Made for This is getting a nerf soon



  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,167

    I would have to see it to be sure, as a fairly experienced DBD player, I'm sure you know that sometimes the game is just weird.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    To be fair I would accept the alternative of keeping the Endurance, and swapping the haste values of MfT and Dark Theory.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913
    edited September 2023

    That doesn't really address the problematic aspects of the perk. I see MfT almost every game, and I can probably count the number of times I've seen endurance from it on one hand. That's not why people are running it.

    "M1 killers are terrible, so they won't have to worry about a good perk" is a terrible argument. I don't know what my MMR is, but I've run into four-man SWFs all running MfT who have gotten gens done in six minutes with no slowdown perks on my part, and they're very hard to deal with. (Not impossible, but hard. I can run the most broken builds in the game, and getting a 2K is a struggle against those guys.)

    I think that BHVR is currently trying to encourage some kind of "speed meta" by giving survivors a broken perk and forcing killers to deal with it somehow, but nobody's running the intended killer counter perks, because they suck. They lose stacks when you swing, require you to give up bloodlust entirely for the entire game, only activate long enough to kick a few pallets after a gen pops and you're already losing, etc.

    If anything, they'll drop it to 1-2% and keep the Endurance. I also wouldn't say no to keeping it as it is, but making it a Boon totem with map-wide effects. Then it could be stacked with Dark Theory, which would be interesting and powerful, but would also make it counterable.

    At any rate, I don't hate MfT half as much as I hate For the People/Buckle Up. I can deal with MfT if I absolutely have to, but that combo is broken.

    Yes, but it's telling that everyone was complaining about it on the forums this time before he made the video. Usually, it'll be me and like two other people here saying that a perk is good (Eruption), and everyone will disagree with us until Otz makes a video, and then suddenly the entire forum turns into a river of flame.

    So you're one of the two others, then.

    Because, no, when that perk came out, everyone here dismissed it as a joke and said it was terrible and nobody should ever run it, same as they did with CoB/Overcharge.

    Also, you're dead on about Self-Care. That's another perk that's actually good (at least when it gets combined with Botany and Desperate) that gets dismissed out of hand around here.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    Hey if it makes w streaks even easier its always a good thing.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Survivors have been complaining about killers being OP for the past year and we still haven't heard anything to do with solo survivor changes.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I mean if you are going to include 6.1.0 changes, you should include

    DS: No endgame, 3s stun from 5s

    Self-Care: 35% from 50%

    Iron Will: 75% while not exhausted (why even 75%, you can still be heard quite easy and I have hearing damage)

    Calm Spirit: 30% slowdown for daring to not do gens.

    DH: Free insta-win button in loops that first got nerfed to use Endurance (if the Killer isn't laggy), then got nerfed further to only work post-unhook.

    CoH: Free Self-Care better than the old 50% self-care for the entire team. Dropped to We'll Make it only if a teammate is present.

    Also I'd say Eruption at the fair 6% 16s Incap is only sidegraded and arguably better at 10% and 12s aura read. Everyone knows 25s Incap was ludicrous and should never have happened. Sadly the people who used that version think they are good at the game since they had "Eruption MMR Inflation", and now can't handle normal Survivors in chase, let alone MfT users.

    The main problem with Survivor meta perks are pick your favorite exhaustion perk, then pick which design flaw you don't want to deal with.

    Killer on the other hand has a variety of fun and usable meme builds for the most part. You can go 11 STBFL stack Clown by bringing Rapid Brutailty alongside STBFL as usual. You can bring a basic Pop/Eruption/Nowhere to Hide. You can bring Endgame pain with NOED/NWO/Remember Me and tunnel the Obsession out. You can bring facecamping Bubba with Deadlock and get a minimum 2k. You can bring the classic Enduring/Spirit Fury. You can also bring Mad Grit and your favorite combination of carry perks.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    When running a whole build around self care its straight on better than taking a medkit under every possible circumstance. The problem is it is often associated with newer players and usually one sees the average soloq member running it and making horrible use out of it and dismisses how strong being able to self heal actually is


  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662
    edited September 2023

    Finally! Jesus, if only you knew how unplayable Sadako feels at times because of this perk. I literally have to run PWYF + Nemesis or Game Afoot to get things done.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Good. Hopefully it's a Kill All Survivors button for Killers. That almost has a chance to stop them from complaining.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    It's more about how lunges work. Lunges work by increasing your movement speed to 6.9 m/s for 0.9 seconds. But doesn't allow for any bonus movement speeds. So a lunge max range is 6.21 meters. But, the survivors are also moving forward during that 0.9 seconds based on their movement speed, so if they are moving faster, they effectively decrease the killer's lunge range on top of also increasing the time it takes to catch up to them.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2023

    yes. I know. m/s for survivor is cross for lunge distance and lunge speed for m1 killers. vault speed for survivor and raw m/s is other cross. strangely enough, survivor have resilience but there is no perk for killer that increases base m/s by a very small amount. either way, they're strong chasing stats that should be little careful with those.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777
    edited September 2023

    I use Self-Care/Overcome/Windows of Opportunity/Botany Knowledge as my main build and do very good as a solo player.

    Also a pretty good build for newer players as all the perks pretty much play the game for you/enable you.


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,208

    While I agree the Endurance is overkill and should be removed, removing that and doing nothing with the speedboost will not fix the perk. No perk on either side should give a permanent, untimed speedboost as unconditionally as MFT does. Simply being injured and not exhausted is not enough of an activation requirement for a speedboost that isn't on a time limit. Maps simply aren’t designed around that, even the good ones, and the worst part is it generally hurts the weaker killers the most.

