About The Plague

I like the fiction and mythology behind it, but the Devs specifically said she is from Bablyon and far in the past. The thing is, where Babylon is to modern day is Iraq and they made Adiris/The Plague white and with bright colored eyes, not to mention the unnecessarily revealing clothing that, even in an arid environment, wouldn't be justifiable in almost any sense of time. The worst part is I know no one is going to care or talk about it, least of all the Game Developers.
They went out of their way to ensure they didn't step on any particular toes in a religious sense, but still make a female killer with side boob from the Middle East and make her White. Like I absolutely don't think it's intentionally bad, but it's still.... A Bad Design Choice.
Mostly just venting about it, maybe other people feel the same so.
Lets just wait and see her lore first...
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Like, what can they add to whats already been posted? "From an alt universe where the Middle East is actually white"? "Needed to wear almost no clothes because of Creative Reasons"?
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We don't know where she's from or who her parents were, what genes they had, etc. Remember, she was abandoned as a child. As for the outfit she has, do we really know what the social standards were then? The Devs made the actual time pretty vague, only stating that it was B.C. Also, I could care less. The Devs just want to get creative instead of being restricted by things like "social standards in B.C. Babylon".
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[We don't know where she's from or who her parents were, what genes they had, etc. Remember, she was abandoned as a child. As for the outfit she has, do we really know what the social standards were then? The Devs made the actual time pretty vague, only stating that it was B.C. Also, I could care less. The Devs just want to get creative instead of being restricted by things like "social standards in B.C. Babylon".]
But then why go through the effort to state shes from Babylon if you're gonna try and half cock some idea about 'but her parents might have been genetically white'. Why not just make her skin tone more accurate, and have her eyes brown instead of green? I know its just a design choice, that they dont want to be 'limited' but it takes like 2 seconds to stop and think "This character doesn't fit the place we chose maybe we should be respectful of that".
Also if you don't care, then why reply at all? If you don't care, then you do not belong in this issue and have nothing to contribute.
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Well we've only really seen her in the CGI trailer, we haven't been able to get a good look at her actual character model, from actual gameplay she looks really gray but that could be because of the map.
I do agree that she should be racially accurate to the location but it may just be the designer's lack of knowledge or their take on what people from back then looked like.
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Historian don't ######### know what race where the Ancient egyptian or babylonian
So who the ######### are you to say how she should be to begin with?
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Hell why does it even matter!
She isn't even white she is greyish like the spirit because they are both basicly walking corpses
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She's also terribly diseased by the plague.
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I meant I didn't care about her clothes being accurate.
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Middle Eastern people come in a lot of different colors. We typically think of people with olive skin and dark hair/eyes, but there's people from the Middle East who are black, or people with light eyes & paler skin. There's even people who have blond hair?
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Diverse skin color exists literally everywhere.
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Okay, so, I'm about 99% sure that what the developers said was that she was from "Babylonian times" NOT that she was actually FROM Babylon. I will go rewatch the live stream right now to double check, hold please.
Their exact wording. "Is from babylonian time. Far BC"
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Well, I guess that pretty much settles it. Thanks for that.
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Fun fact: people in middle-east are white ;)
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OP probably thinks the Egyptians were black, too.
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does anyone know what will happen when you're infected and you use the fountains but the killer doesnt take the infection out of the water so they are all infected?
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They all convert back to normal, so it screws the killer if she doesnt take advantage.
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Except they never said she was from Babylon. They said she was from Babylonian times, we just don't know where in Babylonian times.
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I think you'd actually be suprised at the amount....er well... lack of clothing that existed in BC Babylon, persia, and all of those areas. They weren't as arid as they are now, more tropic regions. The vast dry lands you see there today are not a representation of what those areas used to look like in the past, you can even see it in their own art from that era. You should look it up sometime.
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Depends which kingdom you're referring to. That area of land has had many rulers. The first of which before the great pyramids were actually Ethiopian in descent. And had rule for a pretty long time. The ethinic composition of the area eventually changed before the great pyramids to a pretty diverse group of people due to trade, migration, slaves, concubine use etc. It changed again later after the area was conquered, and further again after Islam took more of a religious foothold and had people from eastern regions moving into the area more and more.
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Her skin is covered in blisters. If you wanna get technical over color, pus and plasma is usually whitish-yellow.