Winning as killer is the easiest it has ever been hot take or nah?

As someone who recently came back to DBD after nearly two year hiatus its really apparent.
Maybe with the exception of the Top 5% of the 4 Man army engineers. Winning as killer has been incredibly easy in general. The movement speed nerf with Survivors getting injured, Healing mostly nerf, Dead hard getting mori'd in real time, Gen time increased and kick penalty and the I don't know what happened to tiles but they've been less oppressing(maybe I'm remembering wrong) and more unsafe pallets getting introduced really just made it so easy to pressure survivors.
Like I'm convinced that Survivors has a great chance of losing if they don't start pumping generators whenever they can. The leniency to mess around at different points in the match has been greatly reduced that you can REALLY notice survivors throwing the match by doing random BS be it cleansing totem, looting chest or giving free pressure by chasing the killer with a flash light AND if you can catch them greeding a generator that's about to be finished while injured is a noticeable breathing room for the killer
It's why STBFL is so good right now because you're making the nerfs stood out even further. Hit and Run tactics from Wraith or Onryo can be really devastating if you're playing absolutely diabolical by going against the survivor rule book and doing the tactics that applies the most pressure.
Killers that apply secondary objectives be it Pin head, Pig, or using Hex perks highlights the fact Survivor has less time to mess around before they lose resources against good killers.
I used to brag about how easy it was to escape with randoms or guarantee 3 escapes and just by running BT and DH back then but man is it so difficult now especially when randoms don't realize that they really don't have the time to take it easy.
I'm also been really confident now trying out different killers that's beside Blight or Oni.
Rapid brutality from Alien chapter and STBFL is gonna be wild.
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Not really sure about the easiest. I think the easiest was when Eruption/Call of Brine/Overcharge was around. Losing as Killer during these times took more effort than winning.
But it surely is easier to win than most people claim it to be.
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Well after facing Made for This gamers 24/7 when I'm trying to learn Deathslinger/Trickster I don't think so in that regard. I get some easy games every so often but I guess it all depends on the killer you main and their skill ceiling. Solo queue is still garbage so when you don't get a SWF then it's usually easy.
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Easiest would have been during the kick gen meta. However, we are in one of the easiest periods. Especially with everyone overrunning the exact same builds as survivor.
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Maybe I have been winning like 20 games a row recently. Many games has been close still. Only few were one sided. But feels easy now when im just winning all my games and does not matter if I play bad. Well probably soon I end up in losing streak so have to be careful what I say...
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DBD is the only game I know where it is considered normal for (killer) players to win 75%+ of their matches. In any other online game, winning ~10 games in high MMR would immediatly put you at the top of the ranked leaderboard, but not in DBD, where a 10-winstreak would probably not get you any attention - in fact most killers on this forum probably got such a streak, several times -. and we're now having someone with a THOUSAND wins in a row.
For comparison, the absolute best player on Overwatch leaderboards, sits at 62% winrate. Despite hard carrying every single of his matches. He still often loses due to RNG and matchmaking, as should be the case in any online game. But not in DBD.
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Pretty much ever since DH got nerfed and is no longer in every single survivors arsenal killer has become much easier which is kinda insane, because just by the devs nerfing that perk alone made killer ALOT more less stressful to play.
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Not easiest, that would be Overbrine Eruption meta, but certainly most Killers are in a good spot.
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Pretty sure the easiest was when Mori didn't required you to be on Death Hook and the Hatch only spawned if a certain number of gens were done.
Just my 2 cent.
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Pretty sure the easiest was when Mori didn't required you to be on Death Hook and the Hatch only spawned if a certain number of gens were done.
Just my 2 cent.
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Yea..I gotta say, you're close to the mark but Eruption/Brine/Overcharge was the easiest it had ever been.
Don't get me wrong, its still very easy to win as killer.
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I always hear that killer has been easier than it has ever been but there are days when I can't get a single kill and feel like the mmr is matching me with ppl way above my skill set. For exp today along I played 5 matches as Wesker and haven't got a single kill and maybe 3 hooks. I can't tell you why I'm having a hard time but I am and I got to the point I do not want to touch this game for a week. My last match was the worst where I had a meg who t-bag me after every single stun and I just gave up. I dc and decided that the game isnt for me right now in my mindset. So yeah killer may be easy on avg but there are days where killer feels so much harder for me.
