Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How satisfied are you with the game currently?

mca240 Member Posts: 456
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

Out of curiosity how others feel? Right now I would rate the game 3/10. I used to play this game hours on end. Now I just switch it on to keep up to track with the latest content and then switch it off again.

The game was in a great spot before Transmission End. Sure, we saw Wesker a bit too much because other killers are in need of some slight tuning. Wesker needed some slight adjustments but that was it.

Then came Made For This. Playing killer outside of S-tier ones became very unpleasant. It killed killer diversity.

People felt tunneling and camping was needed to "win". With no good counters it became a rampant problem.

Especially SoloQ became hell, even more than before. Matchmaking is getting progressively worse adding to the problem.

The final nail in the coffin for me is Xenomorph. The biggest unbalanced dumpster fire they have released. Previous released killers were too weak on release. Apparently they thought it was ok to go overboard this time. We have now had multiple unbalanced and unfun killers In a row; the previous ones haven't even been fixed.

Your turn.

Post edited by mca240 on


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,771

    I think it's fine. Not great, but not terrible. 6.5/10

    I personally think a lot of your points are overexaggerated. I don't think Made for This "killed killer diversity". I can still play basically any killer fine and I still face a decent range of killers (Wesker's massive popularity extends way further back than End Transmission anyway).

    I wouldn't call Xenomorph a dumpster fire either. I'm not struggling a massive amount against it, and once the cooldown bug is fixed, I think people will stop complaining for the most part.

    My biggest issue with the game currently is the sheer number of underwhelming perks. There are a lot of downright terrible perks, and a lot that are just "meh". I would really love to see a lot more perk buffs, as the amount of bad perks outweighs the number of good ones. This is exacerbated by the fact that the majority of recent perk releases just haven't been very good strength wise.

    Buffing a large number of perks would help build diversity a lot, and I'd like to see it become an even more common thing. BHVR included a good chunk of nice perk buffs with the 7.1.0 update, but in my opinion we need a lot more.

    I don't know how long it'll take to get that point, as designing changes to perks is a pretty long process. I just hope we keep seeing a good chunk of perk buffs with every midchapter (more along the lines of Trail of Torment and less of whatever happened with Hangman's Trick, though).

    Changing the meta is a difficult task, but we've reached the point where we need a lot more perk buffs than perk nerfs. Only a couple of perks either side need toning down, but there's a LOT more that need a facelift.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387

    I'd say the game is around 9/10. The game has been a lot more broken than this.

    There will always be a broken perk to sell DLCs. MFT will get nerfed to be replaced with something broken in another way in a future DLC. Just as Circle of Healing was nefed to make way for MFT. I'd prefer to see the end of speed boost perks though as it punishes the weaker killers and makes no difference to the strong ones.

    Hiding the Prestiges suggests that the devs are actively looking at fixing the broken matchmaking. A lot of which is caused by poorly thought out backfill that this may reduce. Always lobby dodging pre-made lobbies really makes a difference to the fairness of games.

    Anti-tunneling has improved and Anti-Camping is on its way. Gen-kick meta was nerfed.

    Xeno is broken. We also know it is bugged. It will be patched, we can only hope that it is done correctly. I cannot defend the Skull Merchant though.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    Not much interested. Especially as solo survivor.

    Don't want to play mediocre killers considering MfT after End Transmission.

    SWF is fun but has so many advantages unlike others so I don't play more than an hour.

    Starting to make me think that the most optimal way to enjoy DbD is just waiting for patches I hope I guess.

    Also it is getting tedious because of lacking cotents/game modes.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,614

    A solid 8.5/10

    I like the game like I alway have. Some things are frustrating for sure, but that doesn't take away all the awesome things the game has to offer. I love playing pig, demo and now Xeno.

    Playing m1 killer is fun to me. Made for this by itself rarely makes me outright lose games.

    I cant say much about survivor though. I rarely play the role but when I do, it's usually a fun and wild ride. Looking forward to play Ripley.

  • the games mid at this point

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,114
    edited September 2023

    I think the Xeno has broken the MMR system since it was released. I'm facing top tier killers that I usually never see (with full Meta builds and iri or purple add ons). Even the lower tier killers that I've faced are running their strongest possible load outs.

    One killer even asked if Self Care was still in the game and asked if it was still viable. Yes my friend, Self Care is indeed still in the game (and at your MMR, no it's probably not). Imagine never seeing Self Care in a survivor build? I see it all the time!

