Xenomorph popularity is a blessing

Thanks to Xenomorph, DBD finally got rid of Wesker. Now hes not in every single match and Xenomorph mostly taken his place.
I honestly hope it stay this way, cause playing against Xeno is way more fun then mr. Walking Glitch aka Wesker.
When falling against Xenomorph, i know its not because BHVR spaghetti code couldnt handle complex ability right and hitboxes gone wild, i know its either my mistake, killer oversmarting me, or both. This makes me want to actually improve and chase with him more often. Thank you, BHVR, you solved one of most annoying things in DBD, not how we expected, but solved. I even bought Queen Xenomorph skin to support you for doing this.
It's funny you should say that, because I've faced more Weskers in the last few days than I usually do. I've been facing a lot of strong killers actually, tbh. Which is odd, because I've lost 30+ games against the Xeno and there's no way my ranking isn't absolute rock bottom right now.
Perhaps the Xeno release / constant 100% BP Survivor bonus has really screwed up the MMR system and the game is just dumping survivors into any old lobby now.
Anyway, I couldn't agree more. Wesker is one of my least favourite killers to face and I'm thankful that I don't face him very often. I mean yeah, the Xeno is very strong and you'll probably get turbo stomped on. But at least the Alien is usually fun to verse.
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Tanking MMR takes a lot , even though i have gone many losing streaks in the past i still get match with/against 1-2k hours players.
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Honestly I'd rather go against Wesker than Xenomorph. At least Wesker has at least some sort of viable counterplay. I'm tired of seeing Xenomorph.
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I was actually saying this during the PTB. Would Xeno more or less take Wesker's spot as most used killer?
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wdym? i geniunely enjoy playing against xeno, at least much more then against wesker.
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xeno is annoying to play against rn. will be fun after a nerf.
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I will gladly take Weskers back because i never had problem against him.
He has fair counters and outplaying him is always fun.
Playing against Xeno is different, you know you will take hit no matter what you did.
I don't think this will happen but hopefully Xeno's hype dies soon, so i can go back to normal DbD.
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I doubt it. They might share the crown though. In which case I'm all for it.
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Tired of seeing Xeno or does Xeno have no counterplay? I see a lot of complaints about Xeno and going by my many years with this community, I think people are just sick of going against the same thing over and over again. I don't think there would be this much hate if survivors faced Xeno in 1/10 games. I think it's mostly recency bias and that we haven't had a good killer in many chapters.
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I’m glad wesker isn’t being seen as much. Much happier with xenomorph.
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Definitely having more fun against Xeno than Wesker by alot.
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No alien made killer queues insanely long and I wouldnt mind him being nerfed just so I can get bp on and play killer again lol
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Yesterday i didn´t get a single match against Alien or Wesker. Got killers i usually don´t face: Dredge, Wraith, Myers and Spirit.
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Yeah, no. I'll take Wesker over Xeno any day.
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Yeah ... Xeno is a blessing .... *looking at the steam player charts and nods*
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My survivor games have pretty much gone back to normal now. Obviously I'm still seeing the Xeno a lot (which is to be expected), but it's not every game now. Lots of killers have gone back to their mains it seems. I guess a lot of players overdosed on the Alien on release day.
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idk where all those endless xeno games are.
all I get is everything but xeno.
Spent the entire day playing survivor, got xeno only twice and one time the server crashed before we even played the game and in another game teammate tried to kms on hook and then idled, despite us doig well.
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I've gone from having streaks of 5 and 4 straight matches against Wesker, to a mix of several killers, a decent amount Xeno's but last night got Sadako's doing the slugging build twice in 3 games, so hope that isn't going to become too frequent. That is miserable to go against.
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The drop on steam chart has nothing to do with xenomorph, it's just the usual drop in numbers after anniversary event.
Happens every year.
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I was expecting more new players, just because of the name. the decline in the number of players also coincides with the end of the summer holidays in many european countries.
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just got a game against wesker after a long time and he just locked me inside a texture. Now im even more conviced Xeno is a blessing.
I dont know why anyone would say THIS is better then Xeno. We live in different worlds.
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This has to be bait. There is WAY more you can do to avoid going down against Wesker. Playing against Xeno is fat GG at literally any loop.
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I agree.
But as a bigger fan of Alien than Resident evil (and rightly so!) I may be biased.
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Same, at least he doesn't have BS hits all over a pallet or around corners (???) like how is that even possible that it's able to hit around a corner when you're not even injured?
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Yes, that is an accurate display of it being Wesker's fault and not the gamer behind said killer who does it 🤡 or the Ash standing there next to him as well. Nope, all on Wesker.
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I would rather see Wesker for the rest of eternity than play against any more Xenomorphs, he's essentially just old slinger with map traversal.
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Survivors hate Wesker because they constantly faced him. Same will happen with any killer that becomes popular. Weak or not.
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In the last two days I already faced a lot less xenos as in the first week. Maybe 4-5 in 20-25 games. Add a few weskers, blights, nurses, huntress and you have the standard rotation. A small rest can be filled up with a mixture of spirit, nemi, bubba. Maybe 1 out of 25 games has a killer I didn't mention. (Only my personal experience)
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i really really REALLY can't see the problem with wesker, he is super fun to verse. xeno is just another slinger/nemesis with a tp and is awful for survivors. and way more common than weskers now. ew.
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Id argue people would actually enjoy a popular killer that you can dunk on easily. At least the survivor side would enjoy it at the very least.
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Tbf try to convince someone who does not already like singularity as a concept to play him, if you do not like his overall theme or the cctv type of power there is no reason to play him, and this comes from someone who plays him a lot.
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you dont understand, he does not bodyblock me, he literally threw me there with his ability and im stuck and cant move. His ability is most glitched things in the game, even more then twins
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Yes, but killers won't play those causing what happend with Singularity.
With popular killers, the fatigue of facing them over and over makes survivors believe it must be because they're strong. They stop trying during those matches and feeds into the narrative when the team gets stomp.
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I'm just waiting for the Predator. It's going to break the game lol. Predator is never to far behind the Alien.
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They will nerf Xeno as soon as they hit their target sales of the DLC, guarantee it. Then move onto making the next poweful killer for the next DLC, wait until everybody that buys that, then nerf that, and so on.
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Personally, I prefer Wesker and never really had a problem with his high popularity. They are also more fun to go against than Xenomorph.
People will also not be happy to see Xenomorph all the time, mainly because they are harder to deal with and once they are as popular as Wesker, people will also be fed up with facing it over and over again.
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I face xenomorph once since release. I still have a lot of wesker like 2/3 of my matches are facing this killer. I'm on EU server.
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this doesnt work like this, bruh. Like what a last time we got "powerful" killer not counting Alien? its wesker who literally glitched into TIER A killers. And they didnt nerf him.