Why were these Knight add-ons changed?

In the latest patch, 3 of Knight's add-ons were with seemingly no understanding of what the problems with Knight's add-ons are.

Pillaged Mead had the bonus action speed of guards nerfed from 25% to 15%.

Tattered Tabard had the extra patrol time of guards buffed from 6 seconds to 8 seconds.

And Town Watch's Torch was buffed to give Knight undetectable after 2 failed hunts. Rather than 3.

The problem with all of these changes isn't that the add-ons were fine and didn't need to be changed, they did and still do, it's that the changes they received were completely tone deaf.

Pillaged Mead was always a bad add-on because there was no situation where having your guards break stuff faster was a tangible benefit. Ordering a guard to break a pallet during a chase would still take a few seconds when using the Assassin and Jailor, and using the Carnifex would still be basically instant.

And when ordering a guard to break a gen the reduced breaking time is actually a bad thing since gens cannot be repaired while a guard is breaking them. So reducing the time it takes for a gen to break a gen lets survivors begin repairing it faster.

Yet this add-on still had it's numbers nerfed?

Tattered Tabard is a terrible add-on that might as well be a direct downgrade to Knight's power. Having your guards patrol for longer is bad because guards are at their most useful when chasing survivors.

If you send a guard out to aggro onto a survivor, but the guard fails to detect them, the extra patrol time increases the amount of time before the guard de-spawns and you can use another guard. Effectively increasing the cooldown for the power if you mess up.

Increasing the extra patrol time just makes this add-on worse!

And Town Watch's Torch had the most bizarre change of all. The problem with the add-on is that it required you your guards to fail to catch someone multiple times before it would activate. Making it one of the only add-ons that doesn't give your power extra value, instead activating when you fail to get value from your power.

Which is significantly more difficult to use and much weaker than some of Knight's other add-ons that just give straight-up buffs.

Having to lose 2 hunts instead of 3 is still a really steep requirement to activate this add-on. And it is completely outclassed by the Ironworker's Tongs that do effectively the same thing after only 1 failed hunt.

So I'm left wondering...

What exactly was the design process behind these changes?

I'm all for Knight receiving some changes to his add-ons. But only changes that actually fix the problems his add-ons have. Like giving him viable options outside of Map of the Realm, Call to Arms, or Dried Horsemeat. And reworking Knight's Contract so you can't facecamp people and get free downs when someone goes for the save.

These changes were apparently made by someone with absolutely no knowledge on how Knight works and seem completely arbitrary. The add-ons changed are still awful and will continue to never be used since there's just much better alternatives.

These changes are so meaningless they might as well have never happened...