    Meanwhile, my survivor lobbies are around about my skill level. I've not escaped once today. Where did all the top MMR survivors go? Are they all playing Starfield or Texas Chainsaw Massacre or something? A popular / strong new killer's probably brought a lot of experienced killer players back to the game too.

    It'll probably go back to normal in a couple of weeks, though. The only thing I really didn't enjoy recently was the change to vaulting (which they've mostly fixed). I didn't hit a single survivor through a window before that got patched.

    Otherwise, it's more or less the same as it was when I started playing half a year ago. I don't think meta shifts affect lower MMR players all that much (I wasn't there for it, but I can imagine the healing nerf noticeably made the game much, much harder for a lot of solo survivor players).

    I'm still hopelessly addicted to the game. Send help / out of 10?

    (edited because I got the name of Self Care wrong).

    Post edited by tjt85 on
    ARTRA Member Posts: 939

    Alien was my most hyped character and didnt buy or play DBD for a while, just burnout.

    In a future, probably, right now im rather with Baldurs gate 3 or other games.

    Also, kinda makes my angry that alien DLC with survivor, skin and charm is 12 € and alien queen skin alone its expensiver.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,596

    For me it's a solid 5/10

    The last time I played the game was after Skull Merchant came out (and of course I got her)

    The game turned from Perk and Killer verity to only running a few perks and playing a few Killers

    Playing the game for hours was fun and all but playing the game for hours isn't for everyone nowadays

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    I'm very satisfied. I love chasing, and can't care less about defending boring gens. They buffed Coup, and gave us Rapid Brutality! They also tricked survivors into running puny haste and endgame perks.

    We may have not arrived to the speedup meta yet, but that's where we are heading, and it looks so much more fun than the slowdown meta. Let's not stop until Clown is S-tier!

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476
    edited September 2023

    It's pretty good they have fixed a lot of things like solo survivor we can see what teammates do that is super helpful. Game will never get balanced to perfection but it's in a decent state. Some maps could be smaller and better balanced but will probably happen..and Pyramid Heads addons will some day get better, Twins, Skullie will be reworked etc.

    There will always be things to fix but it's a lot better than 2 years ago for example.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    2020 to 2022 I played about 30-40 hours every week.

    This year so far, I have only played to do the challenges in the tome. Once I complete them (usually a day or 2 after the tome level is released), I don't play until the next tome level is completed. I would say I play about 20 hours a month now. The only reason I play is to keep getting the Rift Skins, so if I do start playing DBD more I have them.

    I don't want to blame the game, maybe its just me. I have 2500hrs, so I might just be getting burnt out.

    2020 to 2022? I would rate it a 8/10

    2023? 4/10

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,084
    edited September 2023

    Still pretty decent, better than previous versions so that's a current 8½/10

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143
    edited September 2023


    For DBD to be a 10/10 they would need to:

    Buff weaker Killers

    Buff more underused perks from both sides

    Nerf Made For This

    Encourage/Reward Killers for spreading hooks among Survivors

    Make Killer MMR hook based instead of kill based

    Give Killer an FOV slider

    Make half of Kindred basekit so Survivors can see each other when someone is hooked

    Add controller options such as deadzone settings and different sensitivity when aiming as Huntress, Deathslinger, etc

    Remove Blight's "Hug Tech" (exploit)

    Revert Survivor nerf to their speed boost when injured

    Allow Survivors to bleed out if everyone is downed/you are the last one alive

    Add Keyboard and Mouse to console (no reason not to with crossplay being a thing)

    These are the changes I think would be universally good for the game

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    yes please buff all sorts of perks and thus is genuine

    buff deadhard, decisive strike and vigil range buff

    killer main btw >:-)>

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,465

    6/10 at the moment

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143

    They need to remove self unhook attempts, it's just bad for the game and besides Deliverance it is almost never worth doing in terms of actually playing the game.

    Rework slippery meat, rework luck based items/addons and stop letting people just toaster bath themselves on hook because they get pissy.

  • Glaive
    Glaive Member Posts: 104

    The game will never be perfect, I still enjoy it, it has its ups and downs, the dead hard nerf felt great, but they brought along dead hard 2.0 for some reason l, still years ago infinite loops, mori on first down, 7 blink nurse, the game is way better then back in the day.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,434
    edited September 2023

    Mechanically, the game feels the best it's ever been. Not perfect, but better than the bugs of the past. I'm able to excel as Killer and Solo Survivor when I play well, and when I lose it's most often than not easily traced back to my own misplays.