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It is definitely much easier than it was in the past. The hardest period for me was when every game had 4X old dead hard. I was going full no life and playing killer six hours per day at that point. I can say with 100% certainty that the game today is not even remotely as difficult as it was then. Most teams will completely collapse if you play dirty, bring strong perks, and generally know what you're doing.
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The easiest was after 6.1.0 went live. You could run Overcharge/Brine/Deadlock/Eruption, and survivors would have no chance to get gens done even if they were trying (and a lot of them were flat-out giving up), plus their timing in chases was always off because of new Dead Hard and the killer break speed and bloodlust changes.
These days, I'm finding that I'm winning more often than I'm not, but I'm also running pure cheese builds in general and never giving survivors an inch. I'm the kind of guy who will see a survivor gesture that they want to farm and use the opportunity to hit them with the Tombstone Piece before they know what's happening.
If you play like that, your changes go way up in general whether you're a killer or a survivor.
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For the people saying the previous meta was easier. I think the healing nerf definitely trumps the changes to a few regression pekrs. You still have access to very very strong regression perks, but we just lost a significant amount of health states. It's a toss up between this meta or the last one. Either way the game has been significantly killer sided for well over a year.
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if you play only the currently broken killers in the game ; them yes
best example being the Nurse that got a lot of indirect buffs over the latest years:
-fixing how responsive his power is , essentially makes her more easy to pick up and learn for all the playerbase , including myself i started picking up nurse lately (I know disgusting) but i was curious how much different she was since 2020 - last time i played her
-reducing the speed boost for survivor when hit , already makes nurse 100% able to catch a survivor after the first hit landed.
-Dead Hard nerf was a massive buff for her , now people can no longer avoid blinks by pressing the "E" on the initial chase.
(which can be consider fair for all the killer of the game , BUT not nerfing her blink distance to compensate was a mistake IMO)
-DS is just a joke against her , like yaaay if the most powerful killer in the game decides to tunnel i better be running my entire anti-tunnel build otherwise my game is gonna last 3 minutes due to someone sweaty playing scummy.
-Some of her addons were fine when the rework first came out , but the DEVS decided to buff them and somehow bringing back the god awful 3 blinks nurse , meanwhile billy , oni , demo , twins got addon nerfs during that time *claps*.
you can look at Blights addons / slug fest sadako or even SM hostage situation as well.
Better tittle: Winning as top tier killers is the easiest it has ever been
Post edited by MB666 on2 -
"The leniency to mess around at different points in the match has been greatly reduced that you can REALLY notice survivors throwing the match by doing random BS be it cleansing totem, looting chest"
I've said a few times, that the game is at a point where time is so valuable that doing something as mundane as cleansing a totem or opening a chest can be throwing the game. It even angers your team mates at times. When your resources (pallets) are steadily depleting, dead zones are becoming more apparent (some reworked maps have deadzones from the start of the game) then it's not in your best interest to spend time doing things like that.
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Killer is as easier or hard as you want it to be, actually good survivors are rare and it's easy to minimize or outright remove the ability for 1 or 2 good survivors to express their skill by using their weak teammates
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Easiest was most certainly the Eruption + COB meta. It's still easy now but nothing tops how many wins killers were getting during that meta.
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You mean that killer have to use garbage perk like jolt as a meta perk is the easiest time right now?
I don't think ao.
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Yeah, but a killer spends half the match goofing off, they'll lose, too. The game shouldn't be balanced around giving one side or the other leeway to waste time doing huge amounts of non-objectives and still giving them a chance to win.
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Depends on who you play, I think. When I play Trapper I feel like I'm bound to lose like 80% of my games LOL
Remember the days when his power was worth more than putting 3 traps around basement? :')
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Unless you got some footage we really can't figure out that one. I do suggest playing as a Survivor here and there though and running Kindred. It'll open your mind on the different timings on how to apply the most pressure when you touch killer again. Don't even be shy about playing Dirty if you know it'll keep two survivors busy lol
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Don't worry If I recall even Otz said that he's no longer a Trapper main lol.
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I do play survivor. I always play 2 or 3 matches as survivor before I play killer. I don't know some days feel a lot harder to get downs and hooks. Today as I said I didn't get a single kill and only few hooks. I couldn't end chases fast enough and just having a horrible time as Wesker. Could be I just really rusty with him since I haven't played him for a bit. The other day I had a better time as Hux and legion.
