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What do you do if your bad at a killer?

Hello. I could use some advice, I guess. I started playing this game around the time Silent hill chapter was released cause I'm a silent hill fan. I have 1200 hours basically playing DBD off,and on since then. About 90% of those hours has been spent playing survivor. I'm trying to get more into playing killer now.

So I don't really have a main killer yet,but I have fun playing huntress. I just like throwing hatchets at people. I don't consider her my main cause she slow,and is bad on a lot of maps. So today I wanted to get practice in with her,but I loaded up on red forest map, a map I find very hard to play her on,so I like mentally checked out of that match,and was just like screw gens in gonna practice throwing hatchets. I don't consider myself very good with her. I missed a lot of hatchet throws,and after the gens were done I had someone on the hook,and the rest of the team came to try and save them. We went back and forth. I ended up with 2 kills at the end. I was called a camper,and I was like you mean after all the gens were done yeah what else would you like me to do. I'm suppose to camp at that point in the match. Then they said I sucked at huntress missed all my shots. So my question is do you still play killers you suck with? It's not my first time playing huntress I just normally swap to her every so often between survivor matches to have fun. I don't like being called I suck. I know I'm not the best,but should I just give up on her,and find a different killer? What do you guys think?


  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
    edited August 2023

    Truthfully the only advice I can offer is to keep playing. The more experience you have, naturally the better you'll be at something. While I can't offer many tips for Huntress (I play on console so she's particularly hard for me), I can tell you that Otzdarva on YouTube has a lot of good videos. He's a great killer player and even if you just watch his gameplay to look at things like pathing, mind games, etc. I think you'll pick up on some things. Watching him and playing various killers with various builds has helped me improve pretty dramatically from when I first started the game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    The best way to improve is to keep playing and focus on specific things that you think you're struggling with. If you like Huntress, keep at it. She's one of the hardest killers to play, so it's expected that you'll have rough games as you learn her. It's never fun to be told you suck, but the easiest way to deal with that is to get to a point where you're winning consistently.

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    Thank you guys for the feedback. It's taken me a long time to even load up matches with killer. Killer is a very stressful role,and I've finally got to the point where I'm not good with any killer,but I can load up a match without feeling so stressed out,and it's taken a long time to just get to that point. So I think I'll just keep playing the killers I find fun,and hope I improve. I will look up some videos like someone said too :)

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2023

    People will say anything to get under your skin, especially if you outplay them a couple of times. I play on Xbox so I rarely play killer on public games because the controls feel clunky and slow.

    I say play whatever you want to play and just disable chatting. People rarely message you nice things in DbD anyway.

    You can also try out killers with bots in custom games to find your desired play style. Give the bots builds you normally see Survivors using in public games and play a few warm up custom games before going back to public games.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,246

    Keep playing huntress and eventually you will hit long snipe against people. You play as survivor so you should know what they will do.

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    Yeah I was considering doing that. Disabling chat,but I thought we had a nice casual match,and wanted to say gg to them,and then they just started talking smack to me. I just ended up saying glhf,but I guess this ain't the type of game where you can just say gg if one side loses.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    As others have said, keep playing the killer you like. The best way to improve is practice. There is a lot of good videos out there on youtube about playing killer. I'd avoid Otz and his jaded opinions. I prefer people like D3AD Plays, SpookyLoopz, and SirBM. They have great videos and I don't ever hear them being super negative about the game.

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    Your heart is in the right place. There are still Killer and survivor players out there that have fun with each other and are nice about it but it's kind of rare these days honestly.

    I disabled chat long ago but if you do and have a nice match with someone you can always send them a friend request in DbD too. Odds are they will accept it if they had fun too.

  • EmpireCity830
    EmpireCity830 Member Posts: 121

    Honestly, just keep practicing. Don't worry what others say about you and your playstyle. This community is one of the most entitled communities that complains about every little thing. It's embarrassing. I had a game with Hag earlier and I went against a TTV. They complained about me camping and tunnelling and reported me for it and told me to "get good". Hag is not a chase killer she is a territorial killer who needs to defend an area. Camping and slugging is her optimal play style not chasing. So yeah. Keep practicing and ignore what other people say in EGC. Most of the time it's salt anyway.

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143

    It takes a loooong time to get "good" at DBD, like 1000+ hours typically.

    You will lose, it will suck, it is going to happen. Probably a lot.

    Just keep trying Killers and unlocking their perks, I recommend prestiging Plague and Pinhead so you can use Corrupt and Deadlock, which takes the edge off massively.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    I spent 1200 killer-hours playing causally, only ever killing those I could easily catch. Some would say I was nice and fair killer. It's a good way to train in the basics. There's a lot.

    Once I stopped facing survivors who could loop me or deny my hooks, I went full sweaty. Now I play nasty and I play meta. Mainly to face groups who can still school me. I still gladly throw a match when I meet an excellent runner who knows my tricks.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited August 2023

    I do play killers I suck with. one of them being huntress actually... kinda hard to properly aim on console. (granted slinger is easier to aim with)

    and I do not personally care. I know I might suck at them, but I play them for the fun of it. I did not pick blight because I wanna 4k, I did cause I wanna pinball and see if I can manage to get hits with him. which I usually don't, but it's great when I do.

    most of the killers I like I tend to do good with, but you know... can't be good at everything.

    the killers I do not play with are the ones that just aren't fun for me. like trickster... and clown. f those guys. and I don't even do bad with clown... just hate him. except for the laugh... the laugh is great.

    so my advice, just turn chat off and play what you like. you'll get good eventually if that's your goal and you keep at it.

    edit- I forgot.

    appleas is 100% correct. take your shots and do not be afraid to miss them.

