Feedback about the Hidden Prestige pre match

nValentine Member Posts: 146
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello, i wanted to give my feedback about hiding prestiges pre match.

I don't like how it is now and it makes the prestige system even less beneficial to P100 a certain character. although it's great that it's hidden pre match from killers, i think it should be visible to every survivor in the lobby and only hidden from the killer until the end match screen. I loved seeing people's prestiges as a survivor before the match starts and i made a lot of friends just by seeing a prestige 70 Leon or a Prestige 94 Rebecca. i think it would be perfect if it was only hidden from the killer because the whole problem and the bad experience people been having is because of killers who targets the high prestige in lobby.

it's better if it was shown to other teammates pre match to know if your teammates are experienced enough on the game. Reconsider this please and thank you.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    I hope more players do share their feedback about the options the devs are playing around with right now. The more the better.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,868

    Same. People who want to show it off should be able to. People who don't want to get lobby dodged or whatever should have the option to hide it, but it shouldn't really be a forced thing.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    Both survivors should have option to hide/show their prestige to other surv/killers. And killers should have option to see/not see survs prestige. This is what i was always posting.

    But i have a question tho.

    @nValentine "i made a lot of friends just by seeing a prestige 70 Leon or a Prestige 94 Rebecca." Why You couldnt made friends with prestige 3 Leon?

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    I think having an option would be the wrong way to do it, it should stay as it was before but just hidden from the killer in pre match lobby, it should be shown for teammates otherwise you wouldn't have an idea about your teammates. i know prestiges doesn't necessarily mean they would be good players but it would give an idea that this player have some knowledge and played the game quite a little bit.

    i personally love seeing other people's prestiges it make the survivors feels more than just a skin. there's no reason for a survivor to hide their prestige from their teammates.

    i'm glad your experience was better than the rest but you can't say that it's copium. i Swf with P100 friends and all we see are tunneling Blights and spirit and sometimes nurses, it's very rare we get a chill killer because everyone dodges until those sweaty ones gets in. and even when i play solo i literally tested it to see the quality of my matches and every time i play my only one P100 survivor 9 time outta 10 it's been miserable.

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    obviously because they don't main them?

    and it was just a joke anyways the point is i like seeing my teammates prestiges and have an idea about them

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    If prestige levels are going to be hidden from the killer, then they should be hidden from the survivors too. I’ve seen survivors lobby dodge because of a teammates prestige level… some people want to lobby shop for teammates that are “experienced enough on the game”.

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    lol you can't be serious. even if survivors do that it would make sense because a high mmr survivor don't want to be in a match with new players. it helps the match making actually

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285
    edited September 2023

    For once I agree. Main benefit in my eyes from hiding this number before the game is lobby shopping. And survivors lobby-shop too.

    If there could be an exception, it would be in SWF (you won't dodge lobby you queued up in) - but quite frankly, why bother?

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    I personally am glad I am bhvrs science experiment that they get to run tests on.

    For some reason ive been picked to participate, so ive just been dodging lobbies randomly to throw off any stats theyre trying to get out of me.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    What kind of idea? Are you assuming their skills based on prestige? Its extremally unreliable in both direction but maybe more if you see low prestige character and assume them being noob.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Considering some survivors dodge people with 'too low' prestige I like it better when it's hidden, but I wouldn't be against an option that lets people show off theirs.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    So doesn't it make sense when low MMR killers don't want to play with high prestige survivors? It helps a matchmaking, right?

    So don't be a hypocrite....

  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 622

    Prestige means nothing in regards to a person's experience. I've had P100 be jerks and never heal, farm off hook and work with the killer for hatch. Had P100 alao BM me on hook for being less experienced which isn't my fault the damn mmr put me their lobby. Alao had high Prestige hide all match. Prestige doesn't equal experience.

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    what's the point of MMR then? what's the problem of wanting to play with people similar to my level? why would i go into a match with a newer players when i have over 3500 Hours? seeing prestiges from survivor perspective helps getting into a match with similar player level. there's no wrong in that. what's wrong is killers who specifically harass and target the highest prestige player in the lobby just because they are high prestige.

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    it gives an idea that the high prestige player have spent some time playing the game so they are at least knowledgeable of the game unlike low prestiges who are new players and i shouldn't be in a match with them to ruin their experience.

