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People liked End Transmission Chapter... But nobody is playing the Killer?

Seems like people were generaly speaking happy compare to Skull Merchant chapter or even Knight chapter... Yet I can't find anywhere Singularity. It's like everyone dropped from him after few games and forgot about him.

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  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I see him about 1 in every 10 games. Not too bad I think.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    He's very complicated to learn for most people. I would love to play him, I just don't have the skills needed to do so.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Well I agree with you on that one. I like him but I feel like I am done after 1 game with him. The more times I have to re-camera shot someone in one chase the more quickly I get exhausted, same if I can't hit with my camera by 1°C degree off.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    All I can say is I have never died to Singularity even though I exclusively play solo queue as survivor.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Singularity is very different to other killers, and requires a specific mindset and style to play effectively. He's not low pick because he's bad, it's because he plays very differently.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    This summs it up perfectly. Singularity is a good Killer, far from being weak. And IMO also quite fun. But he requires a lot of effort, especially when being learned. And even if you play him, you need to do things constantly, it is not with usual Killers where you move from A to B when you are outside of a chase or use your ability and mindgame inside a chase. You have to check the Pods constantly, try to manage them, the aiming can be a bit tricky when you try to teleport to the Survivor...

    I dont really play him. I will do the Archive-Challenges, but for me, he requires too much effort. If I am good with him, I will probably win most games, but if I want to win, I will just play Nurse who is easier and stronger. But other Killers are more fun than Singularity because they dont require that much effort, even if they are weaker.

    (No mistake, he is not a bad Killer and he is not unfun to play... Just too much to do when I play DBD mainly to chill)

  • Member Posts: 306

    He's honestly too much effort for too little reward and often ends up as a M1 killer with bad cameras since survivors get an item they can get an unlimited amount of to counter him.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    He's apparently too difficult for the DBD playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 326

    I do like Hux but he's just clunky which does not feel great on console. Sometimes the biopods won't shoot because the survivor's hitbox is slightly hidden behind an object. I wish they were just auto-turrets.

    My biggest issue with him is not emps but maps. If you get sent to a place like Lerys you might as well surrender. I play Dredge sometimes and it also has issues with certain maps but not to this extent.

    I'll definitely be playing xeno next. It looks easier to play despite the flamethrowers and janky tail attack.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Because he takes actual effort to play

    Big nono for this community

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Ohhh my friend I hope you like to be singularitied with Alien cuz i have flashback of singularity on PTB

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I play him occasionally. But there are so many killers in the game now. There are a lot of killers I simply don't see anymore because people don't main them. And people are less likely to main a newer killer. Like over 50% of my killer games I play demo, the rest is usually to do daily rituals or challenges. The only other killers I play off the cuff when I want a break from demo are clown, knight or deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 1,914
    edited August 2023

    I do play a lot of this killer recently, trying to get good at...

    As much as I want to say it's strong and fun, it's not really...

    Some of the matches are ok, some are really frustrating...

    Frustrating because - wobbly pods placing... Sometimes you need to place a pod and slipstream really fast, but you can't because for some UNKNOWN reason the pod just don't want to coonect on some places and walls. And because of that, you have to shoot multiple times till it's connects and survivor by that time is a goner. It actually frustrating if that happens multiple times per 1 match. =)

    Emps are another story that feels completely unfair about his power. I don't need to say anything about it, you know it yourself.=)

    And even if you do teleport to survivor it's a 50-50 even with speed addon. His power is good only on a paper really, I can tell.

    And he's strongly map dependant - you probably will play 70% or more without a power in indoor maps.

    Besides the killer, this update gave MFT, this one of the reason for people to say that they like this patch, but deffinitely not the killer, after you played him\her for a little while.=)

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I reserve the label "unplayable on console" just for Trickster, but this killer is really trying to get into that club.

    Clunky to use in many respects with a controller. The input delay and stick deadzones make him feel so bad to play.

  • Member Posts: 472

    End Transmission was the reason that made me come back to DbD again, after the failure that was Tools of Torment.

    The Singularity is fun to go against, but still trying to learn how he works from a Survivor point of view. Sometimes I do well in chase, other times not so much. It's the built in Spirit Fury and no stun that throws me off. Even when I pre drop the pallet, he can still teleport and break it

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    The way I see it most people seem to play DBD for the licenses. An original killer hasn't been that successful in quite some time, at least compared to licensed killers. Just give it sometime, unlike other killers Singularity is one of those who you have to suck at first to get good at and it might not be as appealing for a large percentage of killers, especially if he's awful to play on console.