    However, players DCing, giving up on hook, killers facecamping, and just a general role imbalance during peak times that messes with matchmaking, seems as bad if not slightly worse than ever. It's frustrating, because it seems like players are creating this self-fulfilling prophecy and dragging the game down around them for everyone else.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    I don't think xemo is too strong maybe remove the drag tech which pc players can abuse then he is fine. I looped xemo today like 5 gens he lost game while tunneling me and everyone escaped. You just need to predict what he is going to do and use turrets so you can counter his power.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436


    I am going to spare the community my manifesto in regards to DBD.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291
    edited September 2023

    They are no closer to removing the unhook attempts then they are to removing tunneling and camping or fixing MMR, which if they removed tunneling, camping and fixed the MMR there would be much less of the opt out on hooks happening.

    Everyone wants to remove the undesired behavior but it doesn't actually fix any of the real problems and the reason why a large majority of the opt outs happen. You remove hook opt outs without fixing the real issues and people will just find new ways to get themselves eliminated from a match.

    And yes, I know some people will still opt out when they see Nurse or Blight or even Xeno now, but to fix some issues with the game would eliminate most of the opt outs

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 448

    I left the game to play Baldur's Gate 3. Came back to play a bit for the Alien chapter.

    First match I got (somehow?) Triple-tapped by a Legion while he was on his power, I was freshly rescued from my last hook and had Endurance. I think the game counted me as the 4th and 5th player tapped with his power and I got down in about 2 seconds.

    The next two matches were your classic killer bs strategies to end the game at 1 gen done or less.

    On the last game I got slugged by a Xenomorph "for fun". I was the last player remaining and they let me bleed out.

    Gave up on the game and left again, so not exactly happy, and even less so with BHVR's awful DLC pricing nonsense. At this point I don't think I'm happy with any aspect of this game.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2023

    Not very. Used to play 4 hours during the week and probably 8 on the weekend. Now the game's lucky if it gets 30 minutes out of me.

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 315

    6/10 for me

    I'm just not having as much fun lately. It all feels a little stale almost.

    It also doesn't feel horror enough for me anymore. With all the really bright new maps, the bright map reworks and underwhelming perks, it's a bit meh.

    I vividly remember my first time ever playing this game. It was against a Plague on the old creepy dark Coldwind map. I wanna go back to that old horror / creepy/ eerie vibe when playing. It's completely gone now IMO.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    SUUUUUUPER unhappy. Been playing with launch on and off, this is the most bored / over / tired of it I have ever been. I honestly cant even do my single daily anymore without just wanting to go play something else.

    Solo q sucks as I get bad teams but good killers. Killer sucks since I good teams to vs that rush gens like crazy, first chase I am down 2 gens and 10+ hook states.

    Only bright side is I havent bought an auric cell in a long time, I am saving quite a bit of money.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549
    edited September 2023

    Well your last chapter took my attention. Im more of an dbd main if anything overall I have played more survivor. Im satisfied with game mostly tunneling/camping are problems as gen rushing and both been increasing since 6.1 update. The gap between solo and swf is still a problem. I think recent changes made it worser. SoloQ was in much better spot before med kits nerf and now the vaulting nerf too. The game still solid 7/10 for me.

  • cburton311
    cburton311 Member Posts: 410

    No harm in reworking those, but that isnt the cause of survivors displeasure. I'd assume they'd just run to killer to get hooked again

  • lostlocker
    lostlocker Member Posts: 13

    the ranking system was a very meaningful part of the game for me. since then, it feels like the game became more isolating. the next best thing was being able to see people's prestige levels, but that has been removed from the game for me as well (they apparently removed it for select players).

    dead hard was really fun, and flashlight clicking was enjoyable. and i say this even as a killer main, because i played a lot of killer, and it made games more interesting as both survivor and killer.

    i enjoyed being able to unlock perks on all characters without having to do the blood web so many times.

    i enjoy the automatic blood web feature, and i think preventing instant downs when unhooking is also good. but overall, a bit of magic has been removed from the game.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,052

    My feelings towards the game constantly changes. If I had to answer once a week, it would range from anywhere from 1/10 to 10/10. At the moment I'd say my feelings are a 5/10.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,974

    I give the current state a 4/10. Once it gets to 3/10, I'm done. I enjoyed the game before MMR was introduced. Every time I play, I keep chasing that high I will never get back.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 290
    edited September 2023

    10/10, just is. Best videogame ever. No jive. Nothing even comes close. There are many difficulties, that at times seem impossible but that is what keeps me playing. Nothing is handed to me and it is incumbent on me to strive to be better. It's a hard game on either side. I never tire of it. I'm at about 10,000 hours.