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    killers can identify survivors based on their load out, cosmetics, characters. it's not that hard. high prestige doesn't necessarily mean it's a very good survivor, it only tells you that this player have spent some time playing the game. gives you an idea about the player. from a killer perspective you can tell from just seeing the cosmetics, etc.

    and before you say survivors can also identify their teammates based on what i mentioned. yeah true but the main thing we are talking about here is killer. killers behavior towards the high prestige player is the main issue here and its what make people want their prestige to be hidden from killers so they can be treated equally right.

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    exactly why i want prestiges to be shown for all survivors only. prestiges doesn't equal skill but it will help people to not be matched with either more experienced or less experienced survivors.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    Are you saying that lobby shopping is ok for survivors, but not ok for killers?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,153

    How do you know killers are specifically harassing someone because they are the highest prestige player in the lobby?

    Have you seen how many complaints are on these forums about killers tunneling? How do you know they just aren't tunneling someone because it's an effective strategy? How do we know it's specifically harassment instead of tunneling?

    Also, why would there be so many killers that want to specifically target the highest prestige player? We get constant complaints of killers lobby dodging high prestige survivors, and logically, if a killer cared about prestige levels, then they would be targeting the LOWEST prestige survivor, since they would be the "easiest target".

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2023

    i don't even know why are we discussing this, why you as a killer wanna see survivors prestiges pre match? why survivors can't see who's the killer or at least the killer's prestige? what differences it would make for you as a killer if you see or don't see the survivors prestiges ?

    if you really believe that's a strategy i don't know what to tell you. many people showed that you can win almost all your matches without tunneling but anyway that's a different subject. i personally get the sweatiest matches when i play my P100 character and i get tunneled almost 9/10 out of them. many people shared the same experience when they play their P100 character. i don't get the same matches when i play a different survivor.

    i get nodded at and slugged and tunneled very frequently when i play my P100 character. literally saw some killers throw their match just to kill me. some people thinks Prestige equal skill

    i really don't understand why are you against this, it doesn't effect anything for you at all. why is it so much to ask for my prestige to be hidden from the killer

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • jamiemzc
    jamiemzc Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I hate not seeing the prestige’s )): GIVE IT BACK

  • Amaroq64
    Amaroq64 Member Posts: 109
    edited September 2023

    I lobby dodge for the opposite reason.

    When I'm solo queue and I see a P50, a P75, and a P100 on my team, I know with 100% certainty that they are going to dick around near the killer all game, not do any gens, then lead the killer to my position, then leave me on the hook forever. Then if I try to kill myself to get this bullshit over with, they will get the unhook just seconds before I die so they can force me to keep suffering this bullshit for even longer.

    I'm more likely to win and have fun with P0's and P1's on my team because at least they're trying to play the game.

    Even if I only get one max-leveled survivor on my team, they still get killed first and accomplish nothing.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    I disagree. I usually play low prestige characters instead of my P100/higher prestige survivors. A lot of other survivors dodge simply thinking you’re dead weight because you’re low prestige. Dodging doesn’t only come from killers.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    How do you know that low prestige characters are new ones? have you ever thought that they put their bloodpoints in other characters? Especially that having 12 characters of prestige 9 is more bloodpoinst (lets say this corelate with experience) than 1 character of prestige 100.

    Second is that having prestige low/high does not mean they are good/bad players. Its up to MMR. If you have high MMR you play with people with higher MMR despite of their prestige.

    Third is personal experience, since You use it alot. Most P100 characters i encountered was jerks who suicide on their first hook. Those are people who seek for easy match, probably with afk killer. (No, i dont mean it, i believe there is variety of players. But your argumets looks exatly like this one).

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    although that's true, but people been dodging lobbies since years and it won't stop just by removing prestiges.

    my point here is that i love the prestige system and i think it was a great addition to the game, i just think since survivors can't see the killer's prestige, killers should not see the survivor's prestige it's as simple as that.

    it's exactly like as if survivors see which killer they are going against. and they can prepare for it ( knowing they are going against a plague so they all bring toolboxes and so on ) when killers see high prestige SWFS they assume they will be sweaty so they bring meta perks and addons and play so sweaty during the match etc. just search on YouTube and you will see how many killers made a videos like ( my hillbilly Vs P100 SWF ) when these SWFs are chilling and not bringing meta perks etc. you won't see a videos about ( My SWF Vs P100 killer )

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    i said high prestiges means that those players have spent some time playing the game, i didn't say it means they will be good. they will at least be better than low mmr survivors i guess lol?

