Thoughts on Alien's turrets?

IMO I didn't have problem with them on PTB and I thought they aren't big of a deal.
Now playing few games with him allready, they are getting kinda annoying. Not as bad as Singularity EMP's but not far from them either.
First, the hitbox is strange and doesn't register sometimes the hit. I am close to a turret, hit M1 and nothing happends, I got out of my power, then I hit again M1 without moving and now the turret is destroyed. The Tail attack can't even hit them half the time since they are far away from you and the Tail just can't deal with them unless you are half range into the firing range.
On top of all, you get VERY quickly out of your power. It takes like second or second a bit to react or reach the turret.
this will be a verry veeerrrrrryy fun time as the xenomorph not sarcasm btw
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Hmm they were nerfed pretty decently in the live, so anything they should be easier to face hmm
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From a survivor perspective, they're doing next to nothing
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The problem I'm having is my teammates keep picking them up, walking across half the map incredibly slowly and then putting them down in random places.
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I think it's alright. The tail is quite powerful in most loops, so it makes sense that there is a way to counter it to some capacity. There are still the addons to help out, which even after the nerf help you tremendously. It's part of this killer's skill ceiling to learn how to play around the flame throwers.
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They are mostly fine but the problem of them being often barely visible still is there somehow.
Please reveal their aura in short range or let us see the radius like survivors can or something, on maps with grass its like playing against a survivor that plays Trapper.
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U lied
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I've been in a few matches with him now and there have been multiple times the turret has hit him and not knocked him out of his power. Honestly they seem like a massive waste of time with no value from a survivor point of view. I won't be bothering with them moving forward.. at least taking time to get an EMP for singularity has a Good level of value.
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I'm surprised they nerfed them as much as they did but t was a good change because bringing add-ons to nerf them no longer feels obligatory. We definitely averted another Singularity situation which is great.
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I agree I was wrong about turrets they're more annoying than I thought, after 3-4 games i'm just done, hot take but for me it might be worse than EMPs I just reinfect them right away it's not that bad
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The addon that shows where they are when tunneling and for 3 seconds after emerging is either going to be top tier or really damn underrated, if you can get the jump on the turrets they are a non issue.
They could probably take a little bit longer to respawn tho imo, like 10 seconds
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Turrets were overall buffed, as the main anti-turret perk got double nerfed, and none of the turret nerfs affect how quickly or easily a single turret can knock Xeno out of crawler mode.
The stacked turret nerf is a fake nerf, because Xeno will still lose crawler mode to stacked turrets, even if the damage doesn't stack.
The other turret nerfs only affect Xeno's recovery if it doesn't get knocked out of crawler mode, which is a useless buff. The only important part about turrets is whether or not they knock Xeno out of crawler mode.
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Should they not knock him out of Crawler Mode?
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A killer shouldn't need to equip two anti-turret addons, in order to have a reasonable chance of dealing with turrets without getting knocked out of crawler mode.... but Xeno currently needs to do this.
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if they're too easy to deal with then survivors have no point in doing the side objective and wasting time with them so you basically just have an antiloop killer with a smaller terror radius you hold W against.
its a hard balance but the same as those that think nemesis should injure on his fist tentacle strike. it completely ruins his slow down side effect
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The turrets have a massive detection range, and is a slowdown for the killer. It doesn't need to be those two things, and an automatic power knockout if placed in an ambush spot.
The turret audio cue (that survivors can easily hear) should be easily heard by killers, so killers can be aware a turret is in the area.
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This first night, I've seen survivors improving on where to actually put the things, namely points of high traffic that don't really have any cover.
I've also noticed that hitting them with the tail attack is rather inconsistent, but that may also just be me mistiming it.
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I think their hitbox needs to be quite a bit bigger, it's so hard to hit them with the tail on controller and when they're in grass they're really hard to see.
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The one thing I noticed is the addon that reduces stagger is almost a must. The difference is huge even after the nerf from ptb.
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agree. makes killer add-on locked.
turrets are not needed to escape his power. hand-holding survivor mechanic. nemesis vaccines also hand-holding mechanic. @Blueberry made a really good post about that where he talks about how killer power should be more about outplay the killer, not a free button that auto wins the game for the survivor.
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I think they should be nerfed heavily. Make the survivors waste more time activating one, make their radious visible for the Xeno too, if destroyed make them spawn slower so they can’t get spammed…
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I think my main issue is the Flamer Hitboxes.
They can be really annoying to hit. Ive also found a few spots where you cant hit them on Decimated Borgo because placing them inside of bushes causes the bushes to tank the hit with your tail so you are forced to M1 them, which sucks really bad.
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Hitboxes are way too small. Multiple times i tried to hit 1 and somehow missed even though i was right next to it. Wasted a lot of time smacking 1 turret.
I only played few games since i hate playing the sweat hours, but i hated the turrets.. i understand why they are in the game but oh boy i hate them. At least fix the hit box so i can break one without clawing it 4 times.
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From the Survivor side it feels like Xenos are invulnerable if they have a brain. You can reaction M2 to break turrets (from the PTB, and I'm told it is more lenient on live) and not lose power, so Survivors have to place them in odd spots to confuse the Killer as to where it is. As a result, the flame doesn't burn the Xeno long enough to kick them out of power, so it buys the Survivor 5s max. On top of that, not everyone places turrets, so you lose if one teammate forgot to set one up.
I haven't played as Xeno yet (waiting for Killer incentive), but I felt it was fair in the PTB, and they tuned everything down to easy mode (for the Killer) for the release. I don't think Xeno is overpowered, but probably overtuned. Simple number tweaks down (back to PTB values) would make it much more fair to go against. When more Xenos realize that the tail can 'cleave' to hit a Survivor AND turret in a single swing, it will make turrets all the weaker with normal placements.
