Massive nerf to Fire up? really?

- Fire Up: Each tier grants a stackable 2/2.5/3% action speed bonus.
ok, so if i am not reading this wrong, fire up has been nerfed
please just tell me my reading comprehension is really bad, otherwise i might have just witnessed a nerf so bad it has rendered this perk basically useless
if it is real i am just hoping it doesnt make it into the final product, fire up isnt really that good, in fact, a slight buff would have made the perk top tier, this is ridiculous
Its buffed. If all 5 gens get powered, technically all 7 are powered. 7 gens X 3% = 21% increase to action speed.
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It's sorta both? Less of a boost early on but at 5 gens it's 1% more. Really dumb change to an already worthless perk
EDIT: didn't realize it affected the other 2 as well but that makes sense.
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Oh, i kinda get it now, so each gen repaired now grants 3% bonus to action speed?
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Fired up turned into luke warm
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lol I totally forgot that this perk exist tbh
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I just played the ptb. It maxes out at 5 tokens so it grants a 15% maximum bonus to action speed.
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Buffed is a very very very strong word for this
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So it's 1% better?