So they added an invisible wall to the railing on Toba Landing?

Another undocumented change.. Kinda lame, but oh well I guess
cringe tbh, they hate fun
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They recently developed a fetish for invisible walls on high grounds. It just makes the game worse both gameplay and visual-wise but they're too stubborn and disconnected from reality to realize it.
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I guess they didn't like killers slam dunking survivors on the hook down there.
Will miss doing that.
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Ohhhhh, so when survivors complains that the game "Isn't fun anymore" what they really mean is "It's not as exploitable as before". Got it.
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What exploit?
You could get on top there as killer as well.
Used it pretty often the get to the hook at the bottom faster.
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... Can't believe I have to explain this, but: Are you being able to get on something you shouldn't be able to get on? Yes? It gives you any kind of advantage doing so? Yes again? Then it's an exploit. Or a bug that you are exploiting, if you will.
Still not seeing the fun in that.
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Sorry that you had to spend your time to explain that.
Im all on board to get exploits out of the game.
I didn't know that going on the railing was not something they considered. On top, your posts only mentioned survivors "exploiting" the railing so I wanted to clarify that killers could do the same.
Sorry if I annoyed you.
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The reference to survivors was just a joke as it's not the first time someone seriously complained about "BHVR not liking fun" when they patched obvious exploits and such. When they removed insta-healing that allowed survivors to heal faster than the killer basic attack cooldown, for example.
Apologies accepted, and sorry for sounding annoyed. Maybe I overreacted a bit.
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Well the healing with CoH on Ptb was not an exploid if you mean that...
It was in the game and people found out about it. That's why it didn't go live.
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RIP sky Billy :'(
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You are supposed to fall right? You are supposed to move right? If you have momentum while falling, you move while falling right? If this wasn't intended, they would add a physical barrier, glass if they wanted people to see through but not move through. This is bad and lazy design. Try shredding as Demo off of the 2nd story on near any map (Garden in particular) now and tell me where you DON'T hit an invisible wall. Invisible walls are bad design because they don't show a barrier for movement.
This standing on a short object isn't exactly new. The Harvester left side hay bale can be jumped on and hit by M1 Killers from below, just the same with the railing on Toba Landing. Survivors can fall past the railing and Killers can fall past the railing. There is no exploit, this is good design. Slapping an invisible barrier everywhere because physical barriers are 'ugly' is horrifically bad design.
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I guess they really don't like SkyBilly.
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No no, I'm refering to the first version of the game, where there was a build that basically makes you impossible to kill and people was defending it by saying "You don't want the game to be fun". This video explain the full story (and more):
I'm not saying that BHVR map design team didn't screw up in the first place or that they didn't opted by the faster and cheaper solution of putting an invisible wall instead of changing that part of the map. In other words, I agree with you.
But I have to also say, it was clear that it was a bug and that was not supposed to happen, starting with the fact that they "fixed" it (even if in the laziest of ways).