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I don't get the point of tunneling

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,624
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

A side from camping tunneling is just annoying and overall boring. One gen went by ONE SINGLE GEN and all of a sudden that means let's tunnel one survivor. Okay I would get it if three gens went off back to back but one gen was done and all of a sudden that means let's tunnel. "Your fun is not my priority." I get it but still I don't see how you can find any fun in tunneling to me I find it just boring I'm seriously just trying to have a fun time playing the game since I still have hope the game is at least decent enough to enjoy.

Before you ask I have taken breaks from the game countless times.


  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 545

    It's fun to hard-tunnel against a team that's ready for it. They body-block for the target, they attempt saves, the one with OTR/DS/DH tries to take the heat. It's a different pacing for the trial, and depending on the killer I play and the map we get, it may be the only way to match the tempo of an efficient group.

    Tunneling -you- specifically may not be fun. It isn't when facing a group who's convinced that the killer should forget about hooked survivors until they are healed properly. Even if I realize before the first kill that they aren't playing efficiently, their morale is shattered and they easily fall or even straight give up. The problem is that I can't really tell who I'm facing before it's too late.

    I suggest running OTR.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2023

    Securing a kill early is the most surefire way to win a match - removing one survivor from the equation tips the scale so far in killer's favor that it spirals out of control.

    That's the point - to win, and do so easily. It's not really more complicated than that.

    If you don't find that playstyle fun, don't employ it. I avoid tunneling where possible and do just fine. But for people whose only priority is pumping out 3Ks or higher, tunneling is an obvious first play.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I mean I don't have fun unless I get full chase potential out of survivor majority of the time but other players either don't play killers capable or the big one, not capable of it themselves. Tbf I also can't stand when killers kick a gen and leave or hit me and leave(especially at mediocre tiles). But I am a major exception about things like that. People kick gens like npcs(literally haven't kicked a gen in over 1.5 years now), people leave so often when chase is the only real part of this video game on both sides( I only leave if another survivor forces my hand), camping is rare as far as I can tell though(until end game), tunneling isn't that common either(as much as this entire forum makes it out to be). I simply want killers to play for chase instead of macro, as hesitantly as am to call kicking gens on repeat macro even as a former hag main. Even before I played survivor I was already limiting myself to this as killer because that's the most fun version of the game for both sides and I still win, I really don't care about these old killers below b tier that are forgotten with F tier design and no pressure.

    I want to win but I want to struggle a bit. Most dbd players want to win while fing about, with 0 struggle. It's the true nature of this player base.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    I think there is a lot of times when people cry tunnel when they really don't know what happened. I got told I tunneled the other day. I hooked an Ada, and then went looking and found and hooked a Zarina. Meanwhile the Dwight unhooks the Ada. After my hook, I walk back towards the gen I found Zarina at, and what do I find, Dwight healing Ada. He runs, she doesn't. Yes, I'm taking that hit. Now, she's on death hook. I chase Dwight get a hit and he runs me into Zarina healing Ada. I swing at all 3 and Ada goes down. Yes, I'm going to hook her.

    Now to the Jake running gens and not doing anything else, probably looks like a tunnel. But, if the team runs me to the same person there is not much I can do.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 598

    Play a weaker Killer against a strong SWF Group when like 3 Gens are done u will see the Point of tunneling

    Tunneling isnt fun for both sides but sadly on some Situation its important its very hard to hold 2 Gens whit a weaker Killer when None of the Survivor are Dead on Hook so u need to take some1 out

    i rarely tunnel and always try to hook so many Different Survivor as possible but sometimes i sadly need to do it and need to tunnel some 1 out

    And unhooked Survivors who Body Block u whit there BT Basekit just want to get tunneled

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,944

    People wamt to win and currently, this game punishes you for going for many chases and hook stages. Simple as that.

    Getting someone out as fast as possible sadly is the most effective playstyle most of the time.

    Would love to see it changing but that would mean that there would be some basekit reward fo the killer going for lots of hooks that gives the same / more amount of slowdown that a 3v1 gives. I dont see that happening.

    Especially not with the route BHVR is going right now.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    That would make survivors Gen rush harder. Because one you get 4-5 hooks, the Gens will never be completed.

    Someone suggested that if a survivor get a hook, that survivor get 33% debuff on Gen and 66% debuff after 2nd hook. With 2 hooks on each survivor, even 3 survivors on 1 Gen would take 130sec to complete a Gen.

    This suggestion idea is like "guarantee me 4K no matter how I play, so I can play nice." Balancing is take away something and give back something else, not just take.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
    edited August 2023

    Truthfully, imo it depends on the situation. Losing one gen as Spirit is significantly less threatening than losing one gen as Clown.

    I don't go into games with the intention of tunneling, and I try to avoid doing it because I know how bad it feels when it happens to me, but sometimes you really do have to focus on one person.

    Even without the BBQ event pushing survivors towards hard-focusing gens, the best strategy for most killers has always been to juggle two people and avoid the other two if you can help it. Nurse and Blight players can get away with not doing this, but I play mostly M1 killers and there has not been a single game (slight exaggeration, of course) where I felt that getting 12 hook stages would have been a better strat than quickly getting 6 on two different survivors and focusing the last two during the mid-late game.

