DBD has more killers...

than M1 and Nurse/Blight, just wanted to remind that to everyone. Adding Wesker as well.
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Yes! We have Wesker too!
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You have a Spirit picture, this isn't for you.
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Doesn;t count, forgot to mention him. Think again.
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*surprised pikachu face
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I know right? You can also play Plague, Pinhead, Huntress, Artist and more! What a great game this is.
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Why exactly? You didn’t mention her lol.
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I don't mind any of these Killers so long as I'm not pitted up against a 3-gen Dull Merchant. At least all the aforementioned Killers in this post provide some form of excitement to a game than babysitting the tightest 3gen on the map and leashing back to them when a chase ventures too far from them.
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We do. And half of them are bad. From the remaining 16, survivors hate at least 6. So now we only have 10 killers to choose from. And out of those 10 killers at least 5 aren't fun. The remaining 5 are either incredibly difficult and not worth the effort or they feel clunky.
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Because the thread is a joke for when people said "If M1 killers aren't fixed/buff whatever, I'm playing Nurse". Just reminding people they have more option. Don't have to limit themselves to Nurse or M1 killers lol.
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Oh I see. Yes I also play Artist a ton too. Wraith Wesker and Singularity have been in my rotation too. I love variety.
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What do survivors have anything to do with this? Or do they have to be part of the conversation so you can come up with the number 5? Are we now going to start a whole conversation about survivor rulebook etc? Please spare me.
Killer mains don't have to limit them to Pig, Myers, Ghostface, Freddy, Sadako and Trapper and be convinced their only other viable option is Nurse and Blight. There's plenty of in between, but you'd think visiting this forum these are all the killers, lol.
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It's a shame that nurse and blight are the only viable ones at the top levels.
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On the bright side, no one plays at the top level consistently because matchmaking doesn't work most of the time and killers can lobby shop. Nice try though.
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That sounds like a good thing. This game would be horrible if the majority of the roster was on the level of Nurse or Blight.
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The Pig is the only killer we need.
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Yeah, would be so horrible if the game was balanced so that more than 2 killers were viable, in fact, they wasted so much time on survivor bots. They should have just made killer bots and scrap the killer role altogether.
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Freddy da pena pibe
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Congrats on your discovery of the Killer list? Pretty certain you can see all of them anyways, but glad you're branching away from those 3
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99.9% of the Pigs I encounter are feral.
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You miss 100% of the snoots you don't try and boop 👉️👃🐷
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I'm getting that tattoo'd on me. BOOP.
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Everyone wants to main nurse when they lose, until they main nurse actually lol. The sheer amount of crappy nurses has definitely helped the "she's not so broken" data that the devs solely rely on for nerfs.
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The funny part is Nurse is one of the only killers that I don't feel like I'm being hindered by the killer's power, If I make a mistake, I fully own that mistake but with other killers it's like their lunge is weak, they have no anti-loop, they are too perk/add-on reliant, whereas with Nurse it's purely my skill not any limitations.
I don't like playing Nurse online often though cause people give up quick ESPECIALLY if you bring lethal pursuer. - A Nurse main who switched from console to pc and the first thing I wanted to do was learn Nurse on PC hehe
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I agree, let's buff all killers to be just as strong and fun as Nurse, Blight and Wesker.
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All praise the almighty pig.
(almost at p100 only 5 levels to go)
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You are the same person that will get sick of top tier killers, yet when you destroy a trapper you sit at the exit gate and tbag until the timer is almost over.
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I presume your the Trapper?
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Damn, so accurate now tell me about my real life.
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The funniest is when they teabag the Deathslinger and get hooked. Almost makes being around their nonsense worth it.
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Then go and play them on above average mmr and tell us results.
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Your matches must only be 4-man SWFs on comms.
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Eh until this game actually feels like the stuff I do effect a match then maybe.
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People complain about facing the same Killers over and over... it isn't about the number of Killers in the game it's more about those Killers being played more often then not
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what are those???
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As long as MFT is in the game in this state : no it doesn't.
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You act like they didn't play only those killers before MFT was in the game xD
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You're my hero.
I have Haddie P100, currently working on the Pig but she's only P15 😥
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Yeah I feel you I'm p72 on my way to p100 but I haven't used perks or addons and don't plan to until I hit p100. I get DC every once and a while. It really shows your weaknesses as far as prediction, precise blinks, and overall game sense.
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“Play weaker killers so I can win more.”
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Well.... I also have Sadako at 66 (stopped leveling her because i stopped playing her after the rework), Demo at 48 and Spirit at 45.
Would have had Piggy at 100 a long time ago if i focussed more on her.... I have sinned.
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Wow, I didn't know Artist, Plague, Pinhead, Pyramid Head and more are weaker than Trapper, Pig, Myers, GF. You should make your own tier list and post it in the forum.
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Those killers don’t matter against good survivors.
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I don't know "they" but I used to play all killers. I was enjoying Huntress a lot and I was playing her more than any other.
Then MFT happened.
Now I exclusively play Nurse and Blight.
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Sorry, I forgot you get 4 man SWFs only.
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I prepare as such, yea. The first time I don’t prepare to play all out, I often get a sweaty group. I’d rather be prepared and not need to play hard than have to play hard and not have the tools
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Another console Nurse that's rare, I wish I could make the leap as well to go to PC like you😊
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I remember when playing Nurse on console gave you a pass to the hating Nurse train, I miss those times. 😭
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Yeah and I am saying, for years now, eventually your MMR just becomes nurses and blights. This isn't new.