Is giving door/hatch common?

Livion Member Posts: 162

As a Killer main when I get a crushing victory or close the hatch I like to give the last survivor door, I usually carry them and when they free themselves they look extremely confused and I have to hit the door for them to comprehend what I am trying to do, and they usually text me saying something along the lines of "Hey man thank you!, No killer has ever done that to me" and I just wanted to know if killers usually give door if you have found any of these killers


  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 535
    edited August 2023

    if the last survivor was not toxic or no decided to play metal gear hiding for 30 minutes, I give the door

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,192

    It depends on how the trial went. Sometimes I will when the survivor has played well, whilst other times I'll go for the 4k.

    The one thing I don't do is slug the penultimate one then go hunting for the last. It's not particularily fun for me, unless I see them both close together. If I down the third I'll sacrifice them and give the 4th a chance at getting the hatch. It's also quicker this way normally, however the trial ends.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,648

    I give hatch to survivors that I want to show my respect to. For example when I realize that they try to do everything in their power to carry their team or they are incredible in chase. It's not every match but every so often it happens.

    Sometimes I'll even let multiple survivors go, if they only lost because of bad luck. That happened yesterday. I had a Kate that was pretty good in chase and I was about to lose the match. But then she got unlucky and I landed a very scatchy hit on her that could have won me the game. Instead I picked her up and let her wiggle out and escape through the gates along with the others. They beat me fair and square and if we were to play the same match again they would win anyway.

  • Livion
    Livion Member Posts: 162

    Thanks for telling me, to be honest I've been going for the 4k recently to get up some ranks but I'll start doing it more often

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,722

    As killer I'll do it the majority of the time unless I'm doing specific challenges like emblems or kills.

    As survivor I see it maybe 1in10 games to give a rough estimate.

    Something I have noticed is that people don't slug for the 4k as much as they used to. It used to be about every other game and now it's closer to like 1in5 maybe more. People seem to have chilled out a lot from my personal experience.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I'll give it if I feel like it. I have been given it a few times too.

    I wouldn't say common... but happens

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Absolutely not. I play survivor every single day but in this year I was only once given the door, and the last time someone dropped me on hatch was back in either 2022 or 2021. Funnily enough this latest person was a basement Bubba of all people, I genuinely don't know why he did that after massacring the entire rest of the team.

    I also often encounter survivors that don't understand when I'm letting them go. Did run into one this week that bribed me with their item. It's been so long I decided to let them go.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,892

    When we're killer it depends on our mood or if they get the 4%.

    As survivor, rarely as its more likely they're gona slug for the 4k.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 326

    I will if I absolutely annihilated them during the game. I started doing it when a knight did that for me.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,367
    edited August 2023

    On the occasion I play basement bubba and manage to 4k I'll end up giving the last surv hatch. Usually, they don't trust me, but I still like it cause it shocks their expectations like "why are you doing this." I don't think it was me in your game, but good to see other basement bubbas plugged-in to that as well.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,367

    I give Hatch more than I ever get it. My own rule is to leave 1 alive to tell the tale of the horrors they have witnessed. It only makes my legend STRONGER

  • luvcraft
    luvcraft Member Posts: 1,233

    I love to dunk survivors in the hatch. I wish there was a custom animation for it.

    If I'm steamrolling the survivors, I usually try to save the survivor who's had the worst luck for last (e.g. someone I've accidentally tunneled, or got sandbagged by another survivor, etc.) and dunk them.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I typically just bad after I kill the 3rd survivor, it's too much work these days even as blight to patrol gates for 2 min.

    Sometimes I am in the mood to play it though.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Might been me as bubba was you yui? If it was me I just like to give door to last one especially if I feel I was too merciless.

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    Yeah, I like to give hatch most of the time. It really depends on how the team played, who the last survivor is and how they behaved/performed during the match, etc. If I've won, i've won, whether or not I get that last sacrifice.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941
    edited August 2023

    It depends on who I am playing, I've had Sadakos be nice to me as Ada. I don't think any killer has ever being nice to me when playing Nea, Kate or Haddie surprisingly. Cheryl seems to be some killers' weakness as well. Maybe licensed survivors are more well-liked in general, who knows.

