Who's someone you play a lot that is widely unpopular?

For me it's Cybil. She's one of my mains and I rarely see her ever- granted you have to pay extra for legendary characters so I get that.
I also have a soft spot for Haddie.
What are some survivors/killers that you play that you don't see much?
Top 3 unpopular picks of mine in order
- Quinton (First surv I picked up and in all the years i've played I could count the # of Quintons i've encountered on my fingers and toes)
- Jeff (Same as above but just fingers)
- Adam kinda grew on me over time and I hardly see anyone use him
My friend's would be Tapp, who I probably see the least out of all.
Pig maybe on the killer side. I still see her every now and then, but not as often as other killers I play.
Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on0 -
No reasonable killer main cares which survivor you're playing. Aside from perks they're literally all identical.
Heck, with the number of cosmetics in play these days I can't even tell which survivor I'm versing.
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If you want a true unpopular opinion, then I enjoy playing Legion. Call him a mending simulator all you want. Plenty of killers have passive slowdown, but survivors don't complain about any of them except my boy/girl Leg. Legion is still an M1 killer at heart.
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This is just a thread of preference to people... Personally I really like my mains.
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I'm glad they gave Legendary skins their own voices, but I have to hit Cybil after hooking her. Sorry.
I've been playing a lot of Skull Merchant lately. Chase-focoused, and I only drop drones on gens if they have progress and I happen to pass by in chase or while patrolling.
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I play almost all Killers (dislike Nurse and Hag) so I quess I can kinda say I play unpopular Killers from time to time like Twins, Artist, Singularity, etc.
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trapper and trickster for killer
jake, steve and david for Survivor
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I never bought Jonathan Byers, because I felt Steve and Nancy should’ve always been li’l romantical sweeties the entire series, n never fully appreciated his skin… but it’s always weird seeing him in lobbys, tbh😄
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Clown, Knight, Singularity
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Ayee! I'm a Demogorgon main myself, I use his Geo Mutation skin. I do own Jonathan but I don't really use the Stranger Things survivors much.
Demo pup is best pup <3
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I personally LOVE all three of those killers. :D
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For survivor definitely jeff! The one fit with the mask cover being the main reason why. The cosmetic spoke to me!!
For killer it trickster simply for his trick blades. i despise going up against him but he pretty fun to actually play. Same with knight but he's way more popular than trickster
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I think all Legendaries are rare cause they are freaking expensive. For non licensed characters I'd say Haddie is not particularly common and I don't have a stereotype for her. Maybe Maria will also be rare? We'll see. I encountered one Maria yesterday but I think she DC'd at some point and replaced by a bot, lol.
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Maria came out less than 24 hours ago lol, also she's also a legendary.
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She looks pretty good though and that was my first game of the day, also surprised I saw another Maria so soon.
James I see more rarely than other legendaries of Cheryl, Maria has the potential to be the more popular one of the bunch imo.
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James' my main, followed by Chris. I might give Maria a chance just because I like to see her suffer. I'm fun like that.
Killer wise, I play Birkins that I never see as a Blight skin although it's amazing, Skull Merchant because I like annoying people by merely existing, and Hunk I guess? I don't recall seeing a lot of them. I occasionally even pop Freddy.
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Life’s so much more special w a Demopup fren☺️
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For killer, it's Artist and Clown.
For survivor, it's Sheva, Haddie, Renato, and Thalita.
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Why are people saying Demo? He's not unpopular he's just unavailable. If he was still purchasable in the store we'd see a lot more of him.
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To be honest, even with the Stranger Things chapter; it started getting rare to find Demo. Steve and Nancy players are still popular but Demo has always been rare. Except for when Chapter 13 first dropped obviously
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there's like 10 of us.
billy is quite common? less than before, but still... people like the speedy man named boy
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I play knight and dredge. Play ace dunno if he uncommon.
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Knight, and I don't even go for a gen kicking, 3-genning build/strat.
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Freddy. Playing him shows you who the real killers in this game are.
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James Sunderland. Only true silent hill 2 fans use this one.
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Not for me. Demo was never a rarity. Even now two years after we lost the license I still see him more than several of the killers who are available in this game.
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There's also Maria now if you enjoy helping her survive. Even if it makes you a terrible individual in my books.
You know he really needs a Templar outfit so we can redo the *Holy Music Stops* meme with him.
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A templar skin for memes its a must have. 100% agree.
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Yoichi, Byers, Haddie, Legion, Skill Merchant.
I was in a lobby with another Yoichi the other day and they're like, OMG!
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i absolutely love playing twins LMAO
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I was actually going to buy Cybil,but then I saw that Maria is coming and bought her instead so now I'm too poor for Cybil for the time being.
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We kinda see all survivors so none seem that unpopular to us.
As killer artist mostly, though hags and twins get honored seconds.
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I've always had a soft spot for the Clown. Is he high tier? No, not really. But I just like his design as a gross, unlikeable, "please don't touch me that's weird", evil clown of nightmares. He's great in his own disgusting way.
I'm one of only 2 people in 500 hours I've seen running the black metal Jeff skin. The nature of survivor persks being interchageable means almost everyone outside of the most popular ones gets left behind every release or two, though I'm sure Nick Cage will stick around a bit just for the memes.
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Claire, Lisa, Mary. All p100
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This Rift is the first time Haddie doesn't look like barf. I've actually played her with a few games since she got her new cosmetics.
As for me, Myers. He's considered one of the weaker killers, and I almost never see him as survivor anymore, but I can get more consistent wins with him than with Plague or Spirit.
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I've seen a few people run the black metal skin. I usually run the corpse paint with other cosmetics.
That said, when are we getting a Juggalo paint survivor cosmetic? Dead Island 2 is getting one. Why not us?
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Ash main here. Evil Dead 2 was one of the first movies that got me into horror, so I was thrilled when he dropped.
Then they nerfed release Mettle of Man and I never saw anybody else play him again LOL
For killers, basically everybody I play I never run into myself. Trapper, Clown, Piggy, Billy, Wraith (to a lesser extent; I see Wraiths from time to time)
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I think you mean Maria.
I know I seem to be nitpicking but the distinction is really important
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I main Zarina on survivor.
Killer I do Pig, Dredge, Plague, Twins and Onryo.
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Im a Dredge / Singularity Main and i would say that both are very unpopular its very rare to Play against a Dredge or Singularity even when they are very liked by the Community
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Unpopular with survivors: Doctor and Plague.
Unpopular with killers because "they're weak": Ghostface and Pig
Unpopular survivors: Jane (maybe) and for some reason, I always seem to get daily rituals for Yoichi, so I guess I play him a lot out of necessity.
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I play Tapp mostly and rarely see him in solo queue.
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Bunny Legion has been doing pretty good in this meta against some decently experience players.
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I think the most unpopular I can go is Jonathan Byers.
I made a decision to buy him back then and he wasn't even my favorite LMAO.
Now I'm glad I did because Stranger Things is gone... 😭
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Haddie is probably the only character I regularly use that is widely unpopular, and I am glad to see her getting some decent cosmetics finally; conceptually she's my favorite survivor by far.
I would have said Sadako, but recent changes have pushed her into the meta (for better or worse). I play a lot of Demo, but I also think their rarity has a lot more to do with not being available than unpopular.
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I love playing as Carlos and almost never see him.
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We could easily have the actual Mary in-game now,as they already have her body model.I'm always happy to see more SH content so I hope it happens.
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My Bill & Hag are both over prestige 60. Always been a huge left 4 dead fan and I enjoy Hag’s Playstyle.