How is this possible?
My match time was 3 minutes. 3 gens in 50 seconds, 2 in 2 minutes. How am I supposed to fight that?
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Hard to give any advice without specifics — which map, which killer, what items did they bring, were they a swf, etc — and even harder without video.
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that's like outright impossible numbers outside of getting lucky with kitted toolboxes and hyperfocus
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I guarantee you that didn't happen. not in that time frame
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This requires literally the worst possible RNG you could get while not interacting with the survivors at all, all of whom have brought the strongest possible gen perks, items, and addons. A video would be helpful
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No point in posting anything like this here. The survivor mains are just going to gaslight you.
Killers aren't allowed to express their frustration here brother. I'm sorry and I know how you feel.
But just so you know you aren't crazy. Killer is absolutely at the weakest it has been since the very beginning. The only worse time to play killer was year one. And survivors are faster in both gens and chase than ever.
Come join me in TCM for awhile. Take a break.
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This is literally not possible via the very logic of the game.
This would require beyond perfect RNG and the Killer not interacting with any Survivors for the entire match.
It's either that or someone was cheating, in which case you aren't supposed to compete, so OP shouldn't worry about it.
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Even a screenshot of the scoreboard would be helpful. 3 gens in 50 seconds just doesn't seem plausible to me.
It would take two survivors with bonus repair speed from either a toolbox, Prove Thyself or Deja Vu to get a gen down to 50 seconds.
And a single survivor shouldn't be able to solo a gen in 50 seconds unless they maybe stacked Deja Vu, with a Commodious Toolbox and a BNP and maybe even need perfectly executed Hyperfocus on top of that? And two survivors each pulling this off?
It doesn't take much math to figure out this seems farfetched. TWO gens in 50 seconds, totally plausible.
But hyperbole aside, all gens done in maybe 4 minutes isn't exactly fair either.
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Not to mention the killer would have had to ignore all four survivors for the full 4 minutes
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how is it possible for survivors to finish 3 gens in 50 seconds?
you'd have to have 3 survivors spawn on different gens and start repairing within 1 second
each would need to have a Commodious Toolbox with BNP and the Charges Addon as well as each having Streetwise
in addition, they would either need to all have Hyperfocus and hit 7 great skill checks in a row, or hit 13 skill checks in a row without Hyperfocus.
alternatively, if they all had Deja Vu and they all happened to start on the three generators that were closest together, at the exact same time, they would only need to hit 6 Hyperfocus skill checks (10 normal skill checks) to finish 3 gens in 50 seconds
if any one of those conditions is not met, then the only other possible options are you miscounted the number of seconds, or one of the survivor players was cheating.
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It's not possible unless you manage to not injure/down anyone for the entire game and also go for ridiculously long stretches without chasing anyone. If someone is experiencing games of 5 minutes or less, they are extremely new or need to work on their mechanics.
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What he is saying is only possible in game you enjoy TCM. All survivors probably can escape in that game under minute if they get lucky. In dbd it's physiqally impossible. One gen takes about 70s even if you use toolbox and brand new part. 3 minutes just sounds not possible maybe only if the killer was totally AFK and survivors were very lucky.
But even fastest gen rushers for me take around 5 minutes which is still too fast but still enough to kill some. Maybe he had that kind of game but people like to exaggerate. But I accept I can't win every game especially when I play weaker killers. I do hope dbd adds something like 2vs4 or 6. Killer is lonely and at times feels weak when you're facing coordinated team of 4.
In TCM opening exit takes just seconds. It does have the advantage of multiple killers but in any other way it loses to dbd. Unless you enjoy hide and seek which gets boring to me most boring playstyle in dbd as well.
I do hope they add more survivors make it 3vs6 in TCM and add more aura reading for granpa. So killers can more easily track and kill survivors. Now you lucky to get 2K in that game as killer but in dbd you can get 4K per game.
Only problem for me in fast games are pipping. Survivors rushing gens so fast result almost always depip. That why I think they should removed. Because of im so tired of them I play lazy and only for kills and use whatever is ez way get them. Not often good for pipping perspective...
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No one is trying to suppress their frustration. Many people are reasonably skeptical about this person claiming that 3 gens were done in 50 seconds. Numbers like that are incredibly rare so questioning it isn't out of the ordinary nor is it gaslighting.
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Even if op is hyperboling with the 3 gens in 50 seconds, it's still ridiculous that the game can be over in under 5 minutes.
Checking dbd you see people doing sub 3 minute escapes while swifing and sub 5 minute while *solo*
It's blatantly obvious something is very wrong with the game when it comes to survivor gen efficiency when solos can pull off sub 5 minute games.
Most if it boils down to the spawn system sticking survivors 1m away from a gen at spawn.
Any killer that mains lethal persuer for a while will notice the ridiculous survivor spawns, they either spawn in 2 clusters of 2 with gens 1m away, hence putting you on 45s timer till gen pops or they spawn fully separate with gens 1m away from them, by the time you hook somebody 3 gens are popped with a 4th and 5th on the way.