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How many people here play both sides?

This isn't a judgment thread, just a quick informal poll to see where people are putting their hours.

I play killer most of the time, but I still play about 25%of my matches as survivor.


  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979
    edited August 2023

    I do but it's been a lot less of killer lately. Maybe 1 or 2 matches a day. Nothing to do with fairness or balance...I just have a hard time feeling engaged in the role.

    Post edited by GolbezGarlandGabrant on
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,792

    I try to, but I'm still Killer main at heart I suppose. I've never really enjoyed Survivor.

    Out of my roughly 5K hours on a couple accounts, I'd reckon maybe 1/5 is Survivor and the rest is Killer

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,170

    i play killer about 60% survivor 40%

    I definitely consider myself a survivor main but killer just more fun most of the time. Play every other day for about 5 hours. Ending the week around 15 to 20 hours total most of the time.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Playing both sides. Survivor more than killer.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,396

    I play both sides depending on rewards, which means in the UK my working week is Killer, Saturday is Survivor, Sunday weirdly flip flops.

    I actually love coop more as a rule for games, so Survivor naturally feeds that interest, and I still find the game spoopy and atmospheric. Holding repair on a gen while Oni is roaring in the background and you sit scanning constantly hoping he doesn't round the corner while also not trying to miss skillchecks. I still feel this tense feeling that I love...

    However as a Slasher film fan, I also love play to play as the killers, and feel a great sense of joy trying to create that experience for Survivors. I try not to camp/tunnel/or use cheap tactics, and will tend to chase the survivor with the least hooks unless someone literally gifts themselves on a plate to me. There is giving someone a chance, and then there is facilitating incompetence, and we don't wanna be patronising :)

    I tend to play serious at the start, then go friendly after 10 hooks or so depending on my mood, and then get this amusing game of charades trying to convince people I'm no longer in murder mode :D

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,865

    I play both sides. Although I enjoy playing killer more than survivor.

    Especially as of late I play a lot less survivor.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I usually play whatever is giving extra bp

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,332

    I play both sides 50/50.

  • bazarama
    bazarama Member Posts: 263

    Killer only now.

    Survivor side with gen simulation boring boring boring.

    One of the reasons I think some survivors are toxic is because survivor is boring and repetitive.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,347

    It swings - but judging by the speed at which challenges get done I'm most definitely a survivor main atm.

    And when it comes to killer about 80% is Nemo.

    I don't know, the rinse repeat is just easier on survivor for me and given that it's essentially just playing roulette (as SoloQ between you teammates and the killer you get there's very little you as an individual can actually do to influence the outcome of a match) it's also easier to shrug off most of the time.

    On killer, after having played 3-5 matches I just feel bored. Be that because the current state is that either you get matched with people that are somewhat easy to at the very least 2k or that they just grind through gens asap (can't blame them - and I don't even mean genrush with actual builds meant to genrush - just focusing on gens and doing them efficiently without any items or perks to help them with that) so that whenevr you go for any kind of non-sweat/non-"chess" and don't happen to somehow snowball it's usually a 3-4E. Very little middle ground between the two extremes. The first is boring after two or three matches and so is the latter after two or three matches. I enjoy chasing as killer - but only for so long. And apparently I don't like more than 5-15 mins of chase time in one sitting back to back.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Killer main who only plays survivor to either do archive challenges or meme around with friends. I'd say I'm like 80/20 in favour of killer.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,049

    My preferred role is killer but I play whichever role has the matchmaking incentive. For me, that works out at about playing a 50/50 split of both roles.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,034

    We play both (which one more depending on rifts and achievements) but favor killer. We like relying on ourselves instead of others (and each other too)

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,280

    i play 1 side for like a month then swap to only playing the other.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Play both, like to play killer but circumstances force to play survivor more, because of stupid book challenges.

    Each of killer's challenge can be 100% done in a single match except ones like "sacrifice 8 survivors" or "down 12 different survivors". But survivor's one take many matches with no guaranteed outcome.

    Who would have thought that "finish repairing 3 gens" can be done in 7 matches and even with throwing the game at the end (sorry teammates)....

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    60% survivor

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Both pretty equally, maybe slightly more survivor.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I play both. I used to play mostly survivor for the BP incentives & queue times but I've been playing killer probably 75% of the time since a bit before the Singularity chapter.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,388
    edited August 2023

    I'm about 65% killer/35% survivor according to the Dbdstats website. 4200 hours on Steam and 300ish hours on other accounts.

  • Dhurl421
    Dhurl421 Member Posts: 154

    Probably 80/20 in favor of Survivor, mostly because Killer is a completely different game. I prefer the chase, tension, and teamwork aspect of Survivor in solo queue (crazy, I know). But I play Killer from time to time to enjoy just the simple act of playing as Myers, Pig, Demo, or Leatherface.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    Killer. 100% of the time.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited August 2023

    my cases is 50% 50%

    either suffering or having a good time on both sides.

  • ThatRedPyramidThing
    ThatRedPyramidThing Member Posts: 91

    I play both sides. And despite what people may think due to how hard I defend Killer and push back against the popular opinion about Killer being easy than ever (it's not, it's actually the weakest it's been in years) I actually play a lot more as survivor than Killer so much so I never get survivor dailies because I have so much more time invested in survivor. In fact me playing so much solo que survivor is how I know for a fact that survivor is easier than killer by a large margin.

    Survivors only lose when they don't do gens. Your survivor hud is there. Use it! See how little your team actually does. Stop saying killer is easy and op. It's not. Survivors just don't do gens.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,654

    I play both.