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Xeno's ability to destroy turrets is less lenient on live, because BHVR double nerfed the main anti-turret addon, and the other turret nerfs had nothing to do with a single turret's ability to knock Xeno out of crawler mode. Nerfing stacked turret damage is a fake nerf, because Xeno isn't going to be able to deal with stack turrets, even if the damage isn't stacking.
And Xeno's M2 is still way harder to hit with, than a Nemesis M2 or Demo M2. And Xeno's M2 wants to get stuck on the environment way too much, even though Nemesis and Demo don't need to worry about this, because their M2 powers aren't purposely clunky and awful.
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I've played a few games as Xeno. First game they were annoying but a couple games later they're okay. I just assume there is one near any gen so I'm prepared for it.
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In my experience thus far competent xeno players are basically unphased by single turrets, and they only provide a brief slowdown that gives maybe 1 or 2 seconds worth of distance most of the time. Only double turrets can consistently knock him out of runner mode which takes a decent bit of time and effort to set up and once its done 2 turrets are out of the pool for 60 seconds although the killer is basically forced to drop chase at that point unless the survivor ran into a dead zone.
I'm not sure if it needs changes yet, but my initial instinct says that if anything a single turret should be more of an obstacle (maybe a bigger slowdown from smashing it) and the turret's targeting range should exclude other turrets from being placed within it.
Also given how much easier it is for a SWF to consistently double turret in smart places, this killer will probably be a solo stomper.
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i'm personally not bothered by them, i play the game as per normal despite being knocked out of crawler mode.
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Any counterplay they give survivors that shuts off a killers power is always going to be stupidly oppressive. It's 4 vs 1 with the killer on a complete time crunch to begin with. The amount of pallets on maps alone is already oppressive enough.
I just played Myers (i know bad m1 killer) in the new Nostromo map, what a joke lmao. A pallet every 5 feet it felt like. Nothing I can do. Got a down, the last 2 gens pop back to back right as I get the down. I pick up my down and the only hook nearby gets saboed. The games a total joke as killer at even medium high level vs good survivors at this point. Depipped 3 games in a row and gave every game a 1 star rating in fun. Not a skill issue. I'm using 1 slow down and not tunneling, games go way to quick for me to do anything. I hate using sweat builds its boring but the game forces you into it or you don't even get a chance to play the game apparently. Dropped 11.99 on the dlc to play a bunch of miserable matches.
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This. Sometimes they knock me out, sometimes I can destroy them or skirt them enough that they don't have time to knock me out. If I lose the power, it's not the end of the world, I'm decent enough of an M1 player that I can do alright.
I see xeno's main power as the tunnels. Between the speed, stealth, and footsteps info you get from them, I don't mind too much if I lose my tail whip for a bit as long as I have the ability to play around the turrets to some degree. At the moment, it feels like a good balance.
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okay no, you miss understand what their powers are. without those slow down side objective being worth doing those killers both would legitimately just get gen rushed bescause their is nothing that incentivizes survivors to do something else. like weskers spray to avoid 8% slowdown or plauges foutains.
it isnt hand holding its thought out game design that makes sure the game has more back and fourth and you dont have the same rush down anti loop killer the 16th time in a row without a dynamic that makes things interesting
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without those slow down side objective being worth doing those killers both would legitimately just get gen rushed bescause their is nothing that incentivizes survivors to do something else. like weskers spray to avoid 8% slowdown or plauges foutains.
those power enable killer to get gen-rushed because they slowdown killer objective to hook by slowing down the chases. The game is 4vs1. longer chases is indirectly faster gen speed. Wesker's sprays and Plague infection mechanic only hurt the survivor. there is no negatives for the killer. you can put turrets or nemesis vaccines on any killer power and the power will be weaker. Just imagine if nurse did not injure you on first hit but only infected you or wesker having turrets that disable his power. both of those killer would be weaker.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
You need to be able to destroy them while they're disabled but otherwise they're fine.
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I think they're really frustrating and pull you out of your power for way too long. I just don't think the concept of giving survivors the ability to cancel a killer's power is a good one. They should be able to counter it, but not straight up cancel it for a length of time a la Singularity and Xenomorph. This forces the killer into a lose-lose. You either lose efficiency to work around it or try to bludgeon your way through, but there's no counter to the counter, just mitigation. It's just frustration by design against high level players.
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And yet very inefficient against mid to low level players.
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Yeah, that's the thing about these types of mechanics. A mid to low level survivor won't be efficient with a flame turret or EMP and they won't wreck games. It turns into an advanced form of body blocking in high level lobbies. I already have survivors running to teammates who drop flame turrets and then also tank a hit if need be.
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At the moment I didnt found turrets opressive i think you have enought time to react to a turret without add ons (I play addonless always)
Maybe on those bullysquad premades im more out of power but not even close to the frustration as playing singularity
Those are my 2 cents
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that is exactly how i approach playing those killers. I bludgeon my way through their negatives to come out on top.
precisely. advanced body-blocking is unfun. it makes those killer much harder to enjoy due to constant setback when used by experienced survivors.
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I agree. I have the same problem when it comes to the turret hitbox. I'll try to hit it while I'm moving, but I miss, and I have to come to a full stop and swing another two times before the damn thing goes down, by which point the survivor I was chasing got away.
And yeah, turrets are annoying in general, but you can get your power back pretty quickly by going into a tunnel. They're everywhere on every map all the time, though, yeah.