    Can't wait for Maria to come to DBD though and hope other SH fans decide to spare me.

    I more often than not give hatch to the last survivors unless I haven't see them all match. In Identity V (which I also started playing recently and play "killer" way more often than in DBD), I give hatch if it's near where I downed the survivor and I happen to see it (sometimes I can't locate cause I don't know the maps yet well enough).

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I give hatch/door to last surv mst of the time unless I have an achievement/ challenge that requires a 4k. Or if they aggravated me particularly.

    Tbh a lot of the time I let 2 survs finish gens and go while I farm out extra bp spamming my power or breaking doors.

    It happens to me rarely when i play surv but I do get the odd killer that lets me go or farms the last 2, so they are out there. But like 95% of killers just sweat the 4k, even when I offer them a present 🥲

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Yeah I give hatch or gate way more than I get it myself partly because of that. I used to not like be that sweaty killer slugging desberately for 4K but instead being friendly one. Most survivors do get very happy when killer let's them escape. Recently though I have not given hatch for a while because im sweating to reach bigger kill total but I still don't slug. Maybe I farm few games at some point though with last 2.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236

    I'd say my games are usually an even split between; losing (gates are powered and 2+ survivors escape), 4K, giving hatch, and willingly letting survivors open the gates.

    Very rarely see it in my survivor games though.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    It's far from being common.. At least in my own experiences, but I don't mind that at all. In fact, I'm somewhat grateful for them ending it ASAP, you know?

    I don't like being given the free escape. We're a team, even in solo queue. I don't care if I have done the most work and played the best; The fact that the rest of my team got sacrificed and I was the last one alive is all I need to know. I don't deserve the free escape. If my team falls, I'm supposed to fall aswell, no excuses.

    While playing as a killer, I do tend to give them those free escapes if I see them playing well enough or not using any items; Yup, the moment you're using items just like everybody else, you're no longer gonna receive my royal treatment even if you've managed to loop me the entire match. Thing is, most players don't deserve them, they truly do not.

    I feel especially bad if I wanna give them the Hatch or escape, but fail to locate the Hatch! At that point, all I'm doing is wasting our time, and I'm pretty sure that time is more valuable than being given some free escape.. Which, if I fail to locate at the time limit that I set for myself to find the Hatch, I simply hook them and apologize afterwards for wasting their time.

    But, yeah. It is very uncommon. It has used to be a lot common back in the day, but ever since the playerbase widened and a new era of competitive players entered the community, we're no longer having people giving them to each other.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,267

    Kinda depends tbh, if i come across hatch i'll give it 9/10 times tbh and i won't go looking for it personally.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,736

    i give it if i think the last survivor is way better than their teammates to the point i feel bad for them, and if they were nice/normal. or if they are brand new.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    I will always give it to Dwights. I will never kill a Dwight if I can help it.

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    i hope not

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,394

    I do something similar, sort of based on a video by YouTuber SkyFaction. I am "friendly" Pig staying crouched the entire match, then when the last generator is done, I stand up. Now, I am running Game Afoot, Franklin's Demise, Hex: No One Escapes Death, and Rancor. If the survivors walk to the exit gate and leave, no problem. But if I see scratch marks, I chase. I down them. NOED procs as does Game Afoot and they get Rancor.

    So, one game I'd killed two of them, and I see this Jane opening the exit gate. I walk up to her. She keeps opening it, doesn't flinch. She walks to the door as it opens, the when it opens she breaks into a run and I down and Rancor her. One rule: DON'T RUN.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 364

    I do it pretty much any time i play killer. Unless they hid while someone was on hook or if I know they weren't doing anything to help the team out. If they seem new though I won't hold any of that against them.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Yh i kind of did it in reverse, used to sweat out the 4k when I started the game, but I'd say maybe 3 months in I mellowed a bit. After I got iri 1 for both roles i figured well I've done that now so stopped worrying about emblems and just play to enjoy now. And if I can help survs enjoy it a little more then why not let some go? I generally try to be nice to newer or low skill players. And mirror the energy I get, if survs are clearly a sweating swf ill play hardball, if they are a toxic bully squad I'll give them a few nods as they ascend after I counterplay their torches, if survs are chill or low skill I dial it back a notch and play around a bit to eke out the bp for everyone and be more chill.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,522

    If they're super new, say, only their 2nd game.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    I was a Nic Cage on Asylum, the Bubba camped on the top of the stairs and I think two Fengs tried to save but ended up being dragged down into basement.

