The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

*sighs* the drama is real...

I just read a forum that kind of upset me. Honestly the whole pc vs console seems stupid to me. Can't we all just enjoy the fact that we all found a game we love to play. Either as a killer or a surv. I've made some of the best friends of my life from dbd and I know I'm gonna get some hate because I play in swf groups but the guys I play with make me laugh and smile. They just make my days all round better, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way. The level of toxic isn't needed for any reasons. We've all played through the bugs, dealt with cheaters, waited for our updates,  and expressed joy when we finally get them. Rather we play on pc or console. We can fight people being toxic about things just by trying to friendly at the end of a match and not sending toxic messages just because we got tunnelled, hook camped, or pallet looped. We want our community to grow, not scare new players off because they hear about how hateful everyone is. We should come here to talk about the game not about what platform is better. Some of us play console because its easier for us and the same goes for pc. I hope you all have a Wonderful night.


    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I only ever see PC players starting ######### because I only play on PC. I presume that there is an equally shared amount of angry and toxic players that all platforms have, and it's more easy to see this on PC as the after game chat is a thing. However this update ######### is making me doubt how much console players are actually thankful for the Devs or this game. It would be better off to just abandon their aggression, and atleast don't mass dislike the youtube videos and send DEATH THEATS for christ sake.

  • TheTimeMachine
    TheTimeMachine Member Posts: 229
         I can’t seem to remember if this was always an issue or not. I mean, on console, I could play with friends over the house. On PC I could play WoW (enough said).
         There shouldn’t even be an argument regarding video game platforms... They’re for our enjoyment.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    At least link the forum post that upset you so we can all have a laugh.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @KirstKilleh90 said:
    I just read a forum that kind of upset me. Honestly the whole pc vs console seems stupid to me. Can't we all just enjoy the fact that we all found a game we love to play. Either as a killer or a surv. I've made some of the best friends of my life from dbd and I know I'm gonna get some hate because I play in swf groups but the guys I play with make me laugh and smile. They just make my days all round better, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way. The level of toxic isn't needed for any reasons. We've all played through the bugs, dealt with cheaters, waited for our updates,  and expressed joy when we finally get them. Rather we play on pc or console. We can fight people being toxic about things just by trying to friendly at the end of a match and not sending toxic messages just because we got tunnelled, hook camped, or pallet looped. We want our community to grow, not scare new players off because they hear about how hateful everyone is. We should come here to talk about the game not about what platform is better. Some of us play console because its easier for us and the same goes for pc. I hope you all have a Wonderful night.

    Honestly I couldnt care less.
    Killers are weak AF on any platform and on the console versions my fellow killer mains even have to struggle with controller aim and low FPS, I kinda feel bad for them that they cant afford a PC

  • dbd900bach
    dbd900bach Member Posts: 671
    Consoles and pc have a difference but there's no point in arguing as long as we are all happy don't tell me just get a pc because I'm happy with what I have. I don't need a pc to play great games and enjoy myself. If you have a pc then good for you. One is only better if you think so. I have both an xbox and ps4 and if I could I would get a pc and be happy with only one of them.