Missing DLC from Steam Family Sharing
My question from that is, the change is intentional or not? I used the DLC's from a friend in Steam via Family Sharing because i bought them before in Nintendo Switch, and now i just have the DLC's that i bought by myself on Steam. I want to know if it's intentional or not; to buy at least some DLC's for now, and accept that i won't have Demogorgon anymore, thanks.
As far as I know, and for as long as I can remember, DLC/Add-ons are not shareable via Steam Family Sharing.
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They were shareable until the 7.1.2a patch that fixed the DLC issues with Stadia players, that’s why i’m asking if the change it’s intentional or not.
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Yea, so many are saying this is a new change to Steam's policy, but it's not. Steam has ALWAYS had this policy with their family sharing. You share the base game and all DLC, but the second the secondary account buys the base game, you lose all DLC. However they had the option for the developers to choose otherwise. So while it is possible Steam decided to stop allowing BHVR to make an exception, or else it's a bug.
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so that explain why i can no longer share my demo dlc to my friend , thats sad.
welp the population of demo mains will decrease even more. ty BHVR
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Well good news, you can buy it again !
Pay " only " $300
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tell that to my friend 😅 , oh boy i feel bad for him now...
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yup, and this is an stupid decision, I mean, this money would not go to the steam pocket, or bhvr pocket