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Yeah it's real apparent on Pentimento and Plaything builds that's another set of objectives on top of your power. It can get really oppressive as soon as you get your first hook.
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Depends on the killer. Wins are handed out like candy for blights and nurses, but being an M1 killer is becoming increasingly frustrating. It's like BHVR is wanting to shift all killers to only playing the S tier killers. Not sure why. Playing m1 killers is absolutely awful right now - especially the ones with no innate gen management or poor in chase. MFT is absolutely gutting a few of them.
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It might be time to bring back totem builds. Since the answer to the healing meta is to not heal and do gens injured, 2nd objectives might be the way to go.
I would say Killer matches can be won these days. It’s not as braindead and non stressful as holding M1 on gens though.
Having the foresight to limit hook states to 1 or 2 Survivors especially when gen efficiency is high is still a thing that Killers need to take note of.
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The reason for it is that MMR system is trash, at least for the survivors.
You could loop the killer for 5 gens, get hit by NOED and facecamped to death, which will cause you to lose MMR. Or you could hide all game, wait for the killer to close the hatch, and open the exit gates with Sole Survivor + Wake Up, which will cause you to gain MMR.
Most killer mains already sit at the MMR cap, but there are simply not enough high-MMR survivors available.
This is further amplified by the fact that survivors are naturally 4x more likely to make a major mistake costing them the match.
Additionally, there is a very high chance that at least 1 of the 4 survivors will not play to win, but rather aim to complete an archive challenge or run an off-meta meme build for a youtube compilation. Survivors are also far more likely to DC early in the match, which dooms the entire team.
If the MMR system actually put good survivors against equally skilled killers, and if all survivors on any team played at an equal level of efficiency, we would see the kill rates plummet across the board.
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In my region, if I play at night I will inevitably run into this one Trapper main who just absolutely steamrolls. I can't wait until he moves higher up in MMR and I stop getting matched with him 🤣 doesn't matter what map it is or what perks I bring, he's just cracked. He somehow managed to divide the RPD map with his traps and the lobby became no man's land. You disarmed one trap and he was on you so fast.
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No. I don't think killer in general is the easiest it has ever been.
(ruin undying, gen kick meta cough cough)
Weaker killers have a hard time still. I main pig and have games, where my first 3 gens pop within 2 minutes. This happens unpleasantly often.
Mid range killers have it ok most of the time.
Stronger killers yes, killers like Wesker, Blight, Nurse and Spirit have it easier that the others if played right. However, this has always been the case.
Does not only depend on the killer chosen though. Addons and Perks do a lot of heavy lifting. Sometimes more that the killer or even the player themselves.
Killer can be easy or hard. Depends on you and the opponents load out, skill, the map and of course : the mmr not going off the wall.
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Well I expect a good blight or oni won't have much of an issue with MFT.
Have fun going against a buckle up/ for the people team. lol
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Eruption meta was the easiest.
I wouldn’t even say this is the second easiest as Ruin/Undying meta and the period between Dead Hard’s latest nerf and Made for This release/Buckle Up buff/vault buff were easier.
I think killer is in a pretty good spot, but I don’t think it’s the easiest it’s ever been.
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I know it. That sucks because he was the one who actually got me started playing Trapper. I stumbled upon a few of his videos on YouTube and realized I could do more than put traps right in the middle of pallets LOL
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I absolutely disagree.
Killer was significantly easier when basekit borrowed time didn't exist. When you could mori after first hook. When NOED had no aura. When Pop Goes the Weasel regressed by a base 25 instead of scaling. When Pain Res worked on every hook not just the first. When Ruin slowed gen repair.
Any saying Killer is easier now than then isn't remembering clearly.
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Eruption/CoB/Overcharge+Pain Res every hook was by far the most easy killer has ever been.
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So not playing according to the survivors rule book is absolutely diabolical?
Maybe, just maybe you simply got a bit rusty after the 2 years break. No problem in that. But it doesn´t reflect the current game balance.
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I wouldn't go that far. The easiest it's ever been was right after 6.1.0. Survivors killed themselves on first hook in 2/3 games and OverBrine + Eruption was a thing.
