What are Xeno's pronouns?

Actually serious question, it's something I have wondered fort a long time regarding the Alien franchise, assuming the Queen skin is she/her (although if not, that's cool too, you're a psychosexual avatar of gender and sexual confusion, you do what you want. )
The biology makes everything ambiguous, as it should be, I notice most people default to calling the default Xeno male, and while that's valid (and certainly reinforced by some fanart ive seen ahem), I really don't see it based on design and lore biology, nor does female, genders weird like that.
Would xenos actually meet the gender of "its" unironically? They/them?
Discus in a light hearted and non bigoted way.
Guessing people are going to default to he/him, like with Dredge, Demo and Singularity (although the latter is technically correct according to his tome)
I would say it’s an “it”, though.
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The xeno doesnt have genre so it should be "it."
I think dredge and demo should be it too while singularity could be it or he by the voice he uses becuz he could use any voice despite of it he uses neutral male voice
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tbh it can be whatever you want.. personally i default to calling Xeno He/Him, and the queen as She/ Her.
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He/Him unless you're playing the queen skin.
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I think 'it' since they don't have a gender afaik. Though I do think of the queen as a she.
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If you want the canon answer Ridley Scott confirmed Xenomorphs are hermaphrodites so I think either is valid.
I use the Queen skin so I just use she/her for Xeno in general.
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The question gave me a laugh because of the current age nonsense around it.
But When it comes to Alien, it's definitely "it".
To explain this further, in it's first concept back when Alien 1 was created, according to the story written by Dan O Bannon (RIP), and according to licensed books later I read, The whole "Alien" concept was something very alien, never seen before. It was not exactly clear if it's even an organic being. It's very fast growth from chestburster to full size alien was not because it was eating actual food, but the whole thing seemed like it can infect, transform and incorporate anything in it's structure, basically also parts of the ship, and reshape the environment. So It was some very strange completely alien creature. The shape of it's head, was due to the facehugger jumping on a man in a suit, and copied in a distorted way even that shape. The tentacles on the back were also because the human it grabbed had pipes leading to an oxygen tank. And of course it gained a human like shape. That was the horror of it.
Now when Cameron made Aliens, there he reimagined the creature making it into some sort of bug with hives, queen like bees, and so on, losing a lot of the mistery about it, the creatures basically being transformed into a regular organic monster swarm. Bugs.
So the question is:
You prefer the idea from Alien 1 or the idea from Alien 2? If You prefer the original Alien, then the pronoun is "it", it's a completely alien thing, which doesn't have the actual rules of how living things come to be in our regular world. But if you prefer the bug swarm Alien idea from Alien 2, then You can use pronouns. In a bee hive, Queen is female (she), the bees which inseminate the queen are male (he), and the workers don't have reproductive organs, so they have no sex really, so call the drones from Aliens whatever you would like.
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There's two different 'theories' in Alien lore, one is that they're all genetically female and reproduce parthenogenetically. The other is that males are a seperate caste that haven't yet been shown, but mentioned in sonewhat questionable canon, said to fight each other to the death in competition to mate, the victor then fights the queen, and if he survives he gets to mate and is then killed by the queen anywway.
Either way, our Xeno is female.
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Well as long as you wear the queen skin, it's female, otherwise it's not.
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Xe/xim for the worker drone and xe/xer for the queen
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Default Xeno - IT
Alien Queen - She
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Xenomorphs are hermaphrodites; he nor she are accurate, not even for Queens as they reproduce without any male influence, making their reproduction asexual in nature.
The most accurate term would be "it" but due to its dehumanizing nature, particularly in English, they're often assigned male/female pronouns.
Grid, the Alien from Aliens vs Predator is referred to in the novelization as Male. Specimen Six from AvP 2010 game, as well as most Queens in general, are typically referred to as female.
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I'm not a native english speaker but I've always been taught animals are "it/its" no matter how much people anthropomorphizes their pets. So for me it doesn't matter what the lore technically says about the gender equivalent of an alien's genitalia, I call Xeno (as well as Demo & Dredge) "it/its" (although I'd probably refer to the Queen as she/her out of habit honestly)
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Good question, you should go up to it and ask!
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dredge uses feminine pronouns in portuguese so I'll default to that.
demo uses masculine, so again defaulting to it. same for xeno.
on topic. based on other species with a queen that has the egg laying job... everything but the queen is male.
but any single drone CAN become a queen in the absense of one. there is a proccess and everything.
so what I'm saying is... xeno said trans rights
edit- forgot... a popular theory is that they are all female and the facehugger is the actual male.
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hux canonically uses he/him.
the nonsense of asking people to reffer to you properly? oh the horror...
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If the Xenos are anything like Ants, they're all female, but you have 1 super female as the Queen, the rest of the females are workers. The males are literally born to fly off and mate with another Queen during nuptual flights then die.
Given all those curves, I believe it.
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Why would anyone care?
Call it whatever you like.
It's pixels in a video game for goodness sake.
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Call it girl or boy or whatever you want. What is this important anyway? Xeno is alien and his gender is not even important part of him.
For me he is boy. For you if she is female? Sure.
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It's we're going strictly by the films, they have no gender and are living weapons so it best to describe them as an it.
The Queen lays eggs, but Xenomorphs don't necessarily have secondary sex characteristics in the same way we as humans understand them.
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It, would be correct
but im just gonna say he like usual for the non human ones
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Handsome / Brilliant
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Canon-wise the drones don’t have sexes because only queens and empresses can reproduce. The “king” technically is male. If we’re treating them like insect castes then all are female (but infertile beyond queens & empresses) besides the “king.”
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You dare assume the xeno adheres to mere human genders?
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original alien has no pronounce, a lifeform not from earth.
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It when referring to a non queen
She/her when referring to the queen
And iirc they called the xeno king a he
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Ridley Scott and xenomorph creater H.R. Giger said, in reality when the Queen reaches a certain age, she produces eggs by herself, which makes her a self-fertilising hermaphodite, as far as the drones they can neither impregnate or become impregnanted which esseentially means they are genderless.
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Is true, he was referred to as The Alpha Alien as well :)
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Soooo aren't you asking for the biological sex of the Xenomorph here? Because I don't think gender applies as that would need the Xenomorph to be on a similar level of intelligence as humans with self reflection and all such? In the same ways animals don't have gender in that sense?
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At least for bees that is not accurate. A quick google search will tell you that the queen is female and fertile, the drones are male and fertile and the workers are female and sterile... Sooooo I don't exactly know how all the other insects work in that sense, but at least for bees that is not the case what you stated.
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I could be remembering it wrong tbf... I don't particularly like insects or want to see a documentary about them.
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Doesn't matter as long as everyone knows who you're talking about.
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For Bees the point is that the drones are worthless over the winter and get chased out of the hive to die, but the workers are still needed, guess it might be similar for other insects.
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