I would hold off on buying alien.

From the sheer amount of people complaining,and dcing the devs will probably nerf this killer into the ground to the point you barely see him like singularity. Just saying this to help people from wasting there money.
I mean… this didn’t happen with the Skull Merchant. Or the Knight. Or Wesker.
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It's too early to tell, they could get Freddy'd or it could be an Artist where they ignore it and eventually the complaints stop.
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I havent seen a single DC against a Xenomorph yet. (aside from one DC right before the last Hook by a Meghead)
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Xeno will get nerf only if data shows him he is problematic.
People are yelling for Blight and Nurse for years? Both killers are still strongest 2 after years.
Same goes for Wesker and Knight. They did not nerf either even survivors asking?
So your post is just wrong.
BHVR is just nerfing weak killers to make them even weaker. They never touch strong killers.
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I’m sorry but when was the last time BHVR gutted a killer shortly after their release?
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I have yet to experience issues on either side for xenomorph. Odd.
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I haven't even seen a Xeno. Are people even buying the DLC.
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Cries in former pig main
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I bet you next mid-chapter they will nerf Pig again. Blight? He probably will get some add-on buffs.
We noticed nobody using these add-ons, so we are buffing these add-ons to make them closer to Alch Ring, C33 and other busted add-ons. Have fun Blight enjoyers!
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I had someone DC when they ran right into me after getting unhooked. I downed them for pressure but they thought being replaced by a bot would be a justified insult for "tunneling".
I left that bot on the ground and it ended up being the last survivor alive. They were still in the lobby spectating when I finished.
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love how, on this forum, exclusive one-role players on both sides have convinced themselves that BHVR has a blood vandetta against their role and always gives [other role] everything they want and more solely to spite [their role]. truly amazing how prevalent these posts are
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They're not gonna nerf a newly-released killer that is making them money. If they do decide to nerf Alien it won't be for a long time.
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Not just on the forums. Pretty much everywhere.
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Killers cant really claim the game is survivor sided when killers have basically been spoon-fed 4ks by the devs with killers like Skull Merchant, Knight, and Xenomorph along with all of the other buffs received over the last two years. Just sayin'. Anyone losing now is either unskilled or they went against a group that was just better than them.
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Cough cough old mettle of man wheeze people buying ash just for that perk cough hack
I doubt xeno will get nerfed anytime soon but them making money won't delay a decision lol
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Whether BHVR nerfs the Xenomorph or not only time will tell. For as long as he remains in this state, I refuse to play against him, and I know I'm not alone. One thing that's for sure is BHVR does not play thier own game. We'll see how things turn out though, as for me DBD is getting shelved for a while.
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Makes me laugh because people still to this day bring up Freddy 😭
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