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If you're back from years off, wouldn't your MMR be super bad? You're probably just getting meh survivors.
Personally my difficulty as killer depends on the killer I use. I main Clown and I always seem to get sweaty gen rushers with meta builds, and I might get a 4k sometimes but it's usually a 2-3k, or a loss sometimes. But I use other killers and it's like I am playing against bots sometimes.
Also maybe you're just using high meta killers.
I don't think it's any easier to win as killer than before, especially now with the endurance meta that survivors are using. I had a Bubba match a week or so ago where I swear I had survivors tank at least ten hits and run off throughout the match, it's insane.
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Everything you mention relies on the fact that you have to down survivors lol. Like do you not remember how absurd the sprint burst you get from getting injured you can literally drag the killer from one side of the map to the other and get to the pallet and the map was bigger back then btw? The Dead hard which is frankly another health state? The absurd amount of safe pallets? The strong tiles and window rng? The map size isn't as tight right now? Tiles where you can see the red light peek through? Config files to highlights to the red light even further and fogs are non existent? The insta med kits?
Yeah Mori can turn the tides but usually at the first mori Survivors start pumping out generators and play it absolutely safe. Unless you're a top tier killer that doesn't matter. But in general it was living hell for most killers and again in general this state of the game is far easier.
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I'm back to Red rank if that still matters. I could carry Meh survivors two years ago with just BT and Circle of healing lol. Heck Dead hard practically makes meh survivors have a good chance of surviving.
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Killer main that's been playing since 2019. Yes. It's the easiest it has ever been to win with killer. Old DH, DS, keys, instant syringe, and etc. It was far more bs back then.
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The answer is no.
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Compared to ye old times where we had infinites, double pallets, pallet vacuum, insta heals, insta gens, insta blinds, etc.? Yes, definitely.
Compared to the 3 gen kick meta with overcharge/call of brine/eruption? No.
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The only killers who are having problems here are creating them for themselves because they play bad, play weak killer, avoid killing, avoid locking 3 gen, avoid bleeding etc.
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This "argument" is pretty bad and it doesn't metter on what you will apply it to.
If someone makes road full of lava, then after some time they will remove 1% of the lava and tell you "don't complain, it's easiest it ever been" it doesn't mean it is easy or possible.
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Yes. However IMO it's not because killer is necessarily strong or OP but because matchmaking. Matchmaking is so bad these days IMO I have no confidence in saying anyone in this game is good. How do you know your good? You don't with this matchmaking.
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I am going to say yes and no.
It can at least feel like it but from what I can tell DBD is actively working on removing the boring/least fun parts of gameplay that are used to win. For killers this would be, Tunnelling, Camping and Slugging and Survivors it would be completing the objective too quickly. Because the fun part for DBD is not pressing M1 on a gen or sitting/guarding a hook, but the chases and outplays. The issue is a lot of high level killers rely on these tactics against the best teams, its optimal strategy most of the time. And DBD doesn't want to make any big changes that would greatly swing the kill rates. So they have been gradually buffing killer and then removing things that accommodate these tactics.
Tunnelling was the first when they made the big killer buff by adding base kit endurance and haste off hook. This came with less basic attack CD, less survivor speed boost and more time on gens. Since they have nerfed self healing in both med kits and COH to try and force survivors off gens and heal each other more, or be faster downs. Then they removed hook grabs, an anti camping measure, and they even have an additional anti camping measure in the works. They also did the PTB testing if there was a good way to do anti-slugging/insta-mori which I would like to see again but I think they scrapped the idea because of negative feedback from both sides.
So the reason I say yes and no is because overall, no, its not really stronger if your only goal was to win as killer. But DBD has this weird morality where people often see tunnelling, camping and slugging as "mean" things to do. So a lot of killers didn't/don't use these tactics. So those killers essentially got a buff without losing anything, making it easier for them, meanwhile killers that rely/relied on these tactics are either in the same spot or worse because its harder to quickly get things changed to a 3v1.
So do I think that its actually easier to win for killers, probably not, does it feel like it, most definitely.
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Gen kick meta was likely the easiest it's ever been, but Killer is in a better spot now than it has been for most of DBD's lifespan. There's still some work that needs to be done though, as always will be, with add-on changes, buffs for weaker Killers, and one or two Survivor perks needing adjustments.