Where the "Teamwork" perks a failed concept?

Basically I Feel they were trying to Expand Bloodpact into its own little Category
All three Perk,
Teamwork: Power of Two
Teamwork: Collective Stealth
all require the conditions of Healing & Staying Close.
Unlike Bloodpact, both Collective Stealth and Power of Two Have HEAVY cooldowns
While Bloodpact also has a Higher Haste Effect , No Cooldown AND You dont have to be as Close compared to Power of Two
And the Effects for the conditions you have to pull of, the distance you have to stay close 2, and the cooldown I cant see myself using "Teamwork: Collective Stealth" for no scratch marks...
These perks are also completely useless for solo-queue, while still being almost worthless for even swfs
I Just dont know what they were trying to do.
They should of went in like Boons, made them strong then toned them down with feedback if needed
They’re far too restrictive and the cooldowns are absurdly long.
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They are a failed concept. Just like boons.
When was the last time we saw a boon perk? March 2022 with Sadako. It’s been a year and a half and we haven’t gotten one new boon perk at all. it seems like BHVR has just flat out gave up and stopped making boon and teamwork perks
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Yeah they're a failed concept.
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It's not a complete failure
Developers put restrictions and security numbers to make sure it doesn't get out of hand (Clear from MFT)
I think with a few tweaks and changing the numbers these perks will be good to play
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Tbf, SM's chapter is one of the more recent ones. There's only been one chapter since then, with Alien about to come out. We've seen gaps like that with other perk types before.
Boons feel like a gimmick quickly dropped.
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Well, you need to incentivize players to run boon and teamwork perks. Most survivors don’t use them because they don’t help with winning the game. And the devs probably stopped releasing them because they aren’t what players want (per pick rate).
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Tbf we've also gotten one hex and one scourge hook in the last year and a half.
They generally space these perks out quite a bit and that's been true since hag released.
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Another set of perks that are useful for SWF and useless/difficult to pull off in solo...lol.
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I don’t even see SWFs use them.
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They are unusable by solo, and not even worth using by SWF lol
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Majority of the perks that are not used by anyone in DBD are obviously all failed concepts.. Premonition, Slippery Meat, Unrelenting, Hangman's Trick, Predator, Bloodhound, Territorial Imperative, Insidious, Beast of Prey..... I could keep going here... There are so many filler perks.. If DBD was an anime it'd be DBZ. 20 or so episodes of filler with a handful or so that you don't want to miss. And don't get me started on Shadowborn... Just like Predator and Bloodhound... Why would you make ACCESSIBILITY options into perks... So bad..
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They are useless:
- way too restrictive
- heavy cooldowns
- go against the basics of survivor gameplay
Useless in solo and really bad in SWF, they aren't even good for beginers.
They are the definition of adept perks in this game.
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It's a good concept, but they need to remove one of the restrictive conditions across the board. I feel like any one of the following changes to the teamwork perks would allow them to be useful more often without being oppressive. Only one though, otherwise I can easily see it getting out of hand.
- Remove the cooldown
- Activate the perks when being healed
- Don't deactivate the perks when an affected survivor loses a health state
One of those would be nice, I would most prefer the 2nd one
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same problem as boons. too little radius. if they had like 20-24 meter radius with linger radius of like 10-15 seconds. i can see blood pact and power of two being very problematic.
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There are just better perks to use than the teamwork or boon perks. They’re outclassed by better alternatives.
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To be fair when was the last time we got a new Scourge Hook perk? Like not reworking but a genuine new SH? That was also March 2022 with Sadako (Floods of Rage), but I wouldn't say they're a failed concept.
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Considering the smartest thing you can do as Survivor is to split up, perks based on staying together were always a terrible idea (except pre-nerf Prove Thyself I guess).
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It's a hard problem to solve. Good survivors know that splitting up is the best way to win. BHVR is trying to incentivize grouping up to slow the game down. However if they don't make the effect strong enough why would you pay the price of inefficiency for a meh effect? On the flip side though if the effect is too strong it's game breaking.
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The perk concept itself was doomed from the start. It's a family of perks that requires survivors to stick together when the optimal play is to split up, AND people prefer to be self-reliant rather than work as a team.
Even if you remove the hefty cooldowns, the perks themselves just can't work. And if they're strong enough to the point that they do incentivize grouping up, it'll only be usable in SWFs that are decently coordinated while Solos suffer as usual. There's just so way to make it work. At least Blood Pact doubled as an info perk, but the rest are terrible.
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For both the Teamwork perks, you add the "unhooked or unhooking" condition, and you've got yourself a really good perk.
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I think the largest flaw with the Teamwork perks is the lack of a grace period. Even the base mechanic of chasing has a 5s grace period. If the teamwork perks had a perk tooltip ticking down with 5s to re-enter the distance they would be significantly less bad.
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Maybe if they didn't have a cooldown that lasted half the match and had consistent activation conditions (as in healing or being healed like Blood Pact), they wouldn't be so terrible.
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Trash perks from a trash chapter…who would have thought
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Yeah I really don't understand the lengthy cool down, same reason why I don't use oppression more even if I like the effect, tho I think it had an even longer cool down
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If teamwork perks didn't have the ridiculous cooldown effect they would be a perfectly balanced perk.
TWPO2 - Gives you a very strong effect of 5% haste , BUT you have to meet certain criteria for it to remain active. (Id argue increasing the radius to 16m would be okay too).
But sadly BHVR flips between making perks that provide unlimited free value and perks that have such ridiculous requirements and lengthy cooldowns they are equivalent to dead slots.
There's even less of a reason to run TWPO2 when you have MFT providing you 3% haste and doesn't have a CD or a requirement other than "get hit by the killer"
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It’s never really advisable for survivors to group up. You’d need something much stronger than 5% haste to encourage survivors to run that other, say, an exhaustion perk.
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It's kind of crazy, it has nearly double the cooldown of Oppression. I think it's currently the longest cooldown on any perk in the game.
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Absolutely a failure and I'm glad about it because I wasn't about to spend more money on perks you can basically only use in a swf