    1- it's how you get better. practice.

    2- if the survivors learn you are afraid on throwing them, they will use it against you

    3- there is a certain amount of pressure when you play against a huntress that just keeps throwing the hatchets even when the chance to hit is small. and you want that.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,531

    I still suck and I have 3500+ hours. Well sometimes I actually play good but not enough consistently. On killer it's way more than 1000+ hours unless you play only few characters.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    My best advice is just stop caring about doing well, if you enjoy the killer it's all good. And defo ignore survs after a match, they will be salty af a lot of the time. Usually been tunneled or had a toxic killer beforehand.

    I personally am bloody awful with huntress, and avoid play her because I don't enjoy her playstyle. But tbh any killer you like playing, you'll get good with in time, it's always going to be shaky when you're relatively new to killer, but after a while it just clicks. Just keep plugging away at it and the improvement will come..

  • K139K05
    K139K05 Member Posts: 217
    edited August 2023

    I feel you, fella. I used to be a really bad killer, but I always tried to play nice so everyone can enjoy the match. And btw, you can't always play nice (like camping in the end-game is normal because well, there isn't really a way to get safe downs without loosing pressure) However, there are always mean people who will trash-talk you (you could report this for harassment/hate-speech) only because you try to learn a hard killer. That's one of the reasons why I temporarily stopped playing DbD. It's hard to ignore those people, but after 6.1.0 the toxicity on the survivor side got way better. I discontinued playing DbD after 6.7.0 again because of toxicity. If people would just realize what toxic behavior might lead to (e.g. depression), they might actually stop it. But even then you might find trolls and other mean people in your game.

    So my best advice is that you play for fun and if you have a streak of bad days in DbD, just take a break and recover. Anyways, have a great day!

  • Luckyfer
    Luckyfer Member Posts: 80 come to the forums,complain how unfair the game is,not your fault...the usual yada yada.

    You get applauded and cheered by the killer community,you won't have to worry about a survivor expressing their opinion and calling you out on your lack of skill,as the moderators here will take care of them....or the killer community.

    Then in about 2-3 months you'll receive new content,buffs and nice perks while these OP survivors will receive a new skin and some garbage perks...and maybe a nerf.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969

    Guy just explained his situation and asked for advice

    Think you might need some too if Im honest

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944


    on topic: Legion and Doctor are great to start imo, you can be awful with them and still farm BP like crazy while learning the game, if you want to learn Blight he's also a BP farmer and strongest killer in the game

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,052

    The best advice I've heard for Huntress specifically is to try to throw hatchets at almost every opportunity, and M1 only rarely and begrudgingly. Of course what this will result in is a whole lot of losing until you get better at it, but you'll only get better at throwing hatchets by throwing A LOT of hatchets.

    Huntress may actually have the highest skill ceiling of any killer, so you can always improve with her, and keep getting returns on your investment there (though this can be limited somewhat if you play on console/controller).

    So you have to be willing to suffer a lot of losing (often badly) to get better.

    In general, getting better at any killer is going to be a result of simply playing them a lot. And while you have an advantage in that you have a lot of time in survivor, we may be talking about a great number of hours.

    I often recall how when I started struggling with killer (at 100-200 hours, when I started playing consistently against survs who weren't terrible), I started watching YouTube vids, and one was an Otz vid where he said something like "when you start to get good at about 1K hours", being really discouraged.

    You can cut this time down by focusing on only a killer or two, but if you like playing multiple killers, it's gonna take a while. So be patient. SBMM sucks, but it will be a bit of a roller coaster as you get better, start winning, and then get into another stratum and struggle again for a while. Just keep at it and it will come, it's just an investment of time.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    You keep playing.(Or you wait for a MFT fix and play exclusively Blight & Nurse until then)

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 337

    Aura perks, forced hesitation, and blood favour are really helpful on huntress. Try to hit when they are stuck in animation first. When your confident with those shots, go for shots in tight spaces like halls. Then start going for even riskier shots until you are easily hitting shots crossmap.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,986

    I'm not really a great huntress personally, but what helped me learn killer in general was not really caring about the 'win' but focusing on improving.

    I had a number of games where the 'winning' play was to switch targets or drop chase, but I stuck it out because the survivor was doing really well. It helped me figure out how to chase the better loopers and get better at zoning, mind games, and learning which pallets are safe vs winnable.

    It wasn't every game, but if I found a particularly good survivor I didn't mind losing the match to have a chance to get better long term. I feel like that investment has paid off personally, but ymmv.

  • Donkeybqlls
    Donkeybqlls Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 81

    I know the feeling, I'm really bad at killer so I hardly ever play as one. I do get a lot of joy out of the Plague since it's harder for the survivors to get healed. And when they do, it's actually an advantage.