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Can we stop with saying gg



  • Member Posts: 658

    Sorry, but I personally do assume the worst of ppl in this community. The amount of toxic players I see on a daily basis outweighs the amount of ppl who are nice. Sure you have ppl who mean gg as good sportsmanship but ALOT just say it along with something like "ez baby killer" or "you should delete the game bc you bad killer" Most of the time the ggs I get is from those who teabag me at the exit gates. So yeah sorry I do assume the worst of ppl at least in this community.

    That said everyone is right if you don't like seeing something just mute the chat. I usually keep my muted anymore bc of the amount of toxic players I get every day and I am not in a mental space to handle those ppl. I honestly would say something to them that would land me with a ban if I do interact with them.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    lol why though? This is the only gaming community I’ve been apart of where saying gg in some scenarios is frowned on

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited September 2023

    I think it's bc is an asym. In other games they more or last team base where each time has an even number of players. Also, dbd imo rarely has even matchups. A lot of matches are competely one-sided. As a killer main I rarely even have close matches, it is either I stomp the survivors or the survivors stomp me. When a side gets competely stomped, the last thing they want to see is ggs from the person or persons that competely destroyed them.

    Also dbd doesnt have a clear win or lose. The community and devs kinda just decided that kills matter. So when a killer plays nice and try to hook ppl evenly but all 4 survivors leave while teabagging them at the gate and then says "ggs" Its not the best feeling. It felt you lost and the ppl on the other end is just rubbing it in. The same can be said when a killer plays for kills and tunnels and camps. Survivors don't really want to see the killer say ggs when they use stuff like tunneling and camping to kill them.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I wouldn't say the games are not close because it is asymmetrical, I would rather play it on the bad matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited September 2023

    Mmm, I may have worded it wrong. I'm not saying it is an asym is the reason for the bad matches. That is competely bc mmr sucks in dbd and rarely ever works. Umm I mentioned asym bc in other games its an even number of players vs other players and I feel the chances of the feeling of being "bullied" is a lot less bc of your teammates are there also. Im mostly speaking from a killer main pov but there are times when I play Killer and feel all 4 survivors' goal is just to make sure I have the worst time possible. This can be true for survivors also where sometimes it feels like the killer's only goal is to make sure they have the worst time possible. I feel in other games you don't have those situations that often.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Good game and Well played should be the two options to say nothing else. The chat PC players have is just asking for trouble and giving bullies a tool.

    I'm happy I have Xbox with messages turned off it's such a joy to just play the game. But would be nice to be able to say Gg after every game and still never get complaints back.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    I don't think so, even if just a single player outplays you and tbags and stuff is enough to feel bullied, same as in any other game as well. Some people will always be better and then play with you like with a toy. I don't think this matters in any sense, the killer can also bully the survivors and the other way round.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Maybe I just have had a better experience in other pvp games than dbd. I play a lot of OW2 and I never feel that either side is super toxic to the other. Even the games that are one-sided feel better afterward than dbd one-sided games. Also, I did say in my post that killers can bully survivors as well so I don't know why you said it in a way like I didnt. Either way I do think dbd is a lot more toxic than most other pvp games and that's why some ppl don't want to see ggs all the time esp when the matches are so one-sided. One way to fix this I feel is to make mmr better but who knows honestly?

  • Member Posts: 60

    while we are on the topic of end game chat... are there ANY plans to address the chat filter?

    It really is in a sorry state when even character names, perk names and game play mechanics are censored.

    Please at least give people the option to filter either by direct slurs, no filter at all or hide all chat.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    This just made me think, could there be an option to have chat start 'off' by default? As if you clicked the box to hide chat more accurately. I would leave it on, but people who don't like even the risk of being insulted can just avoid that risk entirely, and streamers can avoid people saying uncouth things working around the filter.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    A lot of games are good and fun regardless of the outcome. Though part of me feels like it loses its meaning quite a bit if the game was contentious or non-competitive. Saying GG after you just dominated someone might feel condescending to many, but I suppose it also serves as a gesture of sportsmanship for a game at least fairly played.

    I think people who always interpret being told GG after a loss as an insult have an insecurity problem, though.

  • Member Posts: 4,634


    DBD and Blizzard games in general probably have the least toxic communities because they will basically ban you for most things that are considered harassment, whereas games like teamfortress 2 had achievements for making a player rage quit or something like that. Go play counterstrike or Dota and tell me that other games have friendlier communities. The amount of times you get insulted in those games is a lot higher than the amount it happens in DBD, not even close buddy.

    In Dota for example people would fountain dive you and delay the game to kill you more often or just focus one person in the enemy team despite it being not the best play just out of spite, I don't know how people get the idea that the DBD community is that much more toxic than other games.