    I also think Haste stacking needs to go on both sides and instead only the highest available bonus should be applied. It's only going to become more of an issue with the more perks that get added to the game over time and it would also open the door for some of the weaker Haste perks to be buffed without fear of needing to worry about balance issues with stacking.

    I think the main problem is if a perk gives a movement speed boost and doesn't have a strict condition to activate and/or it isn't on a time limit. Something like Blood Pact is ok because it's hard to maintain, Machine Learning is difficult to activate and only lasts for 30 seconds, Hope is only in endgame and does nothing the majority of the match. MFT lacks any of that.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    sounds boring and restricts chase builds on both sides. maybe that is good thing. not sure.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,167


    The average player will not get much value from the speed boost and they certainly won't feel it. They will feel and use the Endurance more often to go for dumb plays and get away with it.

    Unlike Buckle Up FTP, MFT doesn't really prevent or delay tunneling with its effect.

  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 390

    Next we can nerf the blight's Add-ons and alien's tail strike

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777


    Blight has been confirmed to be on the block and Alien's Tail is apparently bugged/also being looked at.

    These are all most likely dropping/changing in the mid-chapter.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,060

    And hopefully they will buff Dark Theory that only gives 2%.

    They need to remove the endurance effect and add a timer to the speed.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,337

    Running the perk is value you can greed with little punishment when you get extra loops out of filler pallets for getting injured in the first place. The endurance is just the cherry on top it.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842
    edited September 2023

    Why are people so obsessed with buffing Dark Theory? It could be 5% haste and the perk would still be bad. Find a totem, bless the totem, pray you get chased in the boon's radius, move the boon around as the match progresses.

    It just isn't worth it. The time you take to find a totem, and then bless said totem, is time spent not on a generator. In the current state of the game, survivors can scarcely afford to be wasting time not doing generators.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Something people in this thread seem to be forgetting is that if MFT loses the haste, the perk becomes useless. We then rotate back to SB/Lithe/DH. Then those get complained about ad nauseum.

    Why are people running MFT+Resilience? Because healing feels bad, and pointless. CoH gutted. Self-care nerfed. Medkits nerfed. I won't argue that CoH needed to be nerfed, because it was just way too strong with the values it had at the time. To completely gut it the way they did, however, was completely unnecessary and lazy.

    The devs have made it quite clear they want to avoid stale metas, but that's what you get if you keep nerfing every strong perk into the ground. This is true for both survivors and killers.

    Did Xeno really need to release with (yet another) aura reading perk? Was Rapid Brutality really the right call? Why couldn't we have seen a perk that inflicts Exhausted on a basic attack, like Sloppy does with Mangled and Hemmorhage?

  • Batraidyn
    Batraidyn Member Posts: 105

    That is quite possibly the worst idea I ever heard lol just bring it down to 2% and don't make it stack with hope

  • Batraidyn
    Batraidyn Member Posts: 105

    You realize that would make made for this buckle up but worst right

  • Batraidyn
    Batraidyn Member Posts: 105
  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    it literally makes no sense for perks to permanentely buff survivors because they got injured... mft doesn't need to "lose the haste" it just needs to lose the permanent effect.

    Give both Resi and MFT a 45s durating after being injured and they would be properly balanced perks, want the effects for next chase? you better heal up.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Crazy thing, I propose buffs for all bad perks (that I have an idea for, Killer and Survivor) as seen here:

    In particular I would also convert Medium vaults into Fast Vaults regardless of angle/speed with Dark Theory.

    I would make it so that niche perks are stronger than generalist perks, and all other perks are brought up to roughly the level of our current Meta perks. A good example of current niche design being stronger than generalist is We'll Make It/We're Gunna Live Forever compared to Botany. One only works after hook for a time frame, another only works on slugs, then the generalist version is half the strength. Those perks, relative to each other, are excellent design.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,914

    No one is running it purely for the Endurance. If the average player was wanting to go for those plays they would use Buckle Up.

    The only times I ever see the Endurance part activate is when it’s a good player who is playing aggressive. The “average player” never does. They are too scared to go for risky plays like that.

    If the average player does use MfT, it’s probably because every content creator is spamming it and they go “oh look Ayrun says this is OP so I should use it!”

    And if the average player doesn’t get value from it, what’s wrong with nerfing it then? Most players won’t notice it and the people who do don’t need it.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    But only a bad survivor would run in a straight line, and these aren't an issue at all.

    When you take into account the size difference between killers and survivors on a loop, the chase time increases quite a lot.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    You haven't watched a lot of competitive matches have you?

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    None where the survivors where not looping. Usually after a few hours of gameplay beginners start to do it.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,167

    Because it encourages players to run something different, try something new.

    I cannot speak for eveeyone, but I thought we DIDN'T like the stagnated meta with the same perks being meta for 7 years.

  • EternalRique
    EternalRique Member Posts: 146

    This is exactly it; they'll start crying about Adrenaline/Windows of Opportunity next just like when Dead Hard was nerfed and the crying switched to Lithe/Sprint Burst/Overcome.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,777

    Misery Squad rising up in here, too :(

  • Yet killers forget you get bloodlust literally for free. Doesn't even require a perk slot. 30s in chase without a hit have another 5%. and then 15s later here's another 5%. all the way up to the point you're 130% but survivors nope you can't have that 3% for that perk slot you've used.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,914

    Replacing overpowered perks with other overpowered perks isn’t the way to change up the meta though.

    The meta already shifted when Dead Hard was nerfed and it was fine, now it’s back to having an overpowered perk run almost every game. And Dead Hard is back in the meta again thanks to MfT so the meta feels samey again.