    People were piling on Knight when he came out but I think he's found a dedicated fanbase now. Ofc people who would rather play Wesker or Myers, Pig, Ghostface etc. will probably not be going for a lot of the cast. I don't see Artist often either, maybe even more rarely than Knight and no one seems to be talking about what a failure she is etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    He's probably the killer with the most things to keep track of at any given moment. This can make him kinda overwhelming to play at times.

  • Member Posts: 775
    edited August 2023

    Not easy. Need fast reaction to shoot slipstream.

    Relies too much on maps because of many LoS sections.

    Overclock doesn't always guarantee hit and requires precise timing.

    Pre-drop destroys him a lot.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Because that "mid reward" is still more than enough to do just fine in 90% of your matches. He's also more on the same line as Nurse, in the sense hes hard to pick up but once you get over that small hill its a pretty smooth ride.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Your results match the time and effort put in. If you only have 20 hours in a character I dont know why youre expecting to have them mastered

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    Can you inform me on how he is unplayable on console? Singularity doesn't seem like a mechanically demanding killer, which is the reason why killers like Blight and Oni aren't as good on console.

  • Member Posts: 91

    I love Meatball, his design is really cool. His voice lines are really cool. He is just really cool. But...

    I don't play him because he doesn't have a power. I mean he does have a power but you will never get to use it. Like using his power is literally just detrimental to you. Setting up your pods just wastes your time. You are better off just ignoring your power altogether and just being a base attack killer.

    The EMPs ruined this character

  • Member Posts: 91

    Also, on top of being hard to play the reward for learning and playing hard him well is not worth the effort. Nurse and Blight are difficult to learn and play but the reward is very high.

    Wesker and Pyramid Head are stronger than Meatball and easier to use.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Since you know what you are talking about, I would like to ask for tip or advice then.

    How I play usualy Singularity is you start the match, as you trying to find survivors (going around the map and gens) you place Biopods on places that you expect at some point have value or Survivor near the area (idealy open space, near main buildings, trees with high trafic, etc.)

    Once you find someone, I try to splitstream them, placing quickly Biopod somewhere where I can see them and hit them (idealy I try to do it when we enter a loop so I don't waste time while chasing in the open the Survivor). Then I just chasing them normaly, whenever they get bit too far, TP on them while I can and trying to use the power to catch up to them, forcing them to drop pallets, fast vault windows, etc. I play him as chase Killer, I don't use much biopods unless I don't know where someone is at all and I want to see where to go next (like a Gen with disabled Biopod and there is Surv fixing gen). If someone EMPs mid chase, I try to splitstream them again so I can keep up.

    am I playing him wrong then?

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Honestly I think the only popular thing to come from that chapter is MFT.

  • Member Posts: 589

    Idk, I need to see your gameplay to say for sure, but overall you're doing it right.

    The main thing you need to learn with Singularity is multitasking. You never stop for too long to place a bio, you place them as you go, you never overcommit to using biopods, you just instantly check them, mark people if there are any and continue your chase / patrolling, stopping for as little time as possible.

    And you constantly do that multitasking for the whole match. You place biopods on gens and never forget for too long about them, you try to place pods to cover choke point and you also don't forget about them, in some cases you also lock down printers with biopods and do the same etc.

    Because Singularity can instantly switch to cameras and back without stopping for more than a few moments, you should be constantly doing that cycle of placing cameras in vital areas and then checking them instantly to get info / infect survivor and move on. You never sit on cameras for too long.

    You are constantly gathering info, marking survivors & attacking them which is the key to success because such creates a lot of 1v4 pressure which can be dealt with only if survivors are coordinated enough.

  • Member Posts: 65

    I love hux but sadly he's abit inconsistent.

    He can go from one of the best killers in chase to a very underwhelming flop depending on map and survivors brain juice these factors for me at least make him fun but honestly not worth the trouble.

  • Member Posts: 65

    I love hux but sadly he's abit inconsistent.

    He can go from one of the best killers in chase to a very underwhelming flop depending on map and survivors brain juice these factors for me at least make him fun but honestly not worth the trouble.

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