BHVR are trying to pull the wool over consumer eyes with the price change (Math inside)

Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,249
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

Just like with Nic cage, they have started forcefully bundling cosmetics in order to jack up the price on steam. This is so you are forced to buy auric cells, which were more expensive than the average DLC price on steam if you wanted both characters.

Here's some quick math to prover my point:

Average DLC (1 killer 1 survivor). price on steam: £5.49 or $7

Auric cell cost: either £3.75 x 2 (£7.5) for two 500 bundles or 7.50 for 1100 auric cells.

DLC cost with bundled cosmetics: £9.99 or $12.99.

This is NOT okay, for those who said it's still the same price - no it is not. The prices have gone UP and they are trying to pull the wool over people's eyes by bundling in content to justify it

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