    Still, interesting to see the mindset from multiple people!

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited August 2023

    I used to do this, but then MMR came out, and I stopped.

    The reason why is simple:

    If the survivor wasn't good enough to best me, and if I'm simply decent at killer, not good or the best, then giving them a win will mean that I've just artificially raised their MMR rating, which will put them up against killers who actually ARE good or the Best, and they'll end up having to suffer playing against that for a few games.

    DbD is a multiplayer school of Hard Knocks. By showing any clearly outclassed survivors "Mercy" or "Pity" and handing them a win, you're ensuring that they'll go up against much more difficult opponents, and thus your "Act of Kindness" will inevitably result in more suffering for them down the line. I don't want Survivors quitting the game because they they get frustrated from being constantly outclassed, so for my part, I draw the line at me. If they beat me, then they're ready to take on some bigger fish in this pond, if not then I did them a favor by keeping them at my/their level where they're challenged but not getting entirely steamrolled every match.

    This is all still assuming that the MMR actually does anything, but tbh... Better safe than sorry, right?

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,017
    edited August 2023

    I'm the same... I find it quite funny trying this weird game of trying to convince survivors I'm friendly.

    My most fun friendly story:

    I had a newbie Jill once, who was obviously new. I was a Pig on the Game and had 10 hooks with 4 gens and so decided to let the last 2 go... I downed and let both wiggle free to confirm to myself I "won" then went passive.

    The Jane got it quick, and started working on gens... the Jill didn't get that me letting her wiggle free and me AAing gens was me trying to let her escape. I was constantly trying to signal her to do gens and she just kept running no matter how many times I stopped and stared, or stopped short and didnt swing at her.

    In the end she ran into the 1 way bathroom and I managed to sneak up and block the door... she immediately panicked and ran around the room looking for a way out, but eventually realised she was trapped. I used my roar and hit the gen a few times, and finally she got it and started doing gens... though she still stayed a good distance from me and was twitchy on the remaining gens whenever I got even remotely close from that point on... like she expected a double cross.

    She even booked it out of the gate immediately when it was finally opened withour turning back, as Jane gave me a boop and went on her way.

    It was kinda adorable as much as it was frustrating... I've never had to work so hard to let someone escape before or since xD

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794
    edited August 2023

    Actually giving hatch neither raises the survivor's MMR nor lowers yours. The game treats a hatch escape as a zero-sum game. Neither the survivor or killer's MMR is affected.

    While on the subject, we need to stop acting like showing survivors mercy is setting them up for suffering in the future. If the MMR system is working correctly (and who knows, really?) and a survivor's MMR outpaces their skill level, they'll just lose some matches and their MMR will come back down to the appropriate level. No big deal. Let's not pretend that murdering survivors is a favor we're doing for them.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    how do you know? was it said somewhere that hatch is neutral on mmr?

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Yeah. iirc it was originally discovered by data miners but then later confirmed by the devs.

    It's on the DBD wiki though, and as we all know wikis are never wrong.

  • Demo_main
    Demo_main Member Posts: 13

    I usually try and give em door/ hatch when I can as like a GG to the last survivor.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    Why using item is big thing to you? But i kill good players because they annoy me most likely but if their team really was bad I might let them go.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,497

    I noticed that I get less kills than before so I decided to change that now. I play less too nowadays but still it's been while I reached good kill total number.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Each to their own really. I'm just not fussed by my numbers anymore, or my monthly rank. I just want to enjoy the game, and I like helping other players enjoy the game a bit more. When I let a surv go we both know I'd beat them so I still get a challenge and the feel of winning. I just sacrifice like 1-2k bp so the surv can get 7k plus and a survival 😊

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,393

    I stopped, because I ran into too many survivors who still trash talk after being given hatch. Not really going to waste energy giving a free escape to people who don't appreciate it in the first place.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Because it does make the match so much easier in comparison to not using them. Also, it's one of my habits - To collect things.