    I don't understand people not wanting to see a gg no matter what happened in the game at least the guy tried to be a good sports about, what else can you expect? It's not like gg is anything like bm or something, you cannot preamptively gg in this game or do something similar.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    If you didn't enjoy the match, you only stand to benefit from just clicking continue immediately and not stewing in the negativity. As someone who gets themselves embroiled in EGC arguments from time to time, they are never worth it

    I do understand that a "gg" after whoever won the game was bming in game nonstop does seem disingenious and scummy but it's better off ignored. They do it to get a rise outta people, so don't give them it.

    say gg or just click continue is my golden rule most of the time

  • Member Posts: 84


  • Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2023

    I don't only have fun when I win. Having fun when you lose is a skill you should learn

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    I only say gg when it was actually a good game. Which is like 1 in 20 matches.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited September 2023

    We can agree to disagree then bc I don't think this community is as friendly as ppl make it out to be. Every night and every other game I come across toxic ppl who tell me gg ez and tell me to uninstall the game or say gg after they teabag me at the exit gate when I had a rough match. For ex last night I had a really bad match as xeno and you what I got afterward? I got teabags at the gates and was told I was one of the worst killers they ever had and I should uninstall the game. Sure I have over 1k hours in the game but I'm still learning a xeno and I'm having a rough time with it. That is just one of many toxic players I have seen in this game. So yeah I don't think dbd community is as friendly and least toxic as you think. Let's not forget we talking about a community that used an innocent killer cosmetic for racist acts. It got so bad that the devs had to remove those cosmetics competely from the game. This community is just as toxic as those games you listed if not more and no amount of banning from the devs will change that sorry. Anyway, I hope you have a great day, I really do but I'm done with this topic for now.

    Also add that Im not against saying ggs in this game but I do understand ppl like OP who dont want to see it. All I have to say is just mute the chat and you have a much better time in this game imo. You dont need to interact with anyone if you dont want to.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    there are times i die and think man they played well and times i get no kills and think man they played well so i disagree with one of you and heavily agree with the other

  • Member Posts: 857

    Just disable end game chat. There's usually nothing of worth discussed there. And if you complain about saying gg, they'll just be more smug about it. The only winning move is not to play.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    That's just light bm, in those games I mentioned people wish for bad things to happen to you or your family, eg wish cancer onto people and stuff, scream at you which one of your family members they had slept with and so, the most offensive slurs and so on and so forth, I think calling someone bad, teabaging, telling to uninstall is really harmless compared to what you experience in these games... In my 2.5k hours not once has one of those things happened to me in DBD and I can count on my fingers how often this happened to me in those other games this week alone, so I stand by the point I made, DBD is by far one of the lesser toxic gaming communities out there. Dota might improve though due to changes in their behavior score lately, but we will see...

  • Member Posts: 816

    I'm not being insincere in either case, I'd argue that many of us aren't.

    I'm relatively dangerous as killer. Lots of us are. Experience and practice, that's not objective, I'm better than most players simply because I played more. This is the only multiplayer game I like, I'm sure all of you are way better at me at games you spent your time in, but my ability in the game is better than average.

    If you play against me and don't give up, I very much mean "good game" because I can be oppressive. I know you did the right play, I stopped you because I expected it, not because you made the wrong choice. You can play everything right and I might still get you because I've played against it more times than you've played at all. You might be good at loops and pallets, but I've been doing it for years and know how to throw you off your game. I'm not just being nice, just because I win doesn't mean anyone played badly.

    By that same token, if I lose and say GG, it's not meaningless at all. I mean it very much, you beat me at the things I'm good at, you know what you're doing and I hope to play you again.

    I don't care that much about winning or losing. Brass tacks, if I have fun, everyone played a good game.

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited September 2023

    For me personally, I don't like either. The light bm you call it is just as bad as the other stuff. You talking to a person who was bullied and was competely isolated for most of their young life and even seeing that "light bm" triggers me greatly and send me back to those days when I was told I would loser for not playing sports or for liking anime. Those days have scarred me greatly to the point I really hate any social interaction at all. I have large amounts of social anxiety so any bm triggers me and I try to avoid it all I can. That is why I say that dbd is just as toxic as any other pvp game out there. That why Im happy dbd dont have voice chat and why Im avoiding TCM.

  • Member Posts: 533

    I feel like right now in DBD most games are not GG on either side. So if I say GG to someone, it's sincere.

    As killer, I rarely message anyone GG tbh. Win or lose.

    As surv, even if i've died and it was a fun match and the killer wasn't playing gross, I will send a genuine GG.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Sorry about that dude, but that's still a completely different level of toxicity. I mean some people react differently to such messages, I could not care less what people on the internet have to say in such games and it does not affect me at all. I could imagine that someone who already lost their would react especially upon someone wishing harm to their mother or something like that.

    But again like threatening people with harm/wishing harm upon them VS "you're bad" just on an objective level one of those two is waaaaaaaay more offensive, to say they are equally toxic is a little bit off.

    If you want to argue that the amount of toxic people might be similar the we could probably agree upon that, but the level of toxicity is not even comparable. I mean imagine that situation in real life one person calls you bad and the other one threatens you, one is a crime the other isn't, one might scare you to death the other won't, it is just a completely different level. And the reason why I made the example in real life is just because you cannot take it seriously online since the person doesn't even know who you are so saying such things would be completely meaningless.

    As for avoiding certain games because of that, just play with friends or disable voice chat, if you are interested in a game you should not get scared of just because people could say something in voice chat, if it effects your life those guys already won...

