Tears from a Jonah Main.

I REALLY understand WHY they changed the voice acting of Jonah,
But he had the best voice acting of any male survivor in my opinion.
and this is AWFUL, i hope they redo the voice acting AGAIN. something close to the original
No effort put into the new voice :(, i hope this current version is some early april fools
I main Jonah no more :(
What was the reason?
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Voice of Jonah Allegedly doing so no no stuff
New voice acting from Jonah is a joke tho...
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Feeling the same way here dude. I'm unreasonably upset about the change.
I played Jonah the most but his new voice is a significant downgrade. People get attached to characters for a variety of reasons, and to change one so significantly is rather unfair to the dedicated fans. I'm borderline autistic when it comes to audio, and Jonah had the voice I liked the most. It was a major factor in me choosing to play as him. I dislike the new one to the point where I don't want to play as him anymore, which sucks because I spent shards on him and his cosmetics.
I don't know what happened to force them to make the change, and I'm sure they had their reasons to change it, but could they have at least TRIED to match the voice? You can bet your kidneys that if Feng's VA had to be replaced they would try to match the voice as close as they could. But pay pigs don't simp for Jonah so it's not a priority. Maybe that's harsh to say but I am getting really frustrated with these devs.
Oh well. Back to Bill for now I guess.
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It feels like a rushed job, and i agree. Jonahs voice was just so... nice.
Feels like I didnt get the product i paid for
i feel like they didn't try at all to match, agreed that if it was the voice of the cash-cow (feng) they would of done a better job
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If any survivor had his voice changed, I would choose Yuichi, not Jonah
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unpopular opinion: jonah's voice was really goofy and it wasn't the best in the game. honestly might even go as far as saying that it didn't really match how he looked either. happy it changed
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Meh. Trust you learn to get use to it if you really like the character. Took me like 10 minutes to get used to his new voice. Yes. I prefer the older voice but the new voice is still fine and ill still play him.
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Pretty much his voice actor is Freddy in real life
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I would probably stop playing DBD if they changed the voice for Feng
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Allegedly he is :/, like I said I really understand why. But it's sad
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Did this just happen? What are the new voice lines?
If there were controversial things with the old VA it wouldn't surprise me if they had to "Rush" to get new ones and if that's the case likely will touch them up again regarding above comment.
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Apparently it happened in 2022, but maybe. But since he is not popular I doubt they will ever look at his voice again
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If they changed her voice I might actually consider playing her lmao
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I prefer the new ones. I understand the dislike of the shift but I feel it's pretty extreme to stop playing a character because of it. Imo it's not that bad at all.
Just my two cents.
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For anyone that hasn't heard the new voice, yeah it's pretty bad in conveying emotion that his previous VA had, like every hit he takes sounds the same. Hook screams too.
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No? Don't touch yoichi's voice
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Thanks for the video. I would say his new VA is fine. Not really worried personally.
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I love his new falling sound xD
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Yoichis voice is good, he just needs those mobile cosmetics ported over
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I haven’t heard the new voicelines yet but I respect BHVR for doing this.
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If feels like a rushed Job because it was most likely a rushed Job. They did not change the Voice Actor because they wanted to change it, it was not planned, but it needed to be done due to certain things which allegedly happened.
Maybe it is a temporary solution, but I respect BHVR for doing that.
Sad that it hurts Jonah even more. He was one of the most unpopular Survivors due to his Lore (and probably because his Chapter is not really well-liked) and now the connections to the old voice actor and that people might not like the new one will probably make him even more unpopular.
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Yes I understand why, I just wish they took a little more time, I hope this is just for now
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I’m sure it is just temporary. I think BHVR just wanted to get the old guy’s voice out as fast as possible. I could be wrong though.
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Mm. Not exactly what I was expecting the reason to be, but I suppose you can't blame bhvr there...
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If you drop your "main" just because their voice changed did you really care that much about them anyways?
I understand I would be sad too if my main Yun-Jin's voice changed too since she is the first professional VA BHVR ever hired and she's very entertaining to listen to but nothing will replace her for me. Her character design, her lore and story, her fashion sense, her chapter-theme... She's much more than a voice.
So I say if you really loved Jonah to the point of maining him, keep playing!
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I take everything into consideration for a main, I would absolutely drop Zarina, Yun-Jin or Cybil if there voice or character model was changed, I'm very particular on who I main. Artist and trickster for sound design, appearance, lore. All make a character who I like
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So people are complaining about grunts and screams? or did I miss something? if he had lines I would understand but it's just grunts, screams and heavy breathing.
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I understand it. For me Dwight's voice plays a huge part in his persona. So it would be very daunting if it changed for the worse.
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Steve mains back on top
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The problem I have isn't that they changed the voice, it's they they changed the voice to be a voice that I don't like. One that I dislike so much that it irritates me to hear it. I don't play Elodie for the same reason; her screams are just too grating for me. Her other sounds are ok but those screams are too much. It's difficult to listen to someone that I don't want to hear.
To your point about us not being fans because the voice changed, here's a real-world example for you: How many people stopped listening to Van Halen after David Lee Roth left the band? Were those people not true Van Halen fans, or did they just not like the new music the band put out after his departure, because it was different in a worse way? Maybe they felt the band had lost the soul it had with Roth and decided to stop buying their albums. Why would they continue to listen to music that they didn't like just because the name of the band was still Van Halen?
You could apply the same logic to restaurants that change their food, or movie franchises that make bad reboots and sequels. (If you're too young to know what Van Halen is. Apologies for being an old man.)
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Yeah, you're right. Thanks for that perspective.
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Hey could somebody in this thread ask the devs about further changes to Jonah's voice in the upcoming AMA? Ask if they are going to try and find a sound-alike for the original or if they have any plans to improve it? I would like to myself but I don't use Reddit.