Please explain, BHVR

Ok. I need a dev from BHVR to explain this to me, because I truly don't understand how this can be done. Prior to the Nicholas Cage chapter, fast vaults were perfectly fine and should not have been touched. After the Nicholas Cage chapter released, fast vaults had gotten the shadow buff of making survivors land further from the window after vaulting it. I'm not sure why they did this, because it made fast vaults pretty dang powerful. This wouldn't stay for long though. After the most recent chapter was released, which included the Alien DLC, fast vaults were severely nerfed, past the point they were at before the Nicholas Cage chapter. I'm not overexaggerating when I say this; medium vaults and fast vaults take the same amount of time for survivors to do, and have no difference besides the animation. You don't even get more distance from the window when you fast vault vs when you medium vault. If you haven't tested this out yet, go into a match and fast vault, then medium vault a window. You'll see that they take the same amount of time, and give you the same amount of distance from the window. Now I'm not a BHVR dev so maybe I just wouldn't understand, but how in the world did this fast vaulting mechanic get released to live servers?! How was this giant nerf to fast vaulting not caught in the PTB?! Or if it was, why wasn't it fixed in the 3 weeks leading up to the release of the Alien chapter?! If there are any BHVR devs out there, please answer these 3 questions. Because I don't understand how a game development company, full of hundreds of developers can miss this. I'm not just trying to nitpick, but this is sort of game-changing. I've noticed I've been hitting way more survivors at windows, and I've been getting hit way more times at windows than usual. Please fix this.
