Made for this is the favourite "exhaustion"-perk now making survivor constantly 3% faster while injured

    But honestly there is far too much to write. When did you stop playing? If its before basekit bt you missed two meta shake ups and lot of other stuff.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,227

    The game is likely much more balanced than when you left it.

    I'd even go so far as to argue that it's relatively Killer favored at average levels of play, so depending on what role you play, you might have a better time lol

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    Roughly around near 2 years ago when Circle of healing was a menace so when Artist was released. Yeah base kit BT wasn't a thing since I was still running BT on some of my characters lol.

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119
    edited August 2023

    Honestly yeah I admit the game is more balanced on average but just peeves me that the Nerfs are hand holding people.

    Like I still can't grasp the fact that the game itself is now telling you where NOED is or Corrupt intervention shutting down when you down someone just baffles. I used to think that perk is a collaborative effort for survivors to find or wait out Corruption. Then the myriad in game information just flat out telling you what people are doing like seeing what Survivors are currently doing heck there's a separate in game icon for people getting chased that's beside the actual obsession player.

    Maybe I'm just being an 'Old man' in this game since i used to argue how easy it was to figure out what your teammates are currently doing even as a Random focused survivo. if a Killer juggling four survivors and 69 perks can roughly figure out what the survivors are doing you can do the same as a chilling survivor heck Kindred at the time was such a godly perk if you have no game sense.

    I do understand that this brings Random and SWF gap together though I'm just being a grumpy old man.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,249

    Small correction, Off the Record/DS turn off when the final gen is done. Even if they were on before the last gen pops.

    Also @GaunterODimmDBD bots will now replace survivor players who DC. Pretty big thing given how impactful DCs likely were when you played.

  • GaunterODimmDBD
    GaunterODimmDBD Member Posts: 119

    Yeah just saw a Sadako get mostly 5 gen looped by a bot Jake. Funny stuff.