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Feel like it's abit hard in this game since people finish the game at different times. Unless it's a SWF, it's very unlikely for someone to wait an extra 5 minutes after dying just to say GG.

    If I get a 3k and the last guy gets out... it's just us 2 that are likely to still be around, and we both won. I got 3 kills and he got an escape.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2023

    "It's never a good game except for the person who won." That's the recipe for no fun right there.

    If you only have fun when you win, then you are not much fun.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    My view on things is to leave any "BMing" in the game. Once the match is over, I don't care if someone t bagged at every pallet or bled me out while puking on me the entire time... I'm not going to be a dick in the chat. At that point, the game is over and we're not opponents anymore.

    Been playing it lately on PS5 and kept messages on. Was pleasantly surprised to find that not only do I NOT get spammed with negative messages, but I actually get some positive ones too, even when I beat someone. I think crossplay might have put a damper on the rage filled messages.

  • Member Posts: 794

    Always say gg. There's too much toxicity in this game, and it's up to us as a community to be more positive.

    As a killer, having survivors be good sports and say 'gg' takes much of the sting out of a loss, especially compared to teams that send me to a garbage map, bring all the best perks and items, and then t-bag me at the exit gates. Even when I stomp a team, I'll say gg just to let them know that it wasn't personal and I wish them well.

    The term 'good sportmanship' is being thrown around a lot in this thread, so I'll make it even simpler: good sportsmanship means not being a dick. It's really just that simple.

    If you're frustrated over losses, the solution isn't to get mad at your opponent, it's to readjust your perspective so that you are having fun whether you win or lose.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    I write it in every end game chat.

    I do it after games I lose and games I win.

    It's a matter of good sportsmanship.

  • Member Posts: 464

    If you are face camping / tunneling at 5 gens, I’m not saying ggs. If there’s nothing good about it, why lie or pretend like sportsmanship matters in this game. It doesn’t. Same thing if a swf genuinely just genrushes, there’s nothing good about it lol. If it’s a good back and forth, then yeah it’s ggs.

  • Member Posts: 394

    gg when you lost is good sport

    gg when you won is bad manners

    quite simple

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Why be polite to other humans that use methods that are provided by the game... I think that is just a balancing issue and not the problem of those players, you can despise certain playstyle and it would be great if the community as a whole agreed to certain rules but if they don't then the devs need to remove those playstyle if they agree that they are not good for the game, but otherwise those people are just trying to win/play the game with the tools they have and I don't think they can be blamed for that. Both sides have busted things at their hand, I don't see a reason to be impolite there, the most cheesy strategy still deserves a GG, it is not their fault it exists and can be effective, so why be impolite to them?

  • Member Posts: 464

    Hard disagree. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you have to. Yes should the devs address camping/tunneling? Yes. Do players have to face camp/tunnel at 5 gens? No. As such, no ggs.

  • Member Posts: 411

    I try to say GG most of the time, win or lose. As survivor though, if I get put out early, I'm not going to wait for the end of the match just to say gg.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I say ggwp but always include a reason why, whether it's a good chase or whatever. Most often, it's when I lose. I don't do it every trial, only if note-worthy.

    However, it's presumptive to guess everyone feels as you do. There are so many people who play this game, each one an individual. If you don't like it, you don't have to reply to it. Block and move on if needbe, but there's nothing wrong with a well-meaning gesture.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    GG depending on the situation is just rubbing it in.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    I do get the feeling PC players are a lot more toxic because I think younger people tend to play on computer. I started the game with messages on and I also got nice comments but I got a few very bad once also if I played a killer people don't like so I switched to no messages. I can live without the nice messages and just focus on playing the game nothing else that is how I like it but as I said if you after the game could just say GG or WP that would be nice, like two buttons you could press. But it's no big deal.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Is this post ironic? I really hope so.

    If you can't handle someone saying "good game" you might as well disable post game chat. What else are people supposed to say? Nothing? What's the point of post game chat then? Do you want people to pity you instead? "Nice try bro, you had a really rough map and you played well."

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    If they feel like it is the best strategy then there is no reason to... It is hard to know how good the survivors you re facing are at the beginning so playing sweatier early on might be necessary.

    Also that argument would be similar to you don't need to take advantage of a situation to have it easier, yes you don't, but can you really people to play sub optimal? As long as it is not bm it is still a valid strategy.

  • Member Posts: 291

    The part at the end about "if you can't have a good time without winning" is literally the entire problem with things currently.

    Tunneling and slugging and camping. All hated but not against the rules and the only defense you ever hear from killers about those strats "It's the easiest way to win" "I let them bleed out so I wouldn't give them hatch."

    The entire issue with the game is it has become so competitive. So much so that saying "gg" now upsets some people.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I feel like there's more PC trashtalking because it's in the game itself. No extra steps needed. Trash talking on console requires extra effort, and it's not even possible on switch.

    Back in the day b4 crossplay when I used to play on PC, I would actually screenshot alot of the most ridiculous examples and post them here. Got a giggle out of how salty some ppl would get over the smallest things.

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