    again, you can identify survivors based on several ( prestiges - cosmetics - characters, etc. ) and your third point is exactly why i want prestiges to be shown to teammates, because you are saying that P100 survivors suicide on their first hook, i did that personally couple times, why? because i got into a match with a sweaty killer because usually a sweaty tryhard killer won't dodge when they see a high prestige survivor in the lobby, and my teammates are literal babies who just started playing the game. i won't stay in a match that isn't fun for me and nothing will ever change that, devs can't stop that or force anyone to stay in a match that they don't want to be in. here's a good video explaining this specific thing:

    people killing themselves or being jerks in a match is not a DBD thing. it happens in literally in every game.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854
    edited September 2023
    1. I said that low prestige character can have high prestige character but play with low one, so despite of their prestige they still have spent some time in game.
    2. No, If you play in certain MMR then both low and high prestige characters will have same MMR so simmilar skill, and no, high prestige characters dont means player is better. prestige have nothing to do with skill neither MMR.
    3. Whow, what a flawed logic loop: Sweaty killers dont dodge seeing p100 characters + with sweaty killers i should suicide... can you see logical implication of this? = if you play p100 character you should always suicide on first hook.
    4. No. Im nowhere near sweaty killer. This argument is just straight false... like most of yours.
    5. If you play with babies who litterally just started playing the game, this means that you have very low mmr. This on the other hand means, that you are nowhere near the skill you think you are. Otherwise you would not be grouped with such players. Maybe stop suiciding, this degrade you MMR. Hiding prestige for killer will not help you play in higher ranks if you will not stop doing that.
  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    How is killers dodging lobbies against high prestige bigger issue than survivors dodging with low prestige survivors?

    Low prestige survivors should not be treated equally?

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    High prestige survivors get targeted a lot. However, this is a UI thing that could avoid this community divide with a simple on/off switch, the same way cross play can be toggled on and off. Some people want to show off and that's their right, P100 is an accomplishment, but some people want to play without constant tunnelling for it. Just chuck a toggle switch in there and both sides are happy.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited September 2023

    I don't care about prestiges, I just don't like hypocrites.

    If you want to hide prestiges, then sure, but let's hide it for everyone.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 854

    I would allow players to have settings:

    1. show/hide prestige for killer/all.
    2. See/hide prestige of others.

    I would use both, to hide my prestige from both, and to not see any surv prestige.

  • Ivanynakov
    Ivanynakov Member Posts: 235
    edited September 2023
    1. DBD would benefit by completely removing pre-game lobby from the game. So people go straight into the game. (=> less lobby leavers => better and faster matchmaking)
    2. Then DBD would be able to create Ranked and Casual game modes. In Ranked people would take turns in picks (survivors, killers and perks) and bans (killers and perks) while also showing prestige level.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    it's better if it was shown to other teammates pre match to know if your teammates are experienced enough on the game

    It precisely is because of people like you that prestiges are not shown to teammates anymore.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    I would be fine with settings, that was mainly if it was supposed to be permanent status. Settings allow for everyone to do whatever they want, which is fair.

  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146

    I don't know why you as a killer want to see survivors prestiges? if we are talking about fair i think it's fair for survivors too see killer's prestiges don't you think?

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited September 2023

    Where did I say I want to see them? I couldn't care less about it.

    You want to hide them? Sure, let's hide it for everyone, so it can't create any issues in future.

    You are the one, who wants to see other's prestige levels, not me...

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • nValentine
    nValentine Member Posts: 146
    edited September 2023

    why are you talking about it like it's one role? why does it HAVE TO BE FOR EVERYONE OR NO ONE ?? why are people now asking for perks to be shared between teammates? when you play survivor you don't play on your own and rely on your skill, you play in a team, when you play in a team you have to get an idea about your teammates. simple logic? unlike when you play killer your rely completely on your game skill and only you. things like this helps closing the gap between SOLOing or SWFing

    when you SWF you have every bit of info of your team. devs can't change SWFs but they can change SOLO queue which is the direction they are Aiming for right now. i don't see what type of issue that would cause to make prestiges and also perks be shared between survivors? it's literally the same thing, i'm pretty sure they are working on making Perks be shared just like how it is on DBD Mobile. so the whole logic behind lobby dodging is people would dodge for different reasons all the time no matter what.

    why survivors can't see the killer they are going up against? why they can't see the killer's prestige? why they can't at least see the killer's name and what platform they are on? i have nothing against that and i think it's totally fair. and it's also fair that survivors have their stuff too that killers don't need to see.

    i don't main survivor. i play both sides almost equally.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    Everyone's feedback and opinions regarding the hidden prestige test is appreciated. However, let's please keep comments, and disagreements, civil while doing so.

This discussion has been closed.