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Why do Survivors dodge P100 Survivors?

I got my first character to P100 this morning! I know killers dodge constantly, but why do other Survivors in the P30 to P60 range dodge? I wasn't expecting this at all and I'm on their team. So what do you all think is going on?

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  • Member Posts: 1,491


  • Member Posts: 4,693

    Maybe they're expecting P100s to run flashlight and flop around trying to get flash-saves.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    This happen when you were P99 too?

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    I'm so sad by this. I want to run Terrormuis to help them with their grind but every single one just leaves

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    Honestly only the killer dodging. I swear the Survivor thing started this morning when I hit P100

  • Member Posts: 1,960
  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Not if you focus all you bp on one character. My Nurse is P49 but that's only after P6 new chapter characters (~12 to 13 million bp) and I don't play as much as I used to. She's would be P100 if I just focused on her.

  • Member Posts: 4,655

    Performance anxiety maybe? Jealousy?

    I honestly don't know. I don't dodge p100 survivors as killer. I usually never dodge lobbies in general.

    The only exception are sometimes streamers because I don't like to be someone's content or entertainment.

  • Member Posts: 7

    As someone else suggested, it's probably performance anxiety. When I was newer, I used to dodge lobbies with P100 Survivors because I thought I'd drag the team down. Figured they were so good and I was so bad, and didn't want to make them have a bad game where they're constantly saving me.

    So, yeah. It's not a you thing. It's a them thing. I hope you find some fun lobbies!!

  • Member Posts: 816

    I don't judge players by prestige anymore. It tells me some things. Not a baby, probably really likes that character, but it doesn't tell me who I'm playing. If anything, it tells me a survivor probably plays for points. They probably don't want to end the game early for the same reason I don't, it's hollow if I didn't get the points. Gen rushing is a like a snowball, wins you the game but neither side gets the payoff they'd get in a struggle.

    Also, I've played against so many high-prestige players that were surprisingly average. I've prestiged killers I can barely play, so I've given survivors the same experience.

    All it really says is that a player either plays a lot, or only plays that character.

  • Member Posts: 857

    In my experience it's also very likely that the Killer will assume that they are good and tunnel someone with a lower prestige, so the level 13 Felix thinks it is his best interest to find better odds. It's really funny how many Killers nope the fog out when I win a single, solitary mindgame with my P100 Meg.

  • Member Posts: 2,113

    As a killer main, it's usually always p100s who DC or give up on first hook when it looks like the match won't go their way. Typically, if I down someone and hook within the first minute of the game, the p100 drops. Maybe some survivors just don't want to deal with how often it happens where they are a man down.

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    I actually have seen that quite often as a Survivor playing with the P100s. I wish people knew I'm in it until the end.

  • Member Posts: 862

    Im an open book. So ill tell you what makes me dodge my teammates.

    1. If ur wearing default with a lower prestige number. My apologies. But in the past most people who go in like this, are the ones who brings down the team. But they try tho. I give them that.

    2. Repetitive items(specifically only flashlights). If im going in with 3 or more flashlights(me included), i just know gens arent going to get done. We are going to all be following each other trying to get saves and usually, that doesnt work in our favor. And of course lightborn likely.

    3. Too many people are leaving the lobby. As it was pointed out. The mmr system prioritizes finding anyone much higher or lower from you if ppl keep leaving to get into the matches quicker. This causes outliers for me and could make the matches more one sided.

    But honestly, i rarely dodge p100 teammates. And even then, the matches can go either way. I stay because at least they may have more game sense which makes it more exciting

  • Member Posts: 421
    edited September 2023

    I don't always dodge, but sometimes. P100's are often targeted by killers and camped and tunneled out of the game. Those games then basically turn into something unwinnable for the whole team just because the killer wanted to boast he was able to get somebody out of the game asap who was soooo much "better" (meaning much higher prestige ...). When that happens a few times, I start dodging the P100's.

    Other than that, I will always dodge if the killer leaves so it becomes a backfill lobby. If the killer dodges because of a P100, I dodge too, but not because of the P100 but because of backfill.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited September 2023

    I might sometimes dodge because I assume they won't want to play with a low prestige survivor anyway (I have lots of P1-P3 survivors, but my highest is only 8). I've had entire lobbies clear out on me before, so I figure I should be the one to bounce first.

