It is finished....8 games of pain T_T

What a brutal challenge.
which one is that?
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This also does not hold any meaning to me.
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Sabo 3 hooks within 10m of a killer carrying a survivor.
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when I read the "8 games of pain", my first thought was that you did this achievement
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One is hard enough, been trying this challenge since it came out.
0/3 to show. Props to ya.
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Easiest way I found of doing it was just putting on MoM and Breakout. Unless the killer is running StBfL or Agitation, if you take a hit in a corner (shack is particularly great for this, assuming it doesn't spawn basement) you're more or less guaranteed to be able to sabo the closest hook and get away.
But if you have my luck, it will result in you being face-camped if you do it multiple times in the same game.
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Throw entire games X times in a row until you get it done challenge.
I love those
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I needed a lot of tries as well. - Had Saboteur as well to see the hooks.... and omg, idk if it was my luck but whenever someone went down I could sabo a hook with a toolbox, one with saboteur and the killer would still have a third hook close enough to reroute a third time and get the hook. Also 10m is close af.
When I did get a successful one I did have a 100% chance of getting camped, tunneled and slapped on hook though <3 * insert kek face *
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That's because there are way to many hooks which allows them to be super close to each other. I don't even know why the wiggle is still a thing. Your entire team can take hits and the killer still hook.
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I hate challenges like this that force you to throw the game. 😭
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I find the later tome levels are stacked with these >_>;
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Ugh I'm doing that atm. I always get mad tunneled the second I try to do a sabo.
Killwrs do not like getting sabo played.
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I was facecamped 2x doing it.
1 team knew to do the 2x Healthy surv -> 1 hit -> 1 rescue tactic.
I've had teams that can't get me off hook with 3 healthy people....Solo Queue nightmares, haha
You'll get it, though - I AM ROOTING FOR YOU >:3
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I did it. Lol got 2 in 5 games. Then had a game against a ghostface where I got 4 separate sabo saves 😂 i was such a menace
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they would have my admiration if they escaped all their perkless matches
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Oh I did that one a while. My swf hated me for it 🤣
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They may hate you, but always remember...
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i feel bad for you
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I made a Wraith DC doing this challenge 😭 he kept getting the No Mither guy and I kept jumping at the hooks. I wasn't trolling, just wanted the challenge done