Grid Xenomorph => Potential Predator Collaboration?

This was brought to my attention via social media, I would provide their @ but I am unfortunately unable to find it. If they want to make themselves known, they can make a reply and such as I at least want to try and give credit where credit is due.
Grid Xenomorph is a cosmetic... I think we all know this. But a lot of people do not really know where it's origins are. Grid Xenomorph, also known as Grid or Nethead Xenomorph, makes an appearance from the Aliens VS Predator (2010 video game).
One thing that is insanely important to note is that Alien, Predator, and AvP are all entirely different franchises, and while Alien might reserve the rights to Grid, IP owners for Predator may or may not have some influence in the decision (realistically only BHVR knows this) but it feels rather intentional to pick this outfit out of all the Alien, Predator, and AvP titles/games that exist.
I think, personally, this raises the potential for a future Predator collaboration.
I know that Skull Merchant is technically a predator as per the promotion material that BHVR released but let's be honest the joke is beyond dead and no one really cares about Skull Merchant other than Generator kicking enthusiasts, Im sorry.
grid is in the alien vs predator movie.
also, alien and predator are currently owned by the same company
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very high possibility
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Thing is, it quite frankly speaks for itself that Predator is coming in the future considering the fact that both IPs are owned solely by 20th Century Fox, so naturally the company obviously also owns Alien Vs Predator and that's why bhvr has access to that movie to use for content in dbd.
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Yeah there’s no way around it, they’re hinting at a future dlc. Now we just need to get Arnold in there.