    Don´t know percentages.

    But killer is way better for BP for me and i need both tomes to progress.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I play both mostly equally, but there is a seperat poll section for things like this... So you might as well use that.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,943

    I play both, but slightly more survivor than killer.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    I think for me it is a pretty close split to 50/50

    Mood, cue time, and how matches are going play a role in what side I go to.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,521

    30-35% killer and 65-70% survivor is my quess. Lately though other way around or more as I been having good time on killer and want to reach bigger kill numbers. I only had 400 sacrifises between april and august. When before in same time I reached 1K. But now 230+ on august only.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,521

    You're killer main. Most survivor mains usually play almost only survivor. Most my friends has less kills than sacrifises which is quite telling...

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 419

    Right now I play mostly survivor and killer for tome challenges.

    I started off playing mainly survivor with a bit of killer, then went to 50%/50% and finally to 100% killer for awhile. Then I took a break and after that felt like playing mainly survivor again.

    The odd thing is that (solo) survivor endlessly frustrates me while killer is pretty chill. Playing killer for the BBQ tome I got a bunch of 4 SWF sabo/flashlight squads who tried to deny me every single hook. I just had a random load out of mainly bonus blood point perks plus Shadowborn (not that optimal with so much flashlighting). I still got my 10 hooks playing completely chill with not even 10% the sweat of a typical solo survivor match that I still lose in the end despite all the effort I pour into it. I don't know what's wrong with me, I probably should switch to killer again, but I really want a good time as survivor.

  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    Lately it's been 50/50.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    I am kind of in a similar boat with Melinko; I consider myself a good even split overall of Killer & Survivor; with Survivor including solo, and with friends as well.

    I enjoy both sides, but it may come down to what I feel like playing at the time (sometimes I get the itch to play certain killers or to try for Survivor-side achievements), Tome Challenges, Daily Rituals, and also if friends message they wanna play.

    The Bloodpoints bonus plays a small part, I usually have 50%-100% Survivor during the day, and 75%-100% Killer at night. But honestly, if I want to play the other side, going against the BP incentive the queues are fine, so I can't really say that is a factor for me.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,445

    I tend to play Killer when I am solo, survivor with friends. But yes, I do both. I do survivor solo a lot more when there is tome challenges I want to complete, especially when they are the dumb "throw the match to get this challenge done" crap.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,469

    I do like 85% survivor and 15% killer, but how many, percentage and such of all players would be fun to know. Probably most people play only survivor. Then second biggest group play both roles and the smallest group play only killer. This is my guess.

  • Hex_Maidenless
    Hex_Maidenless Member Posts: 112

    A year ago I was very heavily killer and got frustrated and put the game down for months. Since coming back I basically go wherever the point bonus is and actually lean towards survivor if I'm just in the mood for fun. All-time it's probably something like 60-40 to Killer because of that.

    Killer is far more stressful and you feel the full brunt of all the garbage behaviour way more so honestly I prefer survivor at this point.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    Though I tend to follow the BP bonus, it's usually 60%/40% killer/survivor.

    I tend to prefer killer as I don't have to put up with both ######### and random MMR teammates, and if I run into a SWF that just wants to troll I can AFK and watch them get salty in EGC when they depip. It does get exhausting playing killer, though, having to be "on" all the time. It's much more relaxing to play survivor, even if the overall experience is terrible.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,253

    I thought I was a Killer main, and it feels like I am, but when I checked a stats website I was roughly 50-50, with roughly 5 times the Killer wins than Survivor. I think that is because I do ALL tomes, and most Survivor tomes require you to literally throw the game for 5+ matches to complete a single challenge, but most Killer tomes can be completed in a single match and still win. See 16-2's Never too Late to "Sabotage Hooks within 10 metres of the Killer carrying a Survivor a total of 3 times." Or I can complete Killer's 16-2 Mastering Deadly Senses to "Hit Survivors a total of 4 times within 30 seconds of them being revealed by Killer Instinct." in a single Ghosty, Wesker, or Dredge match off the top of my head. That being compared to when I have to play dozens of matches hoping the Killer lets me sabo a hook and doesn't just down me with a double hit due to lag, even when using a Sabo box with juicy add-ons, or simply drop the Survivor or walk the other way. Survivor tomes are so evil.

    The other contributing reason is I tend to follow the incentive, and when I want to or have time to play, it tends to be Survivor more often than Killer. I play a couple matches, get ticked off at my corner crouching Mikaela and working with Killer Feng soloq teammates, so I rageswap to Killer even without the incentive. It sucks though, because on both sides I tend to get unfun sweatlords far more often when I don't follow the incentive.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I'm like 90% survivor and only 10% killer. I really enjoy cooperative gameplay. So playing survivor is really appealing to me. Solo queue is rough, but when the cooperation actually works, it feels amazing.

    When I play killer it's either Nurse or Ghost Face. I have a history of playing characters with teleports and I love banshee screams (Sindel is my favourite MK character). So Nurse was a no brainer. With Ghost Face I just want to scare people and meme about.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,280
    edited August 2023

    I play one side for like 3 weeks then i swap to the other. I would probably say tho that i play more survivor than killer overall

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,842

    Whatever has the BP bonus, mainly because I don't want to wait around for a game. That means I play a lot more survivor, though the Cage DLC gave me a lot of time to play killer.

    The thing that makes me a survivor main though is how long I play. If I play killer I'll probably only play one or two games and then go play something else, but I can spend hours on soloq survivor.