Griefing on Hook

I'm grateful that we are getting the anti hook mechanic at some point, but can we also get an anti-hook abuse mechanic too?

Just doing gens doesn't work when there's no coordination (that's most of your playerbase), and most players are not going to sit there for almost three minutes getting abused on the hook whilst complete strangers do gens. They will kill themselves on hook, and within a minute or so there will be only three survivors left. That's a victory for the killer in under a minute.

I get bully squads are bad, but this does not require four players to tightly coordinate to achieve. It doesn't even require skill. This is something that any teenage killer player with a bad attitude can do. Even adding the anti hook camping mechanic won't help, as players do not want to sit there and get abused on the hook.

I genuinely feel bad for that player. There's almost nothing I could do to stop that Hag player from harrassing and bullying him. Trolls are generally mediocre players, so they should not have access to effective forms of bullying that requires almost no mechanical knowledge of the game to utilise. The game should actively punish players who behave like this.

This is the kind of crap that new survivors have to deal with on a regular basis. Players are not going to invest the time needed in the game to beat this, they will just stop playing. I'm genuinely terrified of my MMR dropping, because then I have to deal with players like that Hag. I'd rather get wiped out by a Blight than have to play hostage negotiator for an entire match.


  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    For the purposes of maybe getting an interesting discussion, I will skip over the usual objections that come up re. facecamping, and just try to throw out an idea on how it could be implemented:

    If a Survivor progresses from hook Stage 1 to 2 via the hook timer, The Entity also creates a "ghost" of that Survivor on another random hook. The hooked survivor can be saved from either the original hook, or from their "ghost", teleporting them there upon rescue. (with a minimum range so the original and ghost aren't too close). This doesn't apply if the Survivor is hooked a second time for an instant Stage 2, and naturally because of the activation condition any Survivor rescued via this will be on death hook.

    The hope here is to avoid interfering with the best Killer/Survivor strategies, but still make an 100% inescapable, no hooks to death facecamp no longer possible. I do see this being potentially powerful in a few scenarios:

    1. At endgame, a Killer that catches a Survivor with no prior hook progress no longer has a guarenteed kill they can fall back on
    2. I could see experienced SWF teams making gambles on these ghost hooks, deciding to focus on gens while their teammate sits on hook, then saving once the ghost hook naturally makes the unhooking apply much less pressure. I'm not sure how much this would catch on though, as it would leave a teammate on death hook and give the Killer a full minute to potentially grab a second hooked Survivor.

    It probably would cause problems somewhere though, and BHVR's already experimenting with/trying out a lot of fundamental mechanics reworks, so eh