    Edit to add: A common argument I've seen lately is that the healing nerfs have pushed survivors to avoid healing and focus generators harder. Using this same logic, if they ever did make some kind of hard anti-tunnel system (not just perks like DS) I can say fairly confidently that the amount of slugging killers would increase or, perhaps worse, you would more consistently see killers running 4 perks dedicated to gen regression. Trust me, it's not fun playing against a soft-camping Spirit using some combination of Pop, Jolt, Oppression, Corrupt, Eruption, Pain Res, etc

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 242

    I don't tunnel but if I chase a healthy survivor and come across an injured previously hooked survivor it's a no brainer. Why continue to chase someone who needs to be hit twice instead of the injured survivor?

    Outright tunnelling for me is boring but situational tunnelling is fair.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940
    edited August 2023

    The whole rank thing is funny with people playing like their life depends on it, you don't gain anything from a 4k in this game, iri 1 is 1 million BP that's like 5 games with cakes

    Devs have increased killrates that's cool but they failed to make the game fun, it's really stale I get a camping killer half of the time, hard tunneling is meta it's the only way to play against good teams, kilers like blight/wesker can facecamp from 30 meters away that's probably why they're so popular, I can't wait to get facecamped by alien

    pls focus on fun not killrates, no one cares

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    At the end of the day tunneling is a winning strategy. I'm not a fan of it myself, definitely not when I'm playing surv. I understand late game tunneling to secure a kill or midgame for pressure, but i have a real thing against tunneling someone hard straight away and don't do it myself (unless there is a challenge or achievement to get)

    It's hard to stop mechanically, the only way to stop tunneling really is to persuade players. And some players will want to win as easily as possible regardless of how unpleasant they make things for the others in the game.

    My best suggestion is simply to separate ranked and casual play into 2 separate playlists. That way they could make the ranked experience more competitive and even.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    It's not going to work if I'm a mean killer I will queue in casual and still tunnel and camp just to ruin your games, only way is to fix it with gameplay mechanics make it impossible or very punishing to hard tunnel, it will need some balancing with gen speed but it's doable, or as a bandaid make DS useful again

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited August 2023

    Except tunneling or not, is not related in balancing, its to make survivors game more fun.

    Increase Gen time does effect balancing.

    You can buff Gen to 150sec per Gen, then average killers can match against streamers squad like Ayrun and they still tunnel because 150sec Gen is not even enough for them. It happened with Eruption meta.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    "TAKE AWAY TUNNELING" aka implement something that makes tunneling impossible. A measure introduced by the devs, not just hoping for the players to do it themselves. Hard countermeasure, not incentive.

    I thought my previous post made that clear.

    Give and take BY THE DEVS. 😮‍💨

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    I would rather be tunneled honestly. At least that means I'm not just holding M1 on a gen. That's the thing about this game though. Fun is incredibly subjective when it comes to the same side and the opposite side. I think the only thing the majority of the community agree on is Skull Merchant being Dull Merchant.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Yes, making tunneling impossible, or something that punish tunneling so killers dont tunnel (of course survivors objective should be changed accordingly)

    But I dont think they will ever remove it, only soften.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I mean it'll still happen but it will lessen it. And how would you mechanically change the game to discourage it? Co ordinated swfs already have a pretty easy time of things right now, if you speed up gens the problem gets worse and it will cause more tunneling/face camping. If you drop gen speeds then solo q and lower mmr survs will have an even worse time of it.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,238
    edited August 2023

    The biggest problem is matchmaking IMO. There's too many cases of survivors being in lobbies they have no business in. An insane survivor is very hard to tunnel since they will bring nothing but chase oriented perks and be very good at looping to begin with. I just watched a 4000 hour clown hard tunnel a survivor with 600 hours at five gens in a game that wasn't even close. What I want is for Behavior to tighten up the matchmaking and stop catering to sweaty killers who want easy games. People who play like their life is on the line should only be getting matched with SWFs. They shouldn't be able to terrorize the general population who stands no chance against this type of playstyle. Sweats should play against other sweats exclusively and nothing can convince me otherwise.

    Anti tunnel exists and it's not useless. People just refuse to bring the perks for whatever reason. I've caused countless proxy camping tunnelers to lose games just by having OTR in my loadout. People who I see being tunneled rarely have it equipped. In most cases it would greatly extend the chase unless the killer is literally facecamping.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Basekit DS or make them a ghost after unhook if really serious about fighting tunneling, then slowdown gens and balance it for more hooks, it's just ideas but you can do many things, I take a simple DS buff too because current one is just useless

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Matchmaking is bad yes but I don't think OTR makes a huge difference against average blight,wesker, nurse... If we're talking about actual hard tunneling your OTR will be gone with basekit BT so having it or not is literally the same thing, then you can run DS on top of it but current version doesn't do anything

    yeah you can make a trapper waste more time if he tries to tunnel you but that's it, average survivor(even decent ones tbh) will not last very long against stronger killers

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Fun is not allowed in a competitive game. It's a job/work

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    You have those cases, and you have the cases of ppl who are ONLY looking at the hook states. Why did I hook the Kate 3 times before I hooked the Dwight once you ask? Because that Dwight was amazing at looping forcing me to leave him while the Kate kept trying to hide in the same locker next to the worked on gen.

    Sometimes... people just have different skill levels.