    Tunneling is a major turn off but so is mic-facilitated gen rush. Can't have one without the other.

    Unfortunately, once tunneling is established as the easy win it is, few play any other way.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,924

    Good grief some of y’all are very clearly due a break from the game.

    It’ll always be around 6/7/8 for me.

    Solo Queue can be pretty damn miserable sometimes, but a large part of that is just not really solveable. You just can’t fix stupid.

    Also, it may be recency bias, but I also do not recall matchmaking being any better before MMR was introduced proper. I regularly faced curbstompers, whilst having very starchy teammates with less than 10 hours. The latter has significantly improved. The former very much not.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,321

    7/10 current meta is kinda meh, but the game has improved 10 fold with the changes they've done over the last year

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,577
    edited September 2023

    6 or 7 out of 10.

    Killer is fine. Solid 8/10.

    SWF is also fine. 8/10.

    Solo survivor is a complete waste of time. Teammate matchmaking is some of the worst I've experienced in any online game. WHy even have SBMM if you're going to allow unlimited lobby dodging and zero logic backfills? 2/10.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,233

    The game itself? 7/8 - It's gotten kinda stagnant for me even with new content but It's not the state of the game that's bugging me. I think DBD's only gotten better with time, it's still got a lot of elements that are left unaddressed, the lack of user options is only just now starting to be addressed but overall - I like current DBD.

    However the state of BHVR itself is shocking.

    They always do this, they make a lot of good progress and deliver some amazing content then someone likely on the corporate side piddles all over it with bad decision after bad decision and it makes the company look like every other big gaming company - ones that are out purely only to milk the consumer of as much money as possible while utilizing every scummy tactic in the book

    FOMO practices, price hiking, limiting consumer choices

    The other thing is that people just lie down and take it because it's 'normal' or the people who defend it for some reason.

    "every company does this bro" - literally because people let them do it in the first place.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 368

    I'd say a 9/10 but I've only played for a little over 1700k hours starting around this time last year, I missed so much of early DBD that I think my response my be moot, that being said I love the game it's so frustrating sometimes and awesome at others. I can see how people could get burnt out though, the community is rough but coming from other more intense pvp games this is kind of meh. The devs do baffle me from time to time with how they buff nerf certain aspects with no rhyme or reason. The gameplay is what I love though, the whole chase and being chased is just dope to me and never boring or unfun.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    I've been playing semi-regularly since about 2019. It's about as unenjoyable now as it ever has been.

    Survivors are just quitting when they see Xeno.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862
    edited September 2023

    Im having a good time. Yea solo q is crazy as always. Tunneled out, camped etc. Same crap, just a different day. But i like to switch up my build to make it more fun for me. Whether it be, meta, niche, meme builds. It helps lowering the risk of burn out for me.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,135

    I'm the same. Haven't played since last weekend but when I did, the game had settled down again from the initial post Alien release discustingness.

    There's still way too much tunneling and camping at 5 gens making the game quite unpleasant far too often.

    Some maps aren't in a great place at the moment and some perk reworks haven't been great in my opinion.

    All in all I'd give it about a 6/10 just because if the overall turbulent nature of the game at the moment. Its too up and too down for me to truly enjoy it and since TCM came out when l do come back to it I just find it way too much of a chore.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    The game needs an alternative game mode, something ground breaking. 2 v 8 or some kind of new format for games. Probably at a 6.5/10 right now. Litterally brought a PS5 yesterday but haven't used it yet, that might bump it up a little for me but after nearly 30 chapters, something needs to give.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566

    TBH, i'm having more fun right now than i've been in recent times.

    As i play mostly killer, the game feels very fun after the healing nerfs. Only MFT being a pain in the ass, but i hope they change it soon.

    I still do play survivor with friends - and sometimes in SoloQ - and have fun too. I think the game is in a very healthier state now that it ever was.

    One thing made me enjoy DBD much more: changing my mindset from a competitive one to a casual one. If i win, its fine!! If i lose, no problem.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 505

    Fairly satisfied but there are still too many bad maps are toolboxes need a nerf/redesign.