The new mori

if you have not seen it yet
This is so sad
That's a pretty long mori.
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Geez, that lasts forever.
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I'm personally disappointed. For me moris were always a big about beeing absolutly Brutal and I loved the really crazy ones like from nurse or Legion.
This one... Ehhh, dont know I can't take it serious tbh
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Meanwhile 3 gens are done.
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The exits are open
Butt dancing in progress
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I like her mori a lot but I think The Plague's speech should have more emotion in it. It seems kinda dull.
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The mori is fantastic. It is a bit long, but it is unique and very cool to the killer. I don't know why you guys are crying.
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@Dwight_Confusion Legion had a great mori, then it goes to her throwing up in your face after hitting you once, then hit you again
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Nurse's mori is still slower (by one second though). Same length as Hag and Clown.
And I like how she goes back to her stance instantly after finishing, like "Im done with you. You are nothing".
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is no one wondering ######### she says?? im so curious
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it reminds me so much of the Mummy, the intonation and everything
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The Legion's mori is my favorite. I think it's the coolest one. With her being sick, and the plague and all that, it makes sense. I don't know why people are bent out of shape on it. I really think that it is good. It's pretty unique.
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It's good.
Not sure how the puke kills them though. Looks like they're treating it as acid.
I think the mori would be perfect if the excess of disease caused the survivors skin to blister like the killers has. That shows the plague full taking over them.
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First we get Nea and now we get this!? I don't think I have any vomit left in me...
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I like it and think it is fine other killers are just as long and don't look as good.
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I got moried in a KYF game and the vomit was green with a mix of red/black, which is the power up. That one is deadly tho
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So little inspiration, dislike
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Honestly I don't think this mori is any longer than other killers. I'm pretty sure its about the same length as Clown, Myers, Hag etc.
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Too long.
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lol that sound needs to change when she hits her away smacks her. it sounds like hitting a pallet when you miss the hit and they get vaccuumed over it
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The little slap at the end is just gold xDD
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I love it. I was hoping she would vomit in their mouths and I got what I wanted.
The only difference is that I was hoping she would force their mouths open and hold him down while she vomits in their mouths.
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Too long and not brutal enough. LF is still my favorite. This one..heck, could almost do a 3-man gen in that time.
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Bit long. Good, but long.
She could just beat you to death with her weapon
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I don't think this mori is bad, but I just think there were better ones.
Keep the normal mori animation up until she picks them up. Let a spider crawl out of her mouth and into the survivor's mouth. Then, she'd drop the survivor and the survivor would throw up and die.
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I hate it it how in the new killer's moris (Spirit and upwards) you dont see it from the 1st person anymore.
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The Mori is so bad... IMO The Plague should hit you once and then the toxic vomit should burn your face off until death.
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@HavelmomDaS1 They should’ve chosen a voice actor with a more darker tone to make it more intimidating.
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I was just about the comment that. Yeah I agree it’d make the mori at least a few seconds shorter.
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God, you guys. Can't you all see how pathetically C-rated this mori is? @BACKSTABBER is right. No inspiration, simply gross, not a single spark of true horror there.
Makes me think if the next killer is going to be the Human Centipede...
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I just wish it was more brutal like maybe wack the survivor more with the weapon???
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Personally I dont mind the lack of brutality too much, but I hate the passiveness of the moried survivor. Like when the Plague picks her up, the survivor just accepts their fate, and doesnt move at all, or screams or anything. There is no struggle for life like in most other moris. They are just like "Its fine, go mori me. I dont care."
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I personally like it. That chant though is really nice and my mori loving booty will just be like “yes, ma’am.”
I do agree with @ABannedCat in that the thing that I think doesn’t sell the mori to most people is the passivity of the survivor. They at least need to shriek in horror if they’re supposed to be paralyzed with fear from the Plague goddess, and I think it would sell the mori more if their body twitches after being thrown up on, to give the impression it wasn’t just your standard throw up.
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So the plague is an anti vacs kid
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Not at all. Those don't live long enough.
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You people do know that her Mori is about as long as killers like Hag and Clowns Mori right? Do you guys even count the seconds?
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Exactly, you are right, but because the animation feels slower paced it gives off the illusion that it's long, even though it's pretty much the same time as any other Mori but for some reason nobody bothers to even compare the mori's time to other moris
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Because it looks better if you can see all the action, instead of doing a Mori as Michael and watching the camera clip through his chest
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It does sound like she's smacking a pallet. XD
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There is alot of survivors, even in red ranks, that act like pallets, so I guess it has some accuracy.
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If you mori near a wall it will make the clang noise