Beating SWF as Killer

Hello DBD Community,
Does anyone have any suggestions on besting a SWF group as a killer? I have loved playing Dead by Daylight, But lately I have been disheartened by the game because I have been absolutely obliterated by SWF groups who gen-rush then proceed to teabag on their way out the exit gates. For example I played 6 rounds as killer last night and in 4 of them this same scenario happened. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great. I look forward to hearing the feedback.
Best Answers
You need to play the only killer that has been designed to beat an efficient SWF on voice comms.
The nurse.
It will take a lot of time to master her, but if you actually did, then you can compete with those SWF
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Play to their weaknesses. If they travel in packs, you can pressure a whole bunch of people if you find them. If they're overly altruistic, it's perfectly all right to punish that. It's also important to remember that not everyone in the group will be strong. You're likely to find weaker members and if it comes down to it, pressuring and pushing people off of gens will do well enough. If someone's going out of their way to get your attention, it's likely they're the runner. It's important to put yourself in their frame of mind and wonder why they may be doing something.
Thank you very much for the suggestions both of you! That was very helpful.
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Not really i took down a lot with addonless no offerings Billy against toolboxes
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slaughter someone immedietly if you can. Dont go out of your way to do it; if they're a loop god leave them, but if you get a chance to drop them a hook state do it.
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LOL any killer can "beat" a SWF. Not all SWFs are try hard. Not all SWFs are super coordinated. Not all SWF are 4 man death squads. Most SWFs are just friends playing together - for fun.
Easiest way to beat a 2-3-4 man SWF is to adapt to their overt altruism. Unlike 4 solo q who will do gens generally before going for a hook - you will get friends playing together wanting to ensure someone on 1st hook doesn't get to 2nd state. I am not saying to camp, but I wouldn't go all the way across the map after hooking either. Run nurses - SWFs love to heal one another more than solos.
Unlike killer or survivor mains who will generally tell you absolutes and use hyperbole.. look for posters who play both sides for more balanced views with way less biased opinions. Nothing is black and white when it comes to SWFs - Killers - maps - perks etc.... So my advice is ignore people who use words like "all" "only" "always" "never" etc... u get the point.
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You have survivor with friends who actually know each other irl and are different skill levels, then you have survive with dbd acquaintances who group together to remove weak links. Good luck beating the latter and hope you live in a region with more of the former.
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True. I mean, look at this, clearly an SWF. Matching Names:
All of them had infinite Unbreakable:
Didnt get a single Kill, no chance with Nemesis, only Nurse and Spirit can beat SWF.
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I'm genuinely concerned that you might not be joking.
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Never, DBD is serious business, I would never joke around.
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This is true. We should all run No Mither to counter spirit.
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Just curious - why did you struggle so much against 4 No Mithers? Were you trying to slug them all? What happened in that game that made it impossible to win?
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They were running Resilience so they did have a 6% faster gen repair, but still. LP left him 1 perk short from the beginning relying him to rely on BBQ, STBFL and Ruin. If they just sat on gens Ruin wouldn't matter, but they still got the speed boost.
I think this was more meme-y rather than depip squad tbh. No prove thyself/tool boxes with BNP. No flashlights.