A great deal of killer DC's tonight!

Must have been about 6 out of 20 games.
Not a good trend. Could have been just a bad run. Seeing how I'm not giving killer another try until next patch.
I don't really blame them.
Steam servers keep going on and off tonight. Most people including me can't even login right now. Maybe it's related to that?
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Might be but only one game had odd timing for me. The rest was near or after the last gen popping.
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Next patch isn't going to change anything. People will play xenomorph for a week, realize he's not that good, then go back to their usual mains, or stop playing.
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I suspect people playing Xeno will just get fed up with constantly walking through flamethrowers.
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Well the fast vault thing is being reverted I thought. Until they attempt another "fix" down the line maybe.
Also looking forward to being able to change res.
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That's exactly why I feel he a waste of money because of those flamethrowers. I'll wait till I can pick him up at some point for 1.99$ on a steam sale.
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Maybe if those Killers would improve instead of DCing they might not want to DC in future games.
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Thats a bold statement. Considering how many survivors just suicide whenever their match doesn´t go as planned.
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Sweeping statement much? OP didn’t mention what Killers they were, the maps or items/addons/perks each side had and you automatically chalked it down to the Killer playing bad?
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I saw someone DC recetly because they got Garden of Joy (by luck) as Blight and then few Killers because either they chased me for long time and gave up or chase me and others, couldn't down anyone within few minutes and just left.
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Yep. But it is this forum as usual - Survivors DCing is the worst, but Killers DCing...nono, the game must change, Killers are DCing!!!1111
(But the reality is - neither side should do that. But for some reason, in this forum, it is fine if Killers are doing it...)
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Uhm, no one ever talks about killer DC.
When this forum talks about DC its mostly about survivors.
Even the whole "remove DC penalty because we have bots now"-discussion fails to aknowledge that killers can also DC (and would ruin the game quite quickly if they werent penalised.)
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I wanted to quit my killer match, but I stuck it out.
I was an M1 killer on Azarov's Resting Place. Found a survivor early on my half of the map and got a very quick injury. Between Made For This, Windows of Opportunity, and Resilience, getting the down took an additional few minutes.
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I always wait until mid patch to get an idea of the "final" product.
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We aren't DCing. Dead by Daylight's servers are crashing. Have been for a day or two now.
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It's more than just the fast vaults though. Yes, the fast vaults are insane right now and survivors basically have invulnerability shields at windows. But there is oh so much more to it.
The endurance spam is infuriating. There are way to many ways to proc endurance giving a bonus health state. Most survivors take a minimum of three hits to take down anymore.
The gen speeds are goofy. BHVR undid their nerf to gen speeds by giving survivors so many perks that increase their repair speed now. So yeah while base gens technically take longer than they used to. They actually take less time in practice thanks to all the perks and boxes.
Survivors are actually more powerful when injured now as they run faster, vault faster, heal faster, and repair faster.
And Windows of Opportunity quite literally plays one of the harder parts of the game for you. Pathing used to be something that required time to learn and skill to apply. But Windows of Opportunity does your pathing for you now. You literally know exactly what is safe and where to go next.
And the cherry on top of all of it is the same survivors who are living in this luxurious era for survivor will you without a hint of irony claim killer is OP and easier than ever. Even though Killers best perks have all been nerfed. And the killers themselves keep getting nerfed. And even more hilariously the two most recent killers have been designed to be rendered powerless by giving survivors weapons to completely nullify their powers and make them basic M1 killers.
It's beyond insane.
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Totally agree with all that. It's just the vault thing was the last straw for me. Been playing survivor more and more. Shame I like playing killer but I can only stomach so much BS. I don't play s- tier's. I used to play a lot of spirit but found it usually too easy.
Last BS I had was a buckle up/FTP team. Was a complete joke of a game.
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The time in game is too short for all kinds of hits to not count. One can only take so much of a successful play getting soaked by endurance before they just don't want to play anymore because of how unfair it feels.
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I only had 2 DCs tonight. i think one was a server thing probably cause he DC'd very suddenly, he wasn't doing bad. I also had the game kick me out yesterday. I think the other killer DC'd on 1 gen left or something.
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I'd have to say you hit the nail on the head. I don't know why BHVR is obsessed with removing most of the killer roster from viable play and pushing everyone to nurse and blight. Being an M1 killer just really, really sucks right now. It already was a challenge to play with one hand tied behind your back, but recent patches just ties the other hand, too.
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Glad I'm not the only one that picked up on that lol when survivors DC they're just out to ruin everyone's game, there's surely no underlying reason. Killer DCs? "oh honestly, can't blame them"
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When a killer DCs, the match ends immediately, all the survivors are considered as escaped, and they walk away with their earned BP. It's a survivor victory, and I rarely see survivor players complain about a killer DCing. In fact it's something a lot of them take joy in, from what I've seen.
But a survivor DCing increases the chance for the other survivors to lose. It's less so now that there's bots but I consider these bots idiots and I don't want a bot on my team so I still strongly dislike it when my fellow survivors decide to bail on me in a match. Someone else's actions disadvantage me in the match that I must continue playing, so of course I'd be more upset about it than the killer quitting and immediately awarding me the win.
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Totally. Most of the time I see a killer DC it's when the last gen pops. At least a big part of the game was played.
Although I would prefer they suck up the loss as annoying and unfair the game might be. They surely don't want the tea bagging.
On the other hand survivor's DC or idle mostly at the start of the match. Ruining the game for the others fairly often.
Skull mechant isn't the reason either I have seen it against lots of killer. So tell me people whats the excuse apart from being a baby?