    I also worry that if the killer sees high prestige survivors in the lobby, they'll be playing extra sweaty. Because I think the same way when I see a P100 or two as killer and I prepare myself for a hard time (because they're often cocky and toxic with it too).

    I also get the impression I'm just there to make up the numbers in a lot of lobbies and I'm going to get immediately tunnelled out by the killer at record speed.

    The sooner they hide prestige in the lobbies, the better. Give the MMR a chance to do its thing.

  • Member Posts: 6,135

    Probably just a coincidence. See if it becomes a pattern.

  • Member Posts: 390
    edited September 2023

    Whenever I solo queue survivor I dodge out if there's 3 P100 Survivors because more often than not they will either never unhook you or unhook you in front of the killers and get you killed. Usually they're in groups and are toxic af.

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2023

    Some people think 100+ prestige survivors can be cheaters who will drag out the game for both sides especially if it's on a newer survivor

    Heck I dodge legacy players myself as my only encounters(which was 1 to be fair) with them were subtle cheaters(downed a legacy meg and no joke was turning on and off her speed hacks while crawling and it legit made her jump from place to place) and they made it nearly impossible to pick them up with their junky cheats

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    P100's have over 5 hours in play time. I want these people in my matches.

  • I usually avoid P100s because they're the ones usually hiding away and sacrificing teammates in 90% of my games.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
    edited September 2023

    Apparently there is a test of some sort going on (but only for random players) where prestige icons in the lobby have been disabled. Apparently I am one, because I haven't seen anyone's prestige pre-game, killer or surv, since Xeno dropped.

    I'm not actually sure I like it, thought I though I would have.

    Not sure what can be gleaned from such a test, unless they're limiting the matchmaking to only those in the test group, and my queue times have been normal.

    Players with legacy skins that could only have been earned way back, so you know they've been around a long time and are probably pretty good.

    Post edited by Thusly_Boned on
  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Probably cause the P100s they've played with have been bad (that has been my experience with one P100 I encountered in the wild, they were AFKing in a corner of the map doing nothing).

  • Member Posts: 6,135
    edited September 2023

    I played three games last night. One was with a P100 Jake, who was just okay (he died first, wasn't tunnelled). Another was against a P100 Huntress, who was also just okay (ran her for over 2 gens and she left me alone for the rest of the match). I think people need to realize its been like 14 months since we got the ability to get to P100, and in that time we've had plenty of chances to invest bps (the 7th anniversary masquerade was nuts) and so we'll be seeing alot more P100s and most are just average players like all of us.

    Edit: and I was just facecamped by a P100 Blight. That's all I need to say lol

    Post edited by Nazzzak on
  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2023

    I'll dodge if others including the killer dodge.

    Typically P100 means the killer will dodge, repeatedly, and it's just quicker to load a fresh lobby.

    And the killer that doesn't dodge, likely has something up their sleeve to deal with the P100, like tunneling them out.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    I wish they just hide prestige already. People who lobby shop a lot are annoying and mess up already trash matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 119

    How long it took you to get to P100? Do you get more rare items? Had I known I'll be forced to prestige I would have stockpiled on rare add ons lmao

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited September 2023

    A player that prestiged before the first bloodweb rework and got a unique skin for the characters they prestiged

    And because of them being so rare nowadays due to a lot of them losing it from transferring platforms or quitting

    You're more likely to encounter a cheater with legacy than a legit legacy player as the legacy skin although rare is a detriment as it glows and only applies to the default skin so actual legacy players rarely use it over the cosmetics they like

    Also ignore the image file name I got it from Google and was too lazy to change the file name lol

  • Member Posts: 70

    i dont want to deal with a killer freaking out because they think p100 is special, whether it be tunneling someone out at four gens bc they dont want to chase the p100, or tunneling the p100 because they think killing them proves something. it doesnt really have much to do with how i think the p100 survivor is going to perform, because i equal them to my other teammates. its more of worrying about the kiler's reaction. also i dont want to wait in a lobby for three extra minutes because all the killers are dodging, then when a killer doesnt dodge it ends up being a four slowdown blight with adrenaline vial blighted crow.

  • Member Posts: 2,661

    It took me since the prestige method changed. So, about just over a year.

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