High Rank Survivors Question

Is there some point as you progress in rank as a survivor that you start getting paired with survivors that don't constantly do things that basically sabotage themselves and the rest of the team?

I have worked extremely hard since the last reset to get a higher rank than ever before. I made it to red ranks over a week ago for the first time ever. I am getting paired with survivors that at least according to things like devotion level and such have a lot more time playing this game than the survivors I was getting paired with previously. The thing is I haven't noticed an improvement in the quality of survivor.

When you are trying to finish a gen, or heal someone there isn't a much worse thing you can do than to blow a skill check alerting the killer to where you're at, yet the survivors I am being paired with at red ranks are no better at hitting skill checks than noobs.

I still continually see survivors fast vaulting when not being chased. Once again alerting the killer to where you are unnecessarily is not conducive to winning. I see survivors running and leaving scratch marks when the killer is near even though the killer had no idea they were even there.

I was in a match just today where last gen gets completed. 3 survivors left. Myself and another survivor are running towards the door with a Myers behind us. Another survivor is already at the door and has just a few seconds from being opened. Instead of finishing the door this person decides to run TOWARDS us and try to flashlight blind the killer. The thing is the Myers was far enough behind us all he had to do was finish opening the door and we could have all 3 run out. Instead the Myers hits exposed and gets a 4k. The guy that abandoned the door to try to blind the killer..... He was a level 83 devotion. So we aren't talking some noob.

It would be nice to start being paired with survivors that made the killer beat us rather than gift wrapping the victory and handing it to them with a bow on